Working Updated Steam Turbine (2024)

**Updated Version here **


Now, full disclosure - before you read on - know that this thing eats, literally EATS heat - in this case magma. It's also being fed 4kg/s of water... This was all built in debug, however there's nothing that couldn't have been done in a normal game. I just wanted to get my head around how it worked to be honest.

tl;dr Thisgenerates a lot of power and can be done with a bit of tinkering.

That being said :

I present to you - THE DERP-BINE!

Working Updated Steam Turbine (1)

Essentially it's split into two parts - an upper boiler, and a lower cooker.

The upper boiler :

Working Updated Steam Turbine (2)

Here we take water pre-heated to ~98 degrees Celsius (i.e. a separate tank heated by a tepedizer, or fresh geyser water, or machine output, etc) from the upper right tank, and pump it to the left through a liquid shutoff connected to the right most hydro switch. This controls the flow into the system - basically if the hydro switch detects an excess of unboiled water, it'll turn the input water flow off. This flow is sent through two vales and split into 6 vents. Each valve is currently set to 2kg/s... As I say, this thing is both hungry and thirsty Working Updated Steam Turbine (3)

The boiler itself is the old tepedizer trick, partially submerged by oil, with a bubble of hydrogen. This too is controlled by an and gate above which is looking for a signal from a) the thermo switch submerged in the oil and b) a pulse clock to rapidly toggle them. The rest of the logic in this room is solely for moving the steam from this chamber to the cooker:

Boiler Automation :

Working Updated Steam Turbine (4)

The Lower Cooker :

Working Updated Steam Turbine (5)

The compressor-doors-doohickey-gizmo moves our steam from the boiler to the lower chamber to be "cooked" beyond the capabilities of our tepedizers. Two separate pockets of magma (purely for aesthetics and symmetry) are contained within a vacuum, however are in contact with doors above and below. The two doors above act to cook our steam well above the temperature needed by our steam turbines ready to be eaten. The doors below are for re-heating and circulating the cooled output of the turbines. Here we're currently running two turbines.

Down the centre of the room is another c.d.d.g ( a series of doors) which funnels the steam into the bottom of each turbine. Had to use these as it was far, far too warm for pumps. I also cut out a "meeting tunnel" underneath as I found steam to behave a bit strangely when being moved through doors - and the sides weren't balancing well.

The steam passes through the turbines and rises up to meet the main cooking chamber again.

The central steam moving is toggled on 5time's per cycle, for a 1% duration at 0,20,40,60,80 and keeps both turbines running constantly.

The magma needs replacing when the temperature of the residual rock goes below 300degrees, however if you're building something like this without debug, i'd imagine you could maintain it with a single dupe with it's own little living area nearby. Derpdupe extraordinaire.

Cooker Automation :

Working Updated Steam Turbine (6)

Cooker Thermal :

Working Updated Steam Turbine (7)

As you might be able to see in the last picture, I made the mistake of putting some temp shift tiles in my magma to speed up the priming process - however these have slowly started heating the abyssalite tiles next to them - this was a mistake. Don't do this.

So yeah - that's the build. Obviously this is pre-release so it could all change by tomorrow - however this was the only way I could think of to get our turbines hot enough in a controlled environment.

Was it worth it? - No. Took ages and would be a nightmare (but not impossible) to build without debug.

Does it give a net gain of power? - Massively so

Working Updated Steam Turbine (8)

Will I ever use it in a normal game/stream scenario? -In it's current state - never. It needs to be too hot, and literally destroys water supplies. It's awful and I'm hoping it'll get fixed asap.

Working Updated Steam Turbine (9)

Other than that - hope it helps understand the current iteration of the long awaited steam turbine, I hope it gets some love from the devs and gets a bit of an overhaul, as I can't see a lot of new players going to these lengths to get something like this to work - especially for 2kw per turbine (i.e. 5 un-tweaked manual gens....)

@CheerioWhy yu do dis?


Working Updated Steam Turbine (2024)
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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.