Building Your Best Life: A Young Person’s Guide to Creating the Life You’d Love to Live (2024)



Your Best Life

A Young Person’s Guide to

Creating the Life You’d Love to Live



Copyright © 2024 Merie Weismiller Wallace, MFA, SMPSP, CBCP.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Illustrations by Cassie Alisande Wallace

Cover photographs by Merie Weismiller Wallace

Author portrait photograph by Alexander Schottky

Archway Publishing

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Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

ISBN: 978-1-6657-5431-6 (sc)

ISBN: 978-1-6657-5433-0 (hc)

ISBN: 978-1-6657-5432-3 (e)

Library of Congress Control Number: 2023923737

Archway Publishing rev. date: 5/8/2024

To my eighteen-year-old self, what no one ever told me.

To my innovative daughter.

To all the young people of the world. May you actualize and meet your full potential.


Forward by Jack Canfield


Introduction by the Author

Chapter 1: What No One Ever Told Me

Don’t Just Wait for Change

What No One Talks About

Let Your Emotions Be a Guide

Intention + Action = Results

Repetitive Thoughts Are Self-Fulfilling

The Tools of Change

Your Building Your Best Life Workbook

Why No One Told You

What’s Working for You and What Isn’t

Interest Is the First Step

The Goal of Happiness

Open Your Mind to the Possibilities

What Seems Right to You?

The Satisfaction Is in the Process

Life’s Ups and Downs


Chapter 2: Starting Where You Are

Five Steps to Assist Change

The Way It Was

Take a Break

Our Thoughts Are a Force in Our Lives

An Important Tip: Be Nice

Self-Awareness Is Key

What Is Unacceptable? What Is Acceptance?

You Are What You Think

Claiming Your Happiness

You Are More Than Your Circ*mstances

So Who Are You Anyway?

When You Are Not in Charge

A Quick Glance at College

You Are Truly Unique

Money Can’t Buy Happiness

What Are You Attracting or Broadcasting?

Act As If

The Complexities of Personal Problems

If It’s Happening, You Can Handle It

Finding Faults Doesn’t Serve You

Going Forward

Chapter 3: If You Had a Magic Wand

Imagine You Have a Magic Wand

The Power of Asking Questions

A Quick Look at What’s Bothering You

The Pros and Cons of Now

Sustained Thoughts and Emotions Create Results

Imagine It the Way You Want It

If You Don’t Know What You Want

Your Workbook Is Your Magic Wand

Chapter 4: What Really Matters?

This Matters

Feeling Grateful Matters

Providence Is Moving

Make It Happen!

Your Unique Talents

Your Unique Interests

Of Longing and Discontent

What Is a Feeling Actually?

Taking a Look at Bad Feelings

Feel the Positive Emotions

Worry versus Brainstorming

Down with Stress

The Restorative Power of Sleep

Back to Positive Emotions, Have You Tried Love?

Chapter 5: Keeping It All in Balance

The Areas in a Whole Life

Defining All Areas of Life

Relationships: Family and Friends

Creative You

Intellectual You


Financial Well-Being




Your Favorite Parts of Life Now and Intended

Chapter 6: Cleaning Up the Messes

The Many Messes

Cleaning Up Physical Messes in the House

Concepts for Happy Spaces

Cleaning Up Your Physical Health

Cleaning Up Financial Messes

Cleaning Up Messes at Work or School

Cleaning Up Relationship Messes

Blame Is Focus Outward

You’re in Charge

Cleaning Up Mental and Emotional Messes


Words Matter

Monkey Mind

When Bad Feelings Get in the Way of Moving On

Cleaning Up Your Life

Chapter 7: Overcoming Obstacles

Try Another Perspective

Trust Your Instincts

Obstacles Are Guides

Solution Techniques

Eliminate Competing Goals

Life Happens for You, Not to You

The Yin and Yang of Progress

Limiting Beliefs

Stigmas and Prejudices

Doubts as Obstacles

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

Unblocking the Obstacles in Your Thoughts and Feelings

Looking at Wanting, Wishing, Need, and Intention

The Energy of Emotions


Resistance to Change

What Do Essential Oils, Music, and Pets Have in Common?

Don’t Move to the Back of Your Own Ship

If You Aren’t Sure

When Your Old Patterns Persist

Chapter 8: What Is Your Calling?

Life Purpose and Calling = Your Talents and Your Interests

Do You Fit in or Stand Out?

