The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

BUFFALO EVENING NEWS: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1896. BUBIKCB8 CHAN'CKS. rKBMOSAI. Illlllllllslllllllllll Real Estate. Evening News.

50,000. 50,000 I Christmas I Boots. ISUBICAL iNSTBCMEITTt OtiAbuyk large also Reglna mualo box; eight 3rW gem sheeta.577 alaln st. 12tU I- llSCIiBR upright. In good order; llwTHedgeT 677 Main Biropen eveninga TWO electric self-playing pianos for sale, cheap; cash or installment; fully guaranteed; theM are great bargains.

Lux cm A Black 418 Main st, IF TOU are looking for a bargain tn a good, reliable upright piano, we have three of absolutely well known reputation; we have three second-hand Instruments that we are showing this week that will suit you; very low prices; cash or Installment. Lux tun A Black 418 Main st. del2tf ONE Colby upright fancy case, used a few months, for nale at a very low price; cash or Installment; this is a very wnrthy Instrument and fuHy warranted by us and tha manufacturer. Luxton A Black 418 Main street. BEAUTIFUL Circassian walnut Ivers A Pond 'upright piano; full size; only used two years by one of BuiTnlo's first organists; we will sell this instrument at a great bargain, cash or Installment.

Luxton A Black 418 Main st. del2tf riimiiiiiiiuiHiiiiiHiHiiiiiiimiiiiiiiui iimiii imimiiiiiiiimiH Two Long Counters and a Dozen Big Tables Piled Books-Catalogue Ready. WANTED An Idea. Who can think of aome simple thing to patent! Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write John Wed-derburn ft Co.

Dept. A 19. patent attorneys. ion. D.

ror inetr lis kf 100 Inventions wanted. and list of 1 4i 4f secures good paying saloon, Including 3MiU license. Curtin Co. buys hardware store that will Inventory 33000. Curtin Co tf ACifVoT Inventory takes buslneM that It clearing 33000 a year.

Curtin A Co IF TOU have a store or business of any description you wish sold quickly and without publicity, want a partner or capital for any legitimate enterprise, call on Curtin 6 430 Guaranty building. ygl secures east side eonfertfonery bust-Jpl ness. Sureer Bstee, 301 D. 9. Morgan building.

UtOOll takes paying meat market business; la- idLO vestlgate. Susser A Etee: OKI AAA gets Interest In poultry business; wTllAA money secured. Suracr ft Estetf. sll OeOi) tok in manufacturing ness; estahliithed 40 years; 8 p-r cent, guaranteed on investment. Busaer Ea-tee.

IF YOtT desire to buy or sell a business, call on Buffalo's business agency. Susser A Estee, 301 D. S. Morgan building. IF TOU want to buy or sell a business, want a partner or more capital, ace Hawkins A 3d Exchange St.

J6tl FR BALE One of the best cash groceries on the west side. Hawkins A Co. IF TOU hare tl'jfiO or 31M0 that you can invest at once In a good paying manufactory, see Hawkins A 38 Exchange St. THERE Is a tide In the affaire of men that leads to prosperiiy through Buiser A Ken-ney, 647 EJIicott Square. HAVE customer for medlum-slxed rooming house, between Pearl, Niagara and Huron sts.

Buseer A Kenney. (OCAAbu-s half Interest In long established business; Investigate. Buseer A Ken- iNSTRttTlOV r-IOLlN8, guiUrs, banjoa, mandolins; 13 tip. Instructions. Kolkenbeck, Oak and Ooodell streets.

15tl8 BUFFALO RIDING ACADEMT. 140 W. Utlca st. lessons given in riding and driving by competent Instructors. 8tl6 FURNITURE FOB HALE.

X)R SALE Household furniture, Thursday, 3 to 338 Bryant flat 6. 16tlC TjIANO tuning and repairing; perfect Intona tlon guaranteed; experts. Lampe's Bureau of Music, 71 Niagara st. mi. I71INB upright and square pianos; new and second-hand, at special prices for the holl- days.

F. Knoll, 45 Niagara Masonlo Temple. deStf VFEW new and second-hand uprights at astonishingly low prices; second-hand squares at almost your own price. Utley, s2 Pearl st. JyUtf ci FECIAL BARGAINS In upright and square placos.

C. F. Kurtsmann, 873 Main it. nottf riTPIVWAY Pease and other second to hand pianos at C. Kurtsmann A 2) 2 no25tf and 24 W.

Swan st. LADY must sell her beaut tut Steinway A Sons upright for 3265; cost 3C00. at 1413 Main noL'tf STOVES AND RANGES. IOR SALE Becond-hund heating stove, at your own price. Buffalo Auction House, 104 Seneca ot.

ll21 I.IOR FALE-Jewett gas range. 2S4 W. Ferry jitreet. GOOD era and ranges for sale, cheap. City Auction House, 333 Washington st.

14U8 f*ck ADOPTION. F' Dly to Mrs. E. A. Dean.

Erie County Trot- itant Agent. 101 Park Buffalo, N. Y. Jy29tf 1mm -v fit BOOKS 'Christmas Books. 3 iiiiiiihi i in High With Good Gift 15c 40c 45c 85c 50c 25 a year of St.

Nicholas, Own Annual, and The Annual tr-H r. 1 1 1 SJsjMl FOR THE CHILDREN. The Buffalo News Boys' National Series, consisting of four books, each containing iSpages including six full chromo-litho-graph pages, with monotint illustrations in the text Fine Art Series, in board covers, half bound, with beautiful colored plates, equal to any book in quality "Pansy's Sunday Book" and "Wide Awake Pleasure Book, both $1 Annuals Robinson Crusoe, a fine edition, handsomely illustrated Little Folks Annual, in boards, published at 1 1.25 Baby's Annual, in boards, published at ft aa a-a a. "Little Lessons and Stories for Boys and Girls" fine art colored books 12 kinds "Baby's Own Series" in illuminated covers 4 kinds "Cosy Corner Series," stories for the little ones, charmingly told "Santa Ciaus Books." "Slovenly Peter," "The Night Before Christmas," and "Child's Book of Trades" Nonsensical Series, with colored lithograph plates on every page as well as bright and catchy poetry and prose, 4 kinds, 14 pages each The Baby Learner and Nursery Rhyme Series, ia kinds, 4 pages each. Highly colored and attractive text.

