A Court of Silver Flames (Part 1 of 2) [Dramatized Adap… (2024)


427 reviews6,277 followers

January 2, 2024

Full cast ✅ Cassian ✅ Good soundtrack and graphics ✅ Cassian ✅ Awesome narration and storytelling ✅ Cassian ✅ Mesmerizing and immersive ✅ Cassian

As much as I like Nesta, Cassian wins part 1 👀🤭

I miss the inner circle. So here we go, another reread lol 🥺


astarion's bhaal babe (wingspan matters)

867 reviews4,031 followers

August 30, 2023

alexa play the weeknd's entire discography

I'll be honest with you guys and admit I was toally ready to be let down at least a little by this, but all the narrators did such a flawless job that I couldn't stop listening to this masterpiece.
Colleen Delany (Narrator), Natalie Van Sistine (Nesta) and Jon Vertullo (Cassian) took one of my absolute favorite books and made it perfect with their impeccable performance.
I'll forever be in awe of the way Cassian's narrator caught every shade of his sweet and passionate personality. I had chills every time he talked.
Natalie Van Sistine was born to give Nesta a voice.
Their joined scenes were simply divine.
I'm still not done sweating out all my electrolytes because of that particular dining room scene, and I probably won't until part 2 comes out and the Lord of Headboards everywhere will make his appearance, dooming us all to perpetual gawking.

The only thing I feel allowed to complain about is that Azriel's voice actor sounds way too chirpy for the character, almost like he just popped out of a new-adult sitcom.
I've always liked Az's humor, but I've also always imagined him with a deeper and quieter voice to match the subtle sarcasm.

Can't wait for part 2.
I probably won't survive it, but if I have to go, it'd be an honor to do it with Joe and Natalie's sexy voices whispering filthy, sweet things in my ears.


Valkyrie ✨

640 reviews822 followers

December 7, 2023

The way SJM created the perfect fictional boyfriend in Rhysand and just annihilated him in this book should be studied in school.

That being said...

Cassian's voice

A Court of Silver Flames (Part 1 of 2) [Dramatized Adap… (4)

    fave-female-main-character fave-male-main-character faves


1,057 reviews1,399 followers

February 24, 2024

Nesta, give me Cassian please

Cassian, if she don’t want ya, I’ll take ya 👀.

I love these graphic audiobooks! Extra points for it 👏🏻

Part 1 leaves off from where 3.5 ends.

Potential spoilers for the first half of the book ahead:

Nesta’s still recovering from everything that happened because of the cauldron, specifically their father’s death, and all the destruction that happened in the previous books. She’s angry at the world, at the unfairness, at herself.

There’s a lot of tension between her and Feyre too.

But the tension I love is the one between her and Cassian 👀.

That man’s so fiiiiiine 😅

The training scenes 🫠 ufff. The tension

This man makes breathing sexy 🥵

There’s a lot going on in terms on what’s happening with the trove, the effects of the cauldron, the powers Nesta has, the bog, the mask, and what will need to get done.

I FLOOOOVE seeing Rhys and Feyre 🥹
Gahhhh!! And she’s pregnant 😭. We knew she was gonna have a boy when the bone carver told her in book 3, but to know it’s happening makes me feel so gooey inside 🥹🫶

And, I loooove that the high priestesses are training ❤️ these females have suffered so much ☹️
Gwen and Emory have so much strength!

I DO NOT love:
Nesta’s anger towards Feyre and Rhys.
I’m clearly biased since I love Feyre and Rhys so much lol
But I DO understand what she endured ain’t easy. So I sympathize with her 🫶

Once I finish the entire book, I’ll write a better review ❤️

⚠️safety squad⚠️ (for the first half)
-no cheating/sharing/owd
-mental health/depression/PTSD/anxiety
-omd: the h is with OM when the H goes to get her out of her depression. She’s been with many since book 3
-no virgins/the H hasn’t been with anyone in two years. The H was just with OM when the H gets her
-parental death recounted
-previous SA attempt recounted
-previous battles/struggles recounted
-the h takes a tea that prevents her from getting pregnant

♥︎ Heather ⚔

558 reviews662 followers

October 16, 2023

I’ll never stop loving and rereading this book and giving it 5 stars. Nesta is such a bad ass, I love her.