Empower to the People

Inspired Action

Enjoy the Process

Imagine Your Options

Think Outside the Box

Search High and Low

They Want to Pay You to Do What You Love!

Back to Your Interests

It’s Time to Be Interested in You

Act with Confidence

If You Still Don’t Know, It’s Okay—You Are on Your Path to Find Out

About Your Professional Life

Chapter 9: Planning Your Great Life

What’s the Plan?

You Are in Charge of Yourself

In Support of Education and Training

What Do You Really Want in Your Life?

Indecision Brings Mixed Results

Commitment Generates Relevant Results

Going Forward from Here

Predominant Thoughts Manifest

In with the New, Dreams Come True

Dream Board

Creativity in Life

Life Shows You Yourself Every Day

It Has to Be Believable to You

The Love Exercise

Do unto Others and unto You: Respect

Give but Not to Your Own Detriment

What Looks Bad Could Be Good

Step by Step by Step

To Do or Not to Do?

Chapter 10: Make It Happen

Your Ability

Manifesting: Making It Happen

Use Your Dream Board

The Hour of Power

The Science behind the Unseen

Healing on All Levels

Forces Greater Than Our Circ*mstances

Synchronicity, Coincidence, Passion, and Inspiration

Increase Your Resources and Abilities

Ask for Help


The Book of You

Your Words Have Power

Do It Nervous or Excited

Motivation and Inspiration

Act as If You Are Successful

Make Time in Your Calendar

The Purpose and Power of Meditation

A How-To for Prayer and Meditation

The Grounding Power of Nature

The Power of Happiness

Create the Shift

Live Your Life Fully Today

Empower Others

The Concept of Structural Tension

Trust Your Intuition

Have Confidence

The Law of Attraction at Work

Stick to Your Plan

Make Your To-Do List Inspiring!

This Has Always Been True

Chapter 11: Forward from Here

Begin to Live the Life You Envision

Act on Opportunities

Becoming Who You Really Are: Healing Emotional Baggage and Family Patterns

The Quantum Field at Play

Be Aware of Your Thoughts

The Power of Your Feelings

Meditation Quiets the Mind So You Can Hear Yourself

When Your Vision Doesn’t Fit Your Current Life

Make a Difference

Aim for Neptune

This Dream or Something Better

Honor Your Individuality, Unique Perspective, and Interests

Have a Broad Vision


Appendix 1

Appendix 2

About the Author


Congratulations! You are holding in your hands a life-changing book—one I wish I had had when I was younger. Building Your Best Life by Merie Weismiller Wallace is an inspirational and empowering exploration of your innate ability to create a healthy, meaningful and fulfilling life. While Merie mainly wrote it as a guide for teens and young adults, it is applicable to anyone at any age and any time when you are looking for direction in your life.

In a rapidly changing world where being inexperienced can seem daunting, this book serves to normalize the many concerns and questions you may have about what the future will bring.

Merie has had a very successful career as a still photographer in the film industry, and many of the iconic images you’ve seen are hers. Included in this book she shares what it took to achieve her success, and then she shows you how to personally customize it so you can follow your own unique path.

Taking concepts from many eras, cultures and strategies, and translating them into clear tips and tools for making personal choices, Merie lays the foundation for you to create a fulfilling future in all areas of your life, not just professional. Between the tools she describes in this book and the workbook she also offers, you will be empowered to take responsibility for building your own best life while enjoying the process.

If you are a young person, this book will help you bypass some of the more common mistakes most people make, and more easily take positive action toward creating your own rewarding future while at the same time contributing to the betterment of life on earth.

Here’s to your success!

— Jack Canfield, New York Times bestselling author of The Success Principles™: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be and the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series


Thank you to my support team during the process of creating this book:

Cassie Wallace for her thorough, scathing, applauding and detailed editorial work, and her serious push for objective integrity.

Georgia Sargeant, initial substantive editor.

Beta readers Tal Wallace, Jenny Newell, Jessica Keesler, Donna Pace, and Tawnee Hensel.

Partial beta readers Kimberly Hunn and Amanda DeMaria.

Mariana Chaffee, final read-through adviser.

Barbara Laing, Karen ZoBell, and Ellen Freund for their sincere and detailed support efforts.

Jack Canfield, Katheryn Trestain, and the 2021 Mastermind Group of friends, advocates, and accountability partners who encouraged me as I wrote the first draft.