Illustrations on every page Nursery Primer Books, Nursery Sunshine Books, and Mother Goose Books Counting Room IS NOW LOCATED ON THE GROUND FLOOR OF Ellicott 8c 10c 15c 20c 10c '5c 10c Old Annuals The Boys' Girls' Own Children's LITTLE LAME PRINCE. Sa New Series Beautifully Price 38c. These six books Bonnie Little Little Miss Little New Jackanapes. Story To The Largest mm rTm fflSt 287 Main Street, for Children. Bound in clotb.

illustrated. Published at 60c. Our by Mary D. Brine: Bonibel Dan. A Story for Boys Toddledums The Little Twin Roses Neighbor My Little Margaret By Mrs.

Ewlng. of a Short Life. By Mrs. Ewlng. Nuremberg and Back.

By Amy Neely. Charming Juvenile Series in dainty cloth bindings. Published at 50c. Our Price 38c. A Loyal Little Maid Kab and His Friends Jackanapes A Little Lame Prince Story of a Short Life Adventures of a Brownie The Trinity Flower The King of the Golden River Wee Dorothy's True Valentine 1 4- TWT ITSES 839-P.


1896. Adnrtlsatoenta marked "Till Forbid" with the undemanding that tbtf will be published until written ootlc to atop to raoeWad at oBloa of THB KEW8. BSLF WAXTl- CHALK. WANTEt-Otrl for general housework. 4 GoasMUaut st.

i' W- ANTED-25 girls; 8 week. Central Omc, I t. WANTED A fount lady bookkeeper. Ad-drrss B. V.

New. office. t-ITANTED-Competeat Ilrl for gneral hus work; must nave reuwniuienu. nvvi Mekmond ave. WB ANTKb Competenrirl for general housework; family of two.

44 Lawrenc. Place. VV ANTED Dining room girl and dlshwaaher, I at w. Kacis st. WANTED-OIrl about IS for light housework.

Apply Dr. Balcom, 144 E. Genesee St. ANTED Olrt for general housework, JT1 Pearl St. TTANTED A good girl for general housework VV In a family of three, at 140 Bhumway St.

tTTANTED-OIrl for general "housework." tt Lexington ave. 15117 WA NTED Competent glrffor general housework In a flat. Address, giving references. Home, News office. rTTiWTBnZnt-l.

Pilar. Hotel. 151 Exchange at once. WANTED Girl or woman for general housework, to go to country village. Apply after 1 evenlnga, at 47 Jtlley upstairs, An experienced dining room girl.

If s) B. WANTED At once, HO W. I'tlca St. competent housekeeper.

WANTED A competent waitress to do second work; references; lrotestant, Scotch, preferred. Inquire fiel Franklin st. 14tl5 TTTANTED Olrl for general housework; must Iff be good oook; references required. Hodge avenue. 14tl6 TANTED Olrl for general housework; small 'ff family; good wages for competent girl.

Apply It St. James Place. HtH WANTED A few hours left for private lessons In stenography- and typewriting; pay as you can; cheapest, quickest; references from graduating pupils furnished. Apply Peerless A 1 1 1 .,.1. D.

S3. Morgan building. nolitt SITUATIONS WAHTKU riMALK. Ads Inder This Head Una Cent Far Worn. Mo ads accepted iaaa thaa loe par dj-y or 1 pa, week.

rt 7A ItfTRT) fll tiia tkma by German. Irish, Scotch, Swedish and Canadian girls. Mrs. a. weaneu, proepet ave.

WANTED Laund re wants work four last days of week, wishing, ironing or clean-lag. Address 1-aundre- Mews WANTED I would like a position aa gor-arnesa In private family, or sa a com- Finlen to aa elderly lady; am graduate of a gh school and oaa teach the English branches; have no objection to travelling; could any-, one kindly help ma to a position of this kind? Address Needy, Tonngatown, N. T. WANTED Poor woman, middle age, wishes a place housework; more of home than wages. Mrs, O.

N.jlU Oneida. V7ANTED By needy person, work of any Vsort; wllldo anything, lit Person at. WANTED Girl wants washing and Ironing by tha day. Applyl347 West a vs. W- ANTE Woman, with a number of small children, wants work by the da)', Ful- 1ANTED Situation, by a willing Tf general housework.

In a small taate wages. Address News office. girl at family; WANTED By young girl, situation at light housework, call 4 Mortimer st. 15117 rTTANTED Two German girls want positions for any kind of household work. I Mason street.

TTVANTED A dressmaker would like a fe' TT more customers; all kinds of sewing rea- sonaoie AaareaaB, M-, News omce. WANTED Competent New Tork dressmaker would like a few more customers by the day, In nrst-olaai families. Address R. 239 evenut st. wis ACCTlONs.

UCTION Bala of Japanese holiday goods -t a. at tne central Btorage House, waaning. ton Thursday. Dec. 17.

a larae conaiien- merlt of Japaneea goods. Imported direct by a Buffalo house, and must be closed out at any price uey will nrlng; Just the things yrm want xor cnrleunag presents, such aa Japanese ruga, all slses up to feet square, dosens of pairs of fine embroidered silk draperies, one lady's silk night gown. Japanese vases, all sicca and styles; you make tpe price; Japanese sets, straw boxes, slippers of all descriptions, traveling bags in endless variety, Japanese hammocks, large quantities of tooth and hair brushes, Japanrae bath gowns, silk neckties, etc sales at 10 A. M. and 2 F.

M. B. H- Wade, auctioneer. lill X'CTION! AUCTION At the Central Stor-ae House, 491 Washington tomorrow. Wednesday, at 1 A.

special sale of household goods, three chamber suites, beds, springs, mattresses, pillows, four heaters, an elegant ftohmer square grand piano, la splendid condition, couches, par tor suites, gas stove, line Amherst range, carpets, clocks, albums, rugs: a lot of new tin and granite ware; pier mirror, lace canal DX, etc.B- H. Wade, auctioneer. frriON-Owing to the drug store sale, on Thursday, on Broadway, we will not have the ctoth sate anil! Friday and Baturday; your 44 orrttatloa holds good, however. The Dan-ford Auction Hoaae. lstie tCTTON! A- I wm sea for the administrator, the effects tt eh lata Dr.