I need a house of wind. 🖤

Here I go again.. 4th re-read.. I can't just listen to part 2 alone...🥂


❝ 𝐼 𝒶𝓂 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓇𝑜𝒸𝓀 𝒶𝑔𝒶𝒾𝓃𝓈𝓉 𝓌𝒽𝒾𝒸𝒽 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓈𝓊𝓇𝒻 𝒸𝓇𝒶𝓈𝒽𝑒𝓈

𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐦𝐞.❞ ♥

❝ 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝙽𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚊 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎- 𝚌𝚕𝚒𝚖𝚋 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗.❞ ♥

3rd re-read - I really tried to wait until part 2 is out in October but.. ㋡

══✿══╡°˖✧✿✧˖°╞══✿══ 𝓝𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓪 ══✿══╡°˖✧✿✧˖°╞══✿══

A Court of Silver Flames (Part 1 of 2) [Dramatized Adap… (7)

    books-i-own fantasy favorites

Shelved as 'dnf'

March 6, 2024

DNF At 3 hours 22 minutes (Graphic Audio)

Look I understand the people who like Nesta. I do. I just can't bring myself to like her. Heck, I have a hard time even sympathizing with her at this point. I saw a tiktok somewhere that you're either a Feyre or a Nesta. If you're a Nesta it's why you hate her so much. You know what? FINE. Who isn't traumatized enough to shut down and basically just go through the motions for quite a few years of your life? This was definitely me at some point.

With that being said, I will never understand feeling entitled to your sister's mate's money so you can keep on gambling it away, consuming alcohol, and bringing home strangers on a daily basis for at least a year. My hate for her started way back in book #1 when Feyre was doing her absolute best to learn how to hunt, not get caught, and sell whatever she got all the while feeding the family what she could. While Feyre was out there doing all that Nesta and the rest of the family were doing their best to pressure Feyre into giving them whatever was "leftover" (which was never actually the case) so they could buy new sh*t even though it wasn't absolutely necessary. Everyone was to blame but Nesta could have helped Feyre. That's my biggest gripe with her.

I'm annoyed that this is Cassian's book too. It's unfortunate because I adore him. Give me a choice between Rhys and Cass and Cass is winning. Always. Hands down. I love how nice and careful he is with Nesta but being in her head made it so hard for me to enjoy his story.

It was even worse for me because I was under the impression (I don't know how) that all the books were going to be from Rhys and Feyre's point of view. When I saw that this was going to be Nesta's book it automatically made me lose interest. Here's hoping that the other sister's (who at least seems to be dealing with this a bit better after a year) story can keep my interest because Lucien is pretty cool as a character.

carolina ୨♡୧ ִ° ⋆

326 reviews724 followers

November 14, 2023

Why isn’t part 2 on scribd yet? 😭

Cammie Mark (cammreads)

135 reviews79 followers

January 4, 2024

They will never make me hate Nesta. Top 3 SJM character.


430 reviews121 followers

January 8, 2024

Most of it was Nesta moping. I was so bored. It got slightly better near the end when she got her sh*t together.

For some reason, I prefer Nesta/Cassian sex scenes over Feyre/Rhys. Idk why I'm including this.


46 reviews9 followers

August 24, 2023

That’s one spicy meatball

Brenda P

306 reviews20 followers

January 21, 2024

This part one of two graphic audio was really good! The full cast and music and sounds effects make it such a good listen! I also love this book about Nesta and her journey to healing herself. And listening to Cassian always being in her corner, even when she thinks she’s alone! Also was interesting to listen the part where Nesta heard the kelpie talk to the ancient far language, which I am assuming is the one Bryce was communicating to them at the of CC2!

samantha flores

65 reviews

August 2, 2023

beautiful. amazing. spicy. i’m pissed i finished this in a day.

every time i read this story i fall more and more in love with cassian. the scrying scene >>>>>

it really feels like your watching an animated movie in your head.

i need part 2 immediately.

Athena Shoolery

264 reviews1 follower

December 21, 2023

Okay, so the chapter-long dining room blowj*b scene was absolutely as horrifying as I was expecting. I do NOT recommend graphic audio for spicy books, it's......disturbing at best lol.