Jack Canfield and Deborah King for their important support and focused dedication to the wellbeing and advancement of others.

The Archway Publishing team.

Emmet Sargeant and Beagle Sound Studio in Santa Barbara, California for the Building Your Best Life companion audio book recording and production.

Thanks to Tal Wallace for believing in me and supporting my efforts when I doubted myself as a young photographer, and again at the beta-draft stage of this book.

Introduction by the Author

I was a young person who didn’t know what I wanted or what I could do with my life when I grew up. Like so many, I walked through schools and unskilled summer jobs reacting to what life presented. I saw others who seemed to know what they wanted, but I didn’t know what I was good at or what mattered enough to me to pursue. I didn’t have a clear idea of how I’d love my life to be. On the outside, I was happy and gregarious, yet inside I didn’t have confidence in my abilities. I didn’t know that my individuality and authenticity were strengths. I had no idea how to look for an interesting job, build a meaningful career, or why someone would want to hire me. I knew I’d have to work for a living, but I was a creative person trying to pour myself into a linear education and business model. I was a young woman who wanted a husband and children but not to be dependent or underactualized. Deep down, I felt like there must be more to life than what I was seeing around me in the rat races of competitive schools and scarce or harrying jobs.

So I started searching. I was driven to travel and adventure, to read books and take workshops, and to live in other cultures. I came across ideas and facts that no one had ever told me and practices I’d heard people put down because they didn’t actually understand them. I picked and chose what made sense to me and finally started making authentic choices and meeting kindred spirits whose ideas astonished me and opened my eyes and mind.

The results are in this book.

Have you ever felt that you are unusual but trying to conform? Do you know what you want to do to support yourself financially—or with your life? Maybe you have an idea, but you’re not sure how to get there. Are you among the many people just trying to handle your circ*mstances, sensing that there is more you want out of life than what seems available to you?

If you said yes to any of those questions, then this book is for you. You can explore it with the secret knowledge that it is one way to get where you belong. Let me support you on your path toward meaningful work, improving family dynamics, achieving personal growth, inspiration, and self-actualization—now and as you continue to grow through your years.

What you’ll find on these pages has been drawn from many cultures and perspectives. Some ideas are obvious, others are obscure, some are counterculture, some are philosophical and spiritual, and some are misrepresented in Western culture but eye-opening. I want to empower you to make positive changes while strengthening the parts of your life that you already love. Like any good toolbox, this book is filled with diversity so that you can pick the right tools for your unique interests and circ*mstances.

You might be surprised to know how many people pick their heads up late in life and ask themselves, How did I end up here? and they begin a path of personal work to find themselves and their happiness. I’m giving you a heads-up and head start to make choices that will help you claim your life—starting young! Building Your Best Life will help you discover your authentic self and break through uncertainty. It will help you tip the scale toward new thinking so that you can bring value into your life.

May you become your authentic, inspired self, living happily in active support of a flourishing planet.

Enjoy the read, enjoy the process, and think for yourself.


Merie Weismiller Wallace

Chapter One

What No One Ever Told Me

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.

Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.

Writer and scientist Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832)

Y ou are not adrift in the sea of life. In the best way, your life is up to you.

Right now, that may sound like freedom to you or like a daunting responsibility. Either way, imagine that there are important and exciting ways to actively build your life—one that you will love to live and that will allow you to experience happiness and fulfillment no matter where you are—starting today.

And you are the right person to do it for yourself.

This book holds concepts and methods I learned during the adventure of my life, things that no one ever told me about: interests, talents, imagination, choice, and intention, including truths I definitely learned the hard way. It really started when I was failing in junior high because I wasn’t interested and didn’t care, and one day I imagined with displeasure where that was leading. Then I imagined exactly what I would prefer, and through an odd series of events, I found myself in a progressive and rigorous high school, which changed my life. No one told me I had used a technique of visualization that successful people use purposefully. No one was even talking about ideas like that for me to overhear. I never knew most of the ideas and techniques in this book existed, yet somehow I had a gut feeling that there was more to life than people were talking about in my early schools, jobs, and family.

I’m talking about things here and now in your life that you too can use to create a happy and fulfilling life.

Look around you. There are people who live their whole lives working jobs or staying in relationships they don’t enjoy, simply reacting to what happens around them, overeating or drinking to relieve boredom or assuage pain, and not making their own choices. They live like anchorless ships adrift at sea, reacting to the winds, storms, and the doldrums of life.