Retet, at the drug store. 247 Broadway, constating of stock of drugs and ascsbcujea hi and package; will sell in lots salt the trade smso the showcases, eooa fountain, covauen. analvlnc. One safe, cash rister, operating chair, roil top desk, display bottlea. scoeea; carriage, ctttter.

grandfather dork, carpets, chairs, etc; sale positive: no a reserve; dome to buy; store to rer.t- Ceo. InfordcyslOBeer; iTCCTJOS Ai onr regular Wednesday sale we wui veil cHsambar suites, damask stute, odd spaolstred chairs, hall tree, side-koard. ehaira. bedsteads, springs, pictures, lace ewrtaiae, otllowe, eontforiablea. gas range, fancy rockers, hanging lamp, a Ons lot of Brua-seaaad tasrraln carpels, square piano and many other artVJea: a.

so at same time a bar and back-bar glass, eraJea, ete. The Danford Auction Hoaaw, (' Waabington sc; telephone; cloth ssia Friday and natnrday. YlTjUTTED tray, a mconA-hmaA Uthc that -nil ulaia rod 1 fct cvirm; io nacfelitlaC'a hAiA bfilowa or power. Aczlbw 4rlU wAehmitnV AddrM Xoun Me- cttma Nfi ofl: HILL. nil HiVI 1t wnl wofin Doilv of all XS mkm a quw.titr of hiUD- that wc cixsut: tnu all tooa new; omnc totdiktar ia wr Brvjtlv powr bavt no tiae Urn tt.

l(vir at tiim Xeva Cc*ntlnj Rooaa, B7 XAta at. OBti TTIIJOB amofctiM-T. rpalra, motVia, pattTTtt, SubiwI C. Racers A C. Lock st.

d-MldcJ fpHC KrTSTOlf MFO. CO. X. a4 general repair work. ZU Terrace: Dew att fOK IALL iv RALE Two overcoats.

one serge rait. JD ons iavx.o coat, blak; sixe three pairs ahoea. Addrr Cava, lsewt omce. TVR BALE Bmall steam yacht, about 38 feet X1 kJSag. stata pnee.

Address Yacht, News of- is TKR BALE Desks, desks roll top desks. cheap, tow st. City Auction House. 333 Washing. TX)R BALE A genuine cub bear robe, at a bargain.

Mecner a leaser. 14tlt SHOWCASES, new and at than cost radoos stock. second-hand; less suit Blade 1U Bensca st. BOKBEft AHU CARslIAQKS. Tvi BAS Oood family horse; amind and at sm Niagara n.

Good bona to winter for nia use. an at. 3 To ourchaae, a one-horse coupe AQoaress k. news ot Traie a trotter for a pacer, a r. Te.

Xaws ottce. i a fast pacer 7 Swaa at. 7 years old. In- 14tU 0. a black carriage mare; 4 trae; or will czchAnge xa st.

indi s-d hr a t. A Ma Carter This liaad Two Cents Wi'l 1)KRSONALf Wanted bjr widower of food habits, acquaintance of widow, 1ft or 10. Ad drtus A. B.t.,News office. 1 Young professional gentleman deelrea lady friend who will assist him financially; irrand Investment; true friendship.

Address Friend Broke-rate. Mews office. 1 Tuesdsy, Wednesday and Thursday, hand-patnted china; useful and fancy articles. W. Chippewa St.

IStU 1)ERHONAL Detectives divorces quietly obtained; persons hsblts ascertained, charges most reasonable; consultation free. Law Detective Bureau, li W. Eagl. street. 1)ERHONAI-Hootal, with fancy dancing and programm.

Veilnesday evening; beginners Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Baturday. Grant's College, Main and Mohawk sts. 1)KRSONAL "A dinner like your mother used to cook," JSc Tremcmt House. 1ERSONA till they're all gone; ladles' solid sliver watches. Huson's, 334 Connecticut st.

1)KR90NAU Buy a collar for the dog for Christinas, at f'arel'a, Main and Court. 13123 I- and up; toy trunks, iio. Uoran Main and Swan. delltl ERSONA-Dc collars, at Farel's. 13121 1ERSONALBuy a toy trunk for little one at and Court.

7122 1)EHSONAI Buy a pooketbook for Christmas present at Farel's. and exchange your old one In. 7t2J IJERSONAI-Buy a nice bag or dress suit case ior present, at Farel's, Main and Court. 1ERSWNAL Toy trunks for the little ones for Christmas. Farel's, Main and Court.

1122 ERSONADWhen you visit your chiropodist insist on hsvlng your corns removed In one piece; don't have them chipped or shsved: thst only cultivates them; for skillful treatment visit Dr. Goldberg. Us reliable chiropodist, Filled Square. Je7tf PERSONAL Lunch boxes at Tsrel's. Main anil Court.

tt22 IJERSONAL Do your feet trouble youT If so ronsult Mrs. M. E. Jscobs licensed chlrop-odlt, at Mrs. R.

Lawrence annex, 472 and 474 Main St. JeJtf HOARD A.M NIAGARA SQUARE The NetherUtid, front parlor, with board; also oiner rooms. i-w Q1 FRANKLIN ST. A furnished room In con-Ol venient location. With gas, bath and heat.

OAK" ST.FMmlshed Tight" housekeeping and lodging rooms. -Light housekeeping rooms; single rooms for gentlemen; It up. lotle OAK-ST. There-are others, but see our newly decorated housekeeping parlors; smaller rooma. iuil.

JOHNSON PARK-Deslrabla rooms, with board; also table board. 11117 Ct WADSWORTH ST. Pleasant furnished OO rooms, with use of piano; near The Circle. 22. elegant furnished Otl rooms; parlor, steam heal, gaa, bath; thoroughly respectable.

67 OAK rooms; up. PeXrL-ST. FTrsKlass table board and nicely furnished rooms, at moderate 13US til EDWARD ST. Pleasant furnished front room, with or' without board; reasonable. DIVISION ST.

-Nicely furnished roams, OO 'vlth hoard: single and double. 13119 rutpppwi RT. Nicely furnished l. -t i- cr two gentlemen 70rWESEEVTTLarg front room and two cheap rooma, with board. 14120 102 3.

DIVISION ST. Furnished rooms, si up. lfif JOHNSON PARK Front room, wua ai-lUO co; newly decorated; natural gas. 13tl9 H7 w. MOHAWK STR EET Furnished light 111 housekeeping rooms.

1 tinSIAOARA ST. Furnished housekeeping lAOrooms; single; gas. 128 MORGAN and rooms. 128 SEVENTH Georgia; handsome lit 31 and well heated rooms. 136 CAROLINA Niagara, desirable front room, with or witnoui aicove.

1QQ8WAN ST. The Clark, elegantly rurnian-lOO ed rooms, with steam heat and bath. litis Tc0iLENfTTWeirSrnlshed front room; VQL use of bath; both gases. i FRANKLtN parlor, with 1UD alcove, also other front rooms. oftnf.seb ST.