BUT. I do like the narrator and the actors for Nesta and Cassian. Feyre's narration was very whiney teenager so it's nice hearing it from like...normal adults. Also the training scenes are a lot less boring in this format and the Bog of Oorid with the kelpie and the mask was cool as hell.

This doesn't have anything to do with the graphic audio specifically but I am going to take this time to vent about what an absolutely wretched bitch Nesta is. She is just f*cking awful to everyone all the time. I know, I know, "but her trauma!" and "she gets better!" Like sure, but EVERYONE was traumatized after the war and instead of isolating and self destructing and generally being miserable assholes they accepted each other's support and love and kept going. Trauma isn't an excuse to be an abusive dick to everyone around you. And she was an asshole since way before the whole magical bathtub incident and the Hyburn war. She treated Feyre like sh*t through their whole childhood even when Feyre was the only one keeping Nesta's stupid ass alive. She acts like no one can ever possibly understand how she's feeling but excuse me Lady Satan, both your sisters went through literally the same exact thing as you and they worked on healing instead of idk just being the world's biggest douche bags. She acts like Cassian or the other 500+ year old warriors in her orbit can't possibly understand what she went through like they haven't literally dealt with multiple life altering wars and other traumas 100 times worse. AND most of them also have traumatic stories of their parents' deaths. Like you aren't special or unique because bad things happened to you, you insanely entitled f*cking brat. Grow the f*ck up and go to therapy because getting dicked down by a himbo with wings is not therapy.

Anyway I am in my feelings about it I guess haha but every time she's like "oh I hate myself" I can't help but think GOOD YOU SHOULD BECAUSE YOU f*ckING SUCK. I do hate her less after the end of the book, the Valkyrie storyline is very awesome and very girl power, but I do not forgive her. She straight up sucks for 99.9% of the series and she's got a lot of making up for it to do. It's a real testament to how much I love the story overall that I would still give the regular version five stars all day long no matter how much I f*cking despise Nesta lol. I'm giving this one four because I can't handle the spicy scenes in this format lmao.

Okay end of rant. On to part two, preparing myself mentally for all of the cervix-crushing sex they're going to have and how cringe it's going to be on audio lmfao.

Mariana Martens-Warner

123 reviews

October 25, 2023

logging this book thrice feels like a cheat, but hey, i’ve got goals to hit and she’s my emotional support comfort read! 😤

Jessica ❀

197 reviews9 followers

January 5, 2024

This was already my fave book from the series but now it is also my fave audiobook. I absolutely adore the voice actors, they are all perfect and pretty much how I imagined each person sounding. And I already love hearing the growth beginning with Nestas character. I will forever have a special bond with Nesta ♥️


74 reviews4 followers

January 11, 2024

This will always be 5 stars for me, I don’t care


333 reviews62 followers


December 30, 2023

Just get rid of Elain. She's really getting on my nerves. Reread definitely did not help with my dislike for her. I just want to keep Az far away from her, like mountains apart.

Paige Taylor

102 reviews5 followers

February 29, 2024

IM SO SAD IVE FINISHED THE GRAPHIC AUDIOS FOR MY RE READ OF THIS SERIES. These books have my absolute heart and soul. Happy to own the audio so I can listen to them for the rest of my hopeless romantic life hehehe


429 reviews3,602 followers

October 13, 2023

4⭐ for the book, same as my original review

5⭐ for the audiobook. Graphic audio is killing the game. Top it all off with the fact that I've always much preferred the voice actor for Cassian over the guy who voices Rhys, and you have a winner. The woman who plays Nesta is phenomenal, too.

    2023_reads candied_almonds fantasy_romance


51 reviews

January 7, 2024

ACOSF is my favourite book in the ACOTAR series and hearing it in graphic audio form only solidifies this further!!! I'm in awe of the production!!! All the emotion that comes through in the audio is beyond impressive. You feel the passion, the tension, the pain. Everything feels so real. The cast are incredible and I'm so obsessed, I'm starting part 2 right now!! 🏔🧚‍♀️🔥😍💖


137 reviews1 follower

January 3, 2024

These audiobooks are my favourite

McKenna Martin

117 reviews15 followers

August 12, 2023

i’m having actual heart palpitations

Avid Reader and Geek Girl

972 reviews145 followers

January 19, 2024

Book Rating: 4.5 stars
This is a continuation of the ACOTAR series but focused on Nesta and Cassian.
It's harder to equalvate a book based on only half of it. But so far it's good! It's nice and spicy and not just a surface-level romance.
Of course, the real action of the book is just starting as this first half ends, this one is more focused on Nesta and Cassian and less on moving the overall story forward, though there was some of that.

