The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

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sroaiB' GHi NASDAQ NATIONAL MARKET S'S Div Noon Chg Div Noon Cho nu Page A 17 Div Noon Chg Div Noon Chg Div Noon Chg Div Noon Chg Div Noon Chg Div Noon Chg Economic reports send stocks lower 21 17 86 30 22 56 11 1 734 16 1 26 44 120 ll2r 12 J8 52 44 Pi 18 17 52 8 12 12b fcj 34 14 UNDS 60 72 14e 14 lie 22 12 Sell Buy Chg Sell Buy Chg Sell Buy Chg Sell Buy Chg Sell Buy Chg Sell Buy Chg 02 Sell Buy Chg 180 14 01 128 88 01 01 02 01 03 T5oi 61 16 06 11 10 12 115 130 48 'A 3 06 01 01 63 01 88 19 J9e 24 71 60 100 16 02 104 48 28 11 50 125 01 NL 164 56 01 24 40 13 12 231 12 '8 'fl 04 26 890 06 01 341 11 01 12 01 52 IS 01 60 9 04 ia 1 06' 100 02 40 1000 4 24 01 64 6 100 2048 7 36 15 40 40 0 01 01 jz 32 1002 12e 1 38 1770 14 16 112 80 20 29 50 17r 01 60 200 12 08 40 28 100a 56 132 01i 02 11 01 '8 80 44 8 16 17 29 20 10 180 09 01 634 40 05 26 19 U' 14 02 18 48 5 05 30 16 04 20 20 02 48 0) 13 12 16 01 01 06 01 5 04 02 45 1 2 01 101 16 Vu 09 2434 01 72 12 40 11 01 08 1931 10i 13 36 08 94 716 716 08 10 02" 72 200 03 9 25'4 09 06 04 Div Div 3 PM Chg Div 3 PM Chg Div 3 PM Chg Div 3 PM Chg Div 3 PM Chg 01 234 '8 30 JOe 'Aj 80e '8 20 'b 184 50 01 100 60 110 84 12 12 12 2 500 01 4724 47 24 14 2 07 25 27: ft 20 17 02 20 8 9 32 06e 05 5 02 150 175 15 30 17 18 11 09 Oli 32 14 08 1119 40 2 'b 04 1 ft 21 40 05 ft i8 60e 05 24 06 J3 08 70 1 4H ft 36 6 lie ft 60 IntTIch ft 48 ft 01 1899 21 120 18 'a 80 31 ft 3 06 'e 03i 16 64 5H 05 27 140 9V? 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Arkrts Armor Arms Ph Arnolds Arowlnl ArtsfU ArtWay J0iAstron Athena AtlSArs 4 Atiieie A Imai AirBon AuraSv Auto Inf Auicam AutoA AulSec AutoInd' Avndle Alter 5 100 6 Ym 545 1I3'z4 2 325 71 706 741 1036 1088 unds: 1212 1212 09 1052 105? 0) 1045 1045 Ym MCI MECA MSCar MTCEIs MachTc MadGE 176 Magemr MagSft MagmP MagGp Magnal MailBxs MaiRt Mallon MfrsNts Marcus Mariet Marqsl Marsam MrshSB 44 MrshSu 44 Marshl u5 Mascot Masstor MalcxPh Maxim Maxtor MavnOI McCaw McCors McGrlh MdbrkRe ttoiQll Medaph Medar Medarex Medarxwt MedcoCs Medex MedAd MedMkt MedSh Medlcis MedicwlB Medsials Meocr 4 'u I Tit Kaman Keene KelvOil Kendall KyCnLf KeyPrd Kinetic Kirschn KnwIW Komag Kopin Krystal Kulcke KushLk LCS LDDSs LDICp LSBNCs LaPeie Laddr LamRs