Niagara Square; de li strahia fumlahed rooms: batb, steam heat. mpRNTH BT. FurnltAad front room, with hett. itj "KTAfsA-RA ST. Newly furnished room, l-1! with or without board; all modern 1m- 187' DELAWARE A furnlhd front rvom, uitwlt or two; diwhth Maraabl.

i OAO amvTH well furnlBh, A)m front room, with lcov; all convenl- tnc; private fjimllr; on or two ftniiemen; raonall to rtht parties. 15tl i)fn OEOROIA ST. FurnlihM front parlor; two fCBtJeman; U-M eaco. nu. 09) VIROIVrA ST Corner Whitney Plwe, MaM DICriT a Ul IllBlinj rWaU, ruijl.iunia.

1 TTe ZXJrTrf XT. roTDlshad JMtrtor an ZOU bedroom, cheapw 0.4T FT. Furnlhtd rooms, mn- gic or ca aulte; um dining room and kltCilvTL. 15tl 257 FRANKLIV Baxd and rooms; up; traiulenu II daj; gastf; porcelain rMth. OCQ PENNSYLVAVIA table iWUv board; also nicely furnished rooms, 13tl 302' MIOHIOAX PT.

rurrthM rooms for ticnt housekeeping; respectable. lStl 0'A K1AOARA ST. Partly ftrrnlsht1 front 0w rooms; all conveniexrc. 0Q PEARL fT Hjsekeeplns; room; venient; reasonable. 14115 MOA EAGLE ST.

Handsomely fumiihed par-OfJU lot bedrooia; prlvats family: month. lius alAl VIOIIOAW Eaitle, twi pat-ror; use of kitchen, furnished I4tl f-K PTTARL FT. Furnished mt board; table board. rooma, with Uti OA PEARL 6T. On larft and small Dished rooms; pleasant, and well healed; bath.

14lis 1QU PEARL ST. Neatly furnished room; ww boiii caaes; board If deatred, reasonable. mis jOHPSAisL ST. fflegmntly fumliined room7 en or sins-it; transients. per day I o'clock dinnem.

lOtll A(Ui ma; PTRKETFurnlihed 7 Til bouffekepQc. Room I. aw MAIN ST. The Orleans, handsomely en suite: va; lumifnen rooms; sinirit transient raits special rates to amili-s. mac All MTrHaOAN ST.

HnosckeeplnV front Urr rooma. furalshedeomplete; cheap. wO MAIN 8T. furnished front rooms, reasonable: all entral. 10tt 1 up: famished, heated rooms.

84 E. Eagle THREE furnished rooms for faousHieeplng -with natural gas; upper flat. 72 E. Huron DESIRABLE furnished front and side rooms; all conveniences; very reasonable. 107 Pro- rpO LET Three or four housekeeping rooms; oain; naiurai gas.

se nnooe isiana it. W'ANTEDBy three young men, table board; Ave minutes' walk from MaMschusetts st. and Lawrence Place; muet be first-class. A. W.

care of Frita. Connecticut st. TER80NS of respectability wanting hand- A some rooms, cheap; west side; centrally lo- caieo, auurtxa oraionaote, rews omce. ldtZl Xl'ARM. pleasant rooma for g-'ntlemeiTln pr rate ramny au conveniences; terms moar- 41 iJaya rtrx.

i2t ADT wanu mid-day dinner; will give piano jlj lessons in murn. Aaun muiio, carrier 4. HT rent disagreeable rooms? Bee oars; iuks. oeauiiiuiiy lurnisnea: averr aoa- venlence; call quickly. $17 B.

Division. 14tl ROOMS and board at 163 Delaware avenue. 11118 "V1CELT furnished rooms, both gases and bath; rent reasonable. 664 Main st. Utl7 LETNloa large front room with board lor one or two gentlemen; natural gas grate; $16 Normal avenue, It 16 A RUE.

comfortahie furninhed room, over jlj juaia entrance is uenasee st. 10116 CJINCLAIR HOTEL Swan, corner Elm; $1 per yj any; nrm-ciaM uoara; rooms neatea. si TIITkn IHHED and nnfurnlshed rooms; steam A heat; privau iamuy, xn uonneetlcut st. nontr TJ1URNI8HED rooms for housekeeping, ala a. buxwr iiunivm pmm mm Aewtaware ave.

o6tf POULT ft T. PlGEOHB. CTG. PULLKTg, m. Jnat about to Uy; also portable bn eoop; Incubators on weekly payments.

a-arta, Bmr top it are. A lrTAT4 tnouLatora, anlaaal raaaL -a, e- tsm aod ground ra bona. rt grits, sunl, earn, peaa. i nest smim, etc. B.r-.

I CANTUa( VACANT. WANTED Building lota, with an advance. Martin, the Carpenter. Wiley Place, Ofsfin FRET of North Buffalo land, for ssle VAA st a bargain; all inside property; on electric car Una. Address Electric, News office.

ltt tttUlVl Black Rock property near ortTUU Rlversids Park; will be sold st a bargain to party that will build. Address Riverside, News omce. 14120 SNAP 400 feet vacant, at Black Rock, near Riverside Park, and on line of Niagara power; all Improvements; on eleclrle ear line; 4 corners In the plot. Address, Niagara Power, News Office. litiO CROWLEY AVENfE.

vacant, for sale." 4J feet, near Tonawanda street, at a bargain. Address Crowley, News omce. 14t30 IJtOR BALE Lot 17x110 on Beneoanear Ryan cheap. Inquire 471 Seneca street LOT, SOI120. on Sidney il.

per foot' 3 taken at once. Address Snap, News office. 141 1 'OBBPli BORIC land offfce, room No. lo'wT Eagle St. 8.

C. Frank, real estste, insur-hnoe, loans, foreign exchange, steamship and railroad tickets. No. So W. Eagls room a.

jystf UOLSK8 you sALL TTtOR SALE Homes for tha people; absolutaly less than cost to build; paved streets and Improvements of all kinds; your own time to pay, Cullen it Osborne, fru6 D. S. hi organ build ings ljtll SALE My new houses on Richmond 'enue. near Bird, will please you; look at them. Telllco Johnson.

lotll lOR SALE East Buffalo cottaae bar- gain; small paynvent down; rental pay 1Q per cent Address Nordick, News offlc. 14t30 FOR BALE A genuine Snap; heUM Vernon st. sit improvements. Logan, 718 Real Estate Exchange. 13116 f7KR SALE 11600 wilt buy a neat cottagt.

JJ with JO-foot lot on Lovejoy near Ogden; this is a bargain for so me body. Address Lore- Joy, Newi omce. FOR SALE Will build you house to ult on easy came as rent. John Burke's Bona, builders, 698 Elllcott Square. detf UOl'HfcJJ lUUl.