Narrator Rating: 4.75 stars
This is the first dramatization I've read, and it doesn't disappoint! I could use a bit less panting/moaning in the sex scenes. But otherwise, it's great!

Extra ratings: Fluff-0/5 Heartfelt-3/5 Helpful-NA Horror-NA Inspiration-NA Love aka Romance-3/5 Mystery-1/5 Predictability-3/5 Spice-3.75/5 Suspense-1/5 Tear-2/5 Thrill-0/5 Humor-1.5/5

Content Warnings:
Graphic: Grief, Panic attacks/disorders, Death of a parent, Violence, Sexual Violence, Sexual Content, Alcohol, and Confinement
Moderate: Sexism, Mental illness, Misogyny, Alcoholism, and Sexual assault
Minor: Rape, Pregnancy, and War


Christine Stitt

38 reviews

April 14, 2024

Let me start by saying I’m like everyone else, and did not want to read a book about Nesta. In all the previous books (especially Frost and Starlight), she was portrayed by the author as pretty awful. Next to no redeeming qualities.

I even told myself I had so little interest in her story, that I’d wait months to jump back in. Nope. After just a few short weeks of finishing Wings and Ruin, and then Frost and Starlight, I kept finding myself thinking about Cassian and Nesta. My mind kept wondering… how on earth do they become a couple…? What is their story? What happens?

Well, we find out here. Finishing this audio file means I’m halfway through the book. And wow oh WOW!

I love it! This may be my favorite ACOTAR book, if not second favorite (to Mist and Fury). The depth to the characters, the angst, the maturity. They’re adults dealing with real adult problems. I love her new found girlfriends who train with her, Emerie and Gwyn. And I love that her relationship with Cassian is not so straight forward.

I truly have no idea what to guess is coming in the last half of this book. I’m excited though! This week is going to be a good week!

Bobbi Jones

22 reviews1 follower

August 15, 2023

The casting was great. I thought Nesta & Cassian’s voices were spot on. Different parts of this book I had a hard time picturing were crystal clear (Nesta’s dream, training in the library purposely).

The smut is a little much for me 😂 I know part 2 is about to be crazy since they did not do IT yet in part 1. Poor voice actors 😂😂😂

That being said, I love that Nesta is a girls girl at her heart. She gets it. It’s lovely seeing it from her perspective and realizing how much everyone projects on her. Cassian is literally the only one who asks himself, “WHY is Nesta acting that way?”

The reason I love Nesta: for her, No is a complete sentence.


13 reviews

January 7, 2024

This was a re-read, but my first time listening a dramatized adaptation and it was everything! The cast, accompanying music and sounds really brought this book to the next level for me and I’m obsessed. How am I expected to go back to a regular audiobook after this 😩


63 reviews1 follower

February 26, 2024

The narrator and the voice actors for Nesta and Cassian are *perfect*
Accidentally awake until sunrise on a reread, because not only is ACOSF *so good*, this particular production is also *so so good*


RoXXie | The Art of Reading

347 reviews52 followers

August 17, 2023

Ahhhh, that was a great listen. Once again Graphic Audio and all the narrators did an amazing job. Can't wait for the second part to be published.

    2023 acotar adult

Ellie °• semi-hiatus

273 reviews473 followers

November 15, 2023

Forgot to udpate about this audiobook but yeah live laugh love Cassian's and Nesta's narrators🤍

Adore how they literally feel like a movie for your brain✨

    audiobooks fantasy romance


332 reviews6 followers

December 3, 2023

I love listening to the graphic audios of these books. It adds so much more to the story and makes a great story even better.

A Court of Silver Flames (Part 1 of 2) [Dramatized Adap… (2024)
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