Do you feel some longing or discontent with your life today, or with where it looks like you’re headed?

If you start paying attention to what really matters to you, if you notice what comes your way and consider if it fits into what you want for yourself, and if you choose things that make you feel good, you can create a great life. Maybe you already know what you want to do for paid work, fun, interests, and to fix problems you notice. And maybe you don’t. Either way, what you will discover in these chapters are ideas and techniques for building a life where you wake up happy, healthy, and fulfilled.

And the best part is that you can start from exactly the point in your life that you are at today, no matter what that seems like to you right now.

Sure, there will be ups and downs; that is a real part of life. But did you know that the down times are an important part of growing and learning to make important choices? Next time you are feeling low or irritable, ask yourself, What would I do differently if I were in charge? Imagine clearly how you would prefer things to be. It is a beginning, and there are tools throughout the book to keep you going. As you grow through ups and downs, rain or shine, being solid in yourself and in your balanced life will allow you to see the gold nuggets in your problems, handle the storms of life, and keep you sailing ahead on your authentic life course.

Many times when I was young, I experienced being a creative, unique soul trapped in a life where I felt powerless, reactive, and swept in directions I did not want to go and didn’t belong. I felt it when I was memorizing facts in school, instead of understanding the remarkable life contexts they fit into. I felt it when advertisem*nts glorified people and possessions I didn’t have or couldn’t relate to. As a teen, I experienced depression to dangerous depths, like when my boyfriend broke up with me and it hit me too hard (unknown to me, it was an echo from my childhood), and I thought my life was lonely and horrible. Yet I also knew deep down that something else was wrong that I just couldn’t put my finger on. My problems were covered up and shoved down year after year, until one day, in my first year of college, struggling with an eating disorder and trying to study, something started to dawn on me Wait a minute. On the outside, I’m gregarious and doing well in a good school. I have a great boyfriend. I have so much going for me. And at the same time, secretly I have bulimia, I feel blind and worried about my future, and I feel debilitating jealousy when my charming boyfriend shines around other people. Something is very wrong here. That is what started me on my journey out of the box.

I share that with you only to say that is where I started. Each one of us starts with our own problems and circ*mstances. It is what we do with them that matters.

Fast-forward to today, where, despite ups and downs, I have a family I love deeply, I love where I live, I have a remarkably successful and fulfilling career as a photographer (one that I surely didn’t see coming!), and I’m certified in energy release work so that I can help other people in a way I find fascinating and rewarding. My life has not always been easy, and the path here wasn’t clear, but it has been an exciting and remarkable journey. Using the tools I discovered along the way, I am happy now most days, and when I’m not, I can look at my turmoil for the truths about myself that I need to learn. I’m still on my path and persistent in my commitment to strengthen my life in all areas. I am not adrift in the sea of life. I am embracing my life as I develop my potential and enjoy the true alternatives available to us all. You can be engaged, fulfilled, and happy, too, starting from right where you are today.

Nobody spoke to me like this when I was young and starting out. No one ever told me what was possible. It seemed like they thought in another way, with cans and can’ts, shoulds and shouldn’ts; they saw the world in black and white. This book shares the tools and techniques I learned during my unexpected and remarkable life so that you can choose the ones that make sense to you and build your own life the way you would love it to be.

Don’t Just Wait for Change

You might be surprised at how many people are simply waiting for their circ*mstances to change, waiting for a better day. They react to life as it comes, putting one foot in front of the other, and they do not have an awareness of what other possibilities are available at every moment. Or they think their situation is too difficult to get out of or that they don’t actually deserve something better. Their burdens obscure their vision.

Yet there are many ways to think differently and change circ*mstances. For example, most young people probably assume that if all goes well for the next several years, they will end up with a steady job and a roof over their heads, right?

But what if you were to make which job and which roof your priority? What if you decided with certainty that you want a nice, affordable place to live in a town or district where you would really enjoy living? What if you had fun exploring where that might be and what kind of living situation suits you best? Maybe you’d like a dynamic apartment complex with a pool and gym, or a cool little private guesthouse with a beautiful backyard. Maybe you’d like to stay where you are and save money for an adventure. What would you choose? What would you choose?

Do you see how there is a difference in thinking? One is like a ship at the mercy of the winds, tides, and doldrums; the other is the course set by an

Building Your Best Life: A Young Person’s Guide to Creating the Life You’d Love to Live (2024)
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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.