TO LET A new house, furnished or nnfur-niehed; all modern Improvements; -table; best part of Delaware av price reasonable. Address Rent, News office. TO LET Theap, stone dwelling and barn, Z17 Eewltt st. Inquire 3S9 BreckenridReJ TO LET Home and U-ttall bam; 206 Auburn avenue. ayo LET Very reasonable; furnUhed houtte; 167 Rfjjale ave.

Call roornfngs. TO LET Cottage, furnished, four rooms, natural gai; west side. Inquire 106 Elm it. T6Et356 Herkimer iH-atory, modern houM, 120; Hi front all improvements, 331 French cottage. 746 Niagara 3-story brick.

Dlmlck 4t Newetl, 87 Main st. dlltf cfLCTottage and barn, with eight italls; $15 rer month till May 1. II Helen at. Utll TO LET Choice dwellings and flats; two good stores for grocery; two of the best 25-room boarding houses In the city; well located; prime condition; reasonable rents, 900 Elllcott Square Henry Smith, owner. deotf TO LET 117 W.

Eagle, iH-tory brick dwelling: table (or boarding or rooming. In quire 231 reari tu TO LET-Desirable house, M. and flat 66 TV. Chippewa estate Francis H. Root, nottf APART-UtNTS TO LET.

no LET Flat. Brmyton t. mo LET Lower flat; four nice rooms; $8.69, Bennett, near Broadway. mo LET Upper fiat: all conveniences 15tl Nlag- jl a near Jersey. Address Upper, News TO LET Flat, 1523 Bailey $10.

F. W. Danforth, Real Estate Exchange, delftf ri0 LETT Cheapest modern flats. Ith all lm- provements. in Bunraio.

Inqulre 33 E. Bal com. Wit LET Four pleasant rooms. I Tork it. 1U1S TO LET Four elegant rooms, with bath; cheap, at 222 E.

no children. HtlS TO LET Lower and tipper fiats; all modern Improvements; 76 and 78 Oak wood Place. O. Ellas Bro. delltt TO LET Modern lower fiat; 86 Annie Place, OEltaa Bro.

delM TO LET Lower fiat; "Woodlawn six rooms and bath; $13. Bweetland, 57 Niagara street. lZtlC fJrO LET Upper fiat. 264 Whitney Place, 1UU TO LET Flats, cor. Main and Virginia all modern improvements.

Inquire room 6, German Insurance building. lOtH TO LET Upper flat. 23 Fourteenth st. STORES WANTED. TANTED Tt rent, ore for confectionery, etc.

246 Fourteenth at. TOKES TO LET. mo LET Two small stores. 39 N. Division: good business location; cheap.

Al'AKTMfc-NTS WANTED. TTTANTED New lower flat, six rooms; atl Improvements; $9. Address J. Newt of- TTTAN'TED Furnished fiat for the winter, by man and wife; no children: rent moderate; reference given. Address J.

R. News offW. 141 FAB MS TO LET. mo LET Dairy farm lor a term of years; acres rich pasturage, 110 acres under good cultivaiion; two large streams of water; apple orchards. Id-room dwelling, ample outbuiid- nca: full line new farmiu tools: located on two railroads.

In small town, with school, creamery and a large manufactory; Buffalo, Rochester, and near by markets; appli cants must send reliable references to be noticed. Address Good Chance, News office. Utll FARMS FOK BALK. Ff BALE Several farma.

Inquire at But-aolltf falo Barings Bank, HOTELS FOR BALE. SALE At half value email country hotel: good butidliiga and three acres of land In a thriving town. Address Hair Utl News omce. SALE 1 A snap, will sell at a sacrtflce. hotel tn a city of 2D.0OQ, than 100 mile from Buffalo, doing a good commercial trade, with well eoulDDed livery attached.

For par ticulars address Simpson. News ofllce. lit 20 HOTELS WANTED. A small city hotel; must be well Atted and doing a good business. Addreoa Fittings, Sews omce.

illS ITTANTED To purchase, a hotel and fixtures in a thriving town, within 1W miles of Buffalo. Address rhoenix, News omce. I it IS MOKJlk TO LOAN MONET to loan on bond and mortgage. F. W.

Dan forth, 818 Real Estate Exchange. ITTI.L discount good notes at building. 731 Mooney delOtt CASH In any amounts for good notes. Room 733, Mooney building. deiotf LOANS In Urge amounts; Eastern capital; on business property Main, Wsshlngton.

Nl-agara sis. i. M. Drill, Erie Bank building. MONET to loan on Improved real estate.

Hopkins ft Hum 1 Austin building. CALL on John F. Burke, tM Elllcott Square, If you want to borrow money oa real estate or sell mortgage quickly, oezti MONET to loan. In large and small amounts, on desirable eltr property. B.

Robin. (2 Erie County Bank building. ocsii MONET to loan on real estate la anr amo-'nt, Curtlss ft Meister, 122 Franklin St. rrtmt MONET loaned on Itfe Insuranoa pollelask In any amount. Curt las ft Meister, 122 Franklin st.

nolsif PROVIDENT LOAN CO. loans money on furniture in use at lawful rates. N2 Mor gan building. nol'tf i DA AO.10 loan on life Insuranoe pol iciest ir(JV9VAV same rnirnhassj W. L.

Thomn son. T01 Morgan building. noUtfT "jO'T amount on real estate: lowest rates of XX interest; charges reaaonable. Brodheafl, ta D. g.

Morgan buHding. not( MONET to loan. Rice Broa taecutora. eontt UUBUIItVM CHAJICBtV 2g meals for IS. Tremont House.

BALJC Cheap, news, cigar and pool rooc n. li aoia at once; win sell imu. in quire ltCbniao st. 1517 I UD tha leaders on table board; try IL TilOi tvrfia rooming bouae, a roosna. Mei- JJ aar--i, roak JO, Agency building.

WA 0 PHiabie trasinsH man to in atabllatwd offloe bu1n gmall texKtsi of money neosaoary. Kt fcaura, By Mtna Mulock. LOB LIE BT THE FIRE. By Mrs. J.

H. Ewlng. PEEP OF DAY. By Mrs. J.


H. Ewing. 1HROUOH THE LOOKING GLASS. By Lewis Carroll. WATER BABIES; Children's- Favorite Classics.

The Favorite Books for the Young comprising this series are printed from new plates on fine paper, with great care. Fuly tllitflt.rnt.er1 meludine colo ed frontispiece and vignette til e. jji Auracuveiy uuuuu cloth. Published at 75c OUR PRICE 50c. BOOKS By Charles Klngsley.

A WONDER BOOK. By Nathaniel Hawthorne. FOR THE YOUNG Alger's New Copyright Books, 90c each. Castlemon's New Copyright Books, 90c each. Ellis' New Copyright Books, 90c each.

Trowbridge's Copyright Books, 75c and 90c each. The Alger Series for Boys, 45c each. Oliver Optic's Works, 90c Louisa M. Alcott's Books, i each. IP Office Building in the World.

i i IT SWAN KICVCLES AX1 TltlCICLES. IOR BALE Cheap, 'W high grade bicycle. 128 Niagara st. ittantED Will pay cash for good '96 wheel. S45 Fargo ave.

ITTANTED 1000 bicycles to enamel. Bndres, 324 Pine st. Win MONEY advanced on bloycl.s. Q.o. L.

PratC over So3 Main sU oc28if riRMTLKIC WANTED. Wpr cent, more than any other duller in city for furniture, carpets, also pianos, deeka, safe, stoves and ranges. 600 Washington st. Davis Bros. HIGHEST cash price paid for second-liftna goods.

City Auction Houne, Wanhing- st. 14tl' ITTE3 WANT a large amount of good furnl-V ture, carpeU, desks, safes, bluycles, pay best price. The Danford Auction House, 1S Washington; telephone, 14tl MEDICAL. Cnder This Head Two Cents Word LADIES Those BUTTerlng with rheumatism, paralysis, wenkness, nen-ous debility, displacement of the uterus, plies, sickness attending change of life; I treat without medicine; give hot baths; magnetic mawatte; altni give lt-wtona In development in Inner sight; to be convinced, call and see me at 117 Woodlawn ave. EADIEtJ Chichester's English Pennyroyal Fills (Diamond Brand) art the best; safe, reliable; take no other; send 4c, stamps, for particulars Relief for Ladles." In letter by return At druggists.

Chichester Chemical Philadelphia, Pa. Je23tje22tuthsu STRICTCRE cured painlessly In ten days, ftowe Medical Franklin st Ut STRICTLT CONFIDENTIAL One of Buffalo's most reliable physicians takes this mtthriri of tnfr.rming all sufferers from alcohol and morphine habits, that they can be rurori bv latest sclent I flo method, and with publicity or Inconvenience (no Keeley or gold cure); highest references on application to Doctor, P. O. lox is, cunaio. aeiwii TR- McCLT-LLAN.

517 Vain emmently XJ successful nervous ana sexual aeDimy losses; impoteney; weak memory; varicocele stricture; blood poisoning. deitjs6 HEWLIN MEDICAL 485 Main specialists tn private and nervous diseases of men; If from errors of youth or eicesses of later years you are weak and unfit for business or marriage, consult us; with our experience, superior skill and system of tremtment failure Is impossible; oall oi write for free book. deltf DR LIEBIO'S REMEDY Certain cure for blood diseases In all stages; $1, 84 Seneca. au24tf B. UNN, specialist.

See ad. on other page. jyMtf MIXTURES Koa. I and quickly cure prlvaU disease, sure remedy; SUo each. rlvate LOST AIfI rOUKD.

IOST Dec. 14. on Spring or Clinton, between Broadway and K.bler's dry goods store, a gold watrh. with small chain attached, heward if returned to Mortimer st. ltl6 LOST St.

Bernard drg; Bonalonto; tag 4338. Heturn to fifteenth reward. OPT Dec. H. cuff and silver cuff button; engraved V.

Y. Reward, News office. LORT-Large BtVliernsrd, whltfl. with spots; answers to name of Mosark. Reward 81 Seventeenth st.

LOST Drg. Brotch shout 7 months old; blak and tan; while feet, white tip on tall; Snswers to name of Dtnnle, Reward. A. A. hield.

Niagara st. del4tf OST littl brewn, female terrlpr; answers Ju to name tinlpe; literal reward If returned to 47 Georgia st, HtlS BIKDS FOR SALE. IviR RALtV-CanarlM; flna sinters. 411 a(l. sireM.

IlOR SAI.E Vrry lln. African graf parrots. Bchurlsr's bird store, an Wsshingtoo Jt. "tOtiLARFTTF.a and rapM mad. oat of plus 1 ilw furs msds ovr snd mir.d st small exoMlse.

at Ih. Cloak and DrrstnnaktDg Parlors. ov.r 936 Main St. sCTti Wta Ce Oses nil. Wtater er SKATING.

Arrangements have been completed tor flooding; the grounds so that skating may be haul a soon as weather pcr-tita. Everything will be conducted 1. a first-class manner. The Ice will be In ehar-e of rTt fcnerri trril attention will be given the art of ana cnuaren. rriYiixGEs, Il.illlUi i NEAR TELEPHONE SENECA JiJEU'W ANTE U- A LK.

WANTED Man and wlfa, without children, cipeiinctl In Janitor ssrvlcs; no others mfi apply. Address carrier Np. 17. rfTNTED rrlnter: young man to maae nim- sell useful in pnolo gauerr, Scberer, 615 15tl WANTED Learn the oarDer iraae in eigni weeks; all tools furnished free: a good position when through. Call or addreaa Cooperative Barber College, Seneca BuffsJO; ittxnTED A competent aoorman; mua om sober and reliable.

Apply S1J Main i st. i-gTANTED Experienced salesman for holiday souvenirs. Call thla 1 B. Swan st. room 7.

Palmer. T7ANTED Toung men and strangers looking (or 01 rect employment, call at Central OI- flee 8 S. Olvlslon st. ITTXTE two steady men. collector, porler.

young man for road; .110 week. Central Office! 8.Ivls5ist. ITTANTED Boys. Apply this morning. Boom 12.

16S Pearl. A NTE A reliable. Intelligent ynung manT with J300 and services rsn obtain employment at tli per week and Interest In good paying, established business. Apply Star Agency, i)5 Main st. V-r'ANTEDSIde line shoe salesman.

Install- ment collector, oil sslesman. young man to travel, etc. City Agency, over 511 Main established and reliable. WAMTED First-class pattern maker: please state wages and experience. Address B.

News ofTue. mT'ANTED Strangers wanting posltlona, call Star Agency, 2t Main St. fTTAN'TED Single man. with some experience at horseshoeing. Niagara cor.

Fargo avenue. rt-ANTED-Oood dishwasher, at 24S Main Uelmonlco Restaurant. il TANTED Traveling salesmen for cigars; old. reliable house; eaperler.c. unnecessary; extra Inducements to customers; to UM per month and expenses.

Chas. C. Bishop St. LoulS; 1517 XT-ANTED Reliable man to handle agents for telephone tablet and specialties; pays M6 a year; incloae stamp. Victory Mfg.

Cleveland, O. delaja, IMP, t-aNTED Cot lector, clerks, married farm hand waitress, salwnen. eight willing voung men, steady work, clerical help, etc. Star Agency. ff5 Main st.

V7ANTEI-fcveryiofly to inai iimt 4 qulckert way to get gcd noe-tH through the old. reliable Star Agency. -SOS Main street. itaS'TED-Men and women out at employ- ment and willing to work can learn of a rtertnanent situation at good wages, by writing at once to P. V.

Bo 2S3. Augusta, Me. 1 17 ANTED The Light of the world, or uur baviour tn Art; cost over UQO.OOO to publish; nearly 200 full-pae engravings of our ttavlour by the great masters; "A Dream of Loveliness; five orders the first day." Blanche Ward. "The first glance at the pictures brought teara to my eye. 12 orders first two days." Annie T.

Cant-well. Most beautiful book I ever saw; 17 orders in three days." Alena Farr. "Bevrfn or- ria-r-a ftrat d.v. J. W.

iwan. A laov or gen tleman cA it(n-A church standing can soon make taking orders for ta book; general agents. district managers ana maw miiR-r un pi-arv. Address A. P.

T. Elder, publisher. Ul Fifth avenue. New Tcrk. lOtdeMtuthst iiTANtED YoUng man to take care horses and cow; must have experience.

Address Cow, News office. mi AVTKD Three linotype operators; only -union men neei appiy; siaie jowi-m wages. Addreps A. rw" oinr-e. Tf WANTED Men to sell cigars; 175 per month and expenses; extra inducements to customers; steady position; chance for raise; ex-Ierlenc itaileyJ3ros.

Wi Arch Philadelphia. Utl TANTED An idea. Who can think of some simple thing to patentt Protect your Id'-as; they may bring you wealth. Write John Wei- derburn ft ipu a p-ini umry, D. C.

for thetr ttsu prise and list of SM iDvaatlona wantesl JyMtf A ds Under This Hesd Una Caais Wrd, a Us aeoeptaa mms snsw we VTP111 Rltitatlnn flnM-etasa man VV aftntrineer-. understands steam and gaa fit' ting and plumbing; has the highest testimonials from large ooncern in Buffalo; 17 years' eapert-nce; aceady and sober and willing; would like mmrk in some larae estaDiisn merit wnere vam- lion will be permanent; wagea. reaacnahie; best of city reference; can take entire charge and do all repairing. Address Competent Kngirtr, News omce. TANTED-flttuatios) llcensad engineer; i best reterences.

Address A. E. Wliaott, INOnntit. 14tW XX TANTED Porttlon by experlciiced photo-y graph caller out; flash lights or tertvr. P.

Clark. 1M Broadway, city. Utl MADAM DVTIflNT tans paat mm twar; consuUalloo Mailt, rooni UtU KNOW tkr (at and fonuna; call lot mi wmi oelr at 304 Bwan tb. most sk.p-Uoal ar. ta.ltsd.

14t MRS. MLsWN. sU B. Ba(U st.Onl known astrolocist and llf.rsssri Mis past, prrsent future; gives Information on bust. mm.

Taw suits, lovs, twrrlags, dleoraaa; alt in trauM. call. Will MUCKlXAXBOGk. FIR SAUt-Two enmmXM, ana Mil, lHack east; sum Una pairs tun will Ad Ism out I Fayorite Classics. ADVENTURES OF A BROWNIE.


By Mrs. Molesworth. CUCKOO CLOCK. By Mrs. Molesworth.


II. Ewlng. FOLIOS. Five Little Pepper Series, ft each. The Elsie Books, 75c etfeh.

Sophia May's Books, 55c each. Mrs. Frances II. Burnett's Books. Mrs.

Ewing's Works, 25c each. Kate Douglas Wiggin's Books. Oliver Optic's Works. The Little Women Series (new), 35c each. The Fireside Series for Girls, 450 each.

The Popular, Poe(s. FLORENTINE EDITION Of" POETS. Bound In full leather, full gilt side and back, full gilt edges. Each In separate box. 26 volumes.

Published at $2. OUH PRICE, 1 EACH. WOODBINE edition of the Poets, full leather pad- 1 ded covers. Good gift books. Boxed ara tely.

85 CENTS EACH. POPULAR Edition of the Poets In new style of cloth binding. 26 CENTS EACH. JAMES WHIT-COMB RILEY'S WORKS. These books of poems are published In 12-mo, form, with gilt tops, at J1.25 each.

OUR PRICE 96 CENTS. Eugene Field's Works Cloth bound, gold stamping on sides and back and gilt top. Published at $1.26. OUR PRICE, 96 CENTS EACH. New Books at New Prices.

Sentimental Tommy J. M. Barrla, (Ul, Margaret Ogtlvy J. M. Barrle, 95c.

Kate Carnegie Ian Maclaren, 96c Mrs. Cliffs Yacht F. R. Stockton, 11.15. Love In Old Clothes H.

C. Bunner, L15. The Mistress of Brae Farm Rosa N. arey, 96c A Golden Autumn Mrs. Alexander, 96c, A Knight of the Nets Mrs.

Barr, 96o. Chapters from a Life E. S. Phelps, IL1S. The Gray Man 8.

R. Crockett, A Garrison Tangle Capt. Charles King, c. Tales of Fantasy and Fact B. Matthews, 96c.

The Violet Julia Magruder, 96c, Btisels-Wimam Black. J1.35. The Crimson Sign 8. R. Kelghtley, $1.15.

A Child World-J. W. Riley, 75c A Tame Surrender Capt. C. King, 66c That First Affair -J.

A. Mitchell. at the lowest prices Special Holiday Editions of Gift Boots, FRENCH ART AND SCENRY-160 re- producllons or tne photofcraphlo views. OfcR PRICE, things arid OUH PRICE. $1.50.

IVORINE GIFT BOOK8-Hand-palntea on lvorlne edgea. Published at II. OUR PRICE, Toe BRACEBRIDOB Al.By i. -o Pn llahpd at t. OLR PKItt, volumes.

Published at HOB ROY By Scott. Two volume. lusirTtcU Published at 6. OUR PR 11- OUR PRICE THE FIRST VIOLIN Published at $8. OUR PRICE, GIBSON'S AMERICAN UlKL-run-llshed at S5.

OUR PRICE, 13.75. HYPERION By Longfellow. Pub-at 12. OUR PRICE, VIEWS AFOOT -Bayard Taylor. Puh-llshed at 12.

OUR PRICE, 11.25. CAP AND GOWN Selections from the best verse wnicn nan appeared in college Journals. Published at $2.36. OUR PRICE, 16 cents. vf.niCE Its History.

Art. inausmea and Modern Llfe-fphotoirravurea wim map. puniisnea at n. SPAIN AND THE Sfr-ANlAnuo pno-togntvures. Bound In two volumes.

Published at 5. OUR PRICE. .3.76. HOLLAND photogravures. Two vol umes.

uu raivs, CONSTANTINOPLE 60 Jgravures and map. Two volumes. OUR PRICE, 3.75. BESIDE THE BONNI bkibk ovvn by Maclnren. Published at (2.

OUR PRICE, Jl.W. THE DAYS OF AULD LANO SYNJ-by Maclarcn. Publljihed at 2. OUR PRICE, IN OLE V1KU1N1A BV 1 nomas jj.iuii fa*ge. Published at 12.60.

OUR PRICE, CiN VANITY FAIR Published at 5. OUR PRICE, 13.76. A WINDOW IN THRUMB Pyjan a a. Harrie. uonsucu i IL 40.

Books For Grown Up Folks. HANDY VOLUME CLASSICS Beautifully printed on fine paper, and bound In a unique style, 61 vols. Publishers' price, 60c. OUR PRICE, 36c EACH. BOOKLETS IN FANCY BINDINGS A series ot short, practical and Interesting volumes, daintily bound, and Intended to fill the wants of those desiring inexpensive booklets of real value for gift purposes.

Published at 36o. OUR PRICE, 26 CENTS. NEW VADEMECUM SERIES-A collection of the Masterpieces of English and American Literature, handy volume slue. Urge type edition, In full white vellum, full silver and monotint, boxed. 76 volumes.

Published at 60c. OUR PRICE, 19c EACH. POPULAR EDITION. HANDY VOLUME CLASSICS Bound In cloth, stamped In silver, from attractive and unique designs. 110 titles to select from.

OUR PRICE. IS CENTS EACH. PHOENIX SERIES Copyright for this season, Including several of Rev. E. P.

ROWE'S Works. 26 CENTS EACH. ALTEMUS DEVOTIONAL SERIES An entirely new tine of standard religious literature, carefully printed on fine laid paper, handsomely and durably bound In handy volume else. Each volume contains a portrait of the author and an Illuminated photogravure title pae. Admirably adapted for presentation purposes.

Published at 60 cents. OUR PRICE, 25 CENTS TWENTIETH CENTURY LIBRARY This series comprises titles carefully selected from the standard works of the world's moat famous authors, suitable for any library, and attractive to readers of the most refined tastes. They are printed from new plates on extra laid paper, equal to and Indistinguishable from the beat hand-made; are bound In red buckram, with richly ornamental ami artlsllo gold side, back stamp and flit top. Each book I worth dellar, but OUR PRICE WILL as rrr.MTH rt. Put' BISLES.

ECCrJS tZIS, Discounts nude to SuntUy Schools hf 1 Or rent, meat nwfcet. AVg ae l-tu: mot thlr iA tsMslsrs. at-, room 1, on aoeonnt of ssc -v, rws orfVce. i dnaa cnaap nun otpec, ui oe let 10 com' a. App'y OT address, TI.

IX. Bttffalo, N. Y. A r-Baker" a psrtabt. sraa b.

Bivi-rTlsg plant feet, mon sr htm. AwIM 0. 14M OB i. tr KuaJ Trrj bes ttoia tu4 r- -t t. lu.

The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)


How many people read the Buffalo News? ›

The Buffalo News
FoundedOctober 11, 1880 as the Buffalo Evening News
Circulation69,842 Daily 89,694 Sunday (as of 2023)
OCLC number8882862
8 more rows

Where is my Buffalo newspaper? ›

The Buffalo News is located at the corner of Washington and Scott Streets in downtown Buffalo.

Where can I buy Buffalo newspaper? ›

Rack Locations
WNY Book Arts Center468 Washington StreetBuffalo
Urban Roots428 Rhode IslandBuffalo
107 more rows

How do I cancel the Buffalo News? ›


What is Buffalo State ranked in the US news? ›

SUNY Buffalo State University's ranking in the 2024 edition of Best Colleges is Regional Universities North, #119.

Who owns The Buffalo News newspaper? ›

Owned by Lee Enterprises, The Buffalo News is part of a network of more than 75 daily newspapers and nearly 350 specialty publications.

What is the cost of the Buffalo News? ›

How much does the Buffalo News cost in 2023? The starting price for a digital subscription to the Buffalo News is $49 for a year.

When did Buffett buy Buffalo News? ›

The 150-year-old Buffalo News is used to operating with relative autonomy. Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway acquired the paper in 1977, and for decades, it was the only daily newspaper the company owned.

Is the Buffalo News app free? ›

Free to download. Subscribers enjoy unlimited access.

Who is the editor of Buffalo News? ›

Sheila Rayam - Executive Editor - The Buffalo News | LinkedIn.

How do I cancel my magazine? ›

Contact the company that runs the subscription you want to cancel. If the company has instructions on how to cancel, follow those. Keep a copy of your cancellation request, along with notes about any conversations you had and how and when you canceled. Watch your bank or credit card statements.

What is the literacy rate in Buffalo NY? ›

​​​BUFFALO, N.Y. — ​Teachers are sounding the alarm about what they are calling a literary crisis. A 2019 state education statistic reveals only around 25% of Buffalo students are reading at their grade level. Leaders say the numbers drop even more for Black students.

How popular is Buffalo Bills? ›

While the Cowboys and Chiefs topped the Bills in monthly international searches (440,410 and 433,490 compared to 427,830), Buffalo is the NFL's most-searched-for franchise in a league-high 31 countries, thus landing it the higher score.

How many people work at Buffalo News? ›

How many employees does The Buffalo News have currently? The Buffalo News has approximately 458 employees as of June 2024. These team members are located across 3 continents, including North AmericaEuropeAfrica.

How many people read news daily? ›

An estimated 20.9 million print and digital newspapers were in daily circulation for both weekday and Sunday editions. This is down 8 percent and 10 percent respectively from 2021. According to Mansi Media, an estimated 124 million U.S. adults read newspaper media each week.

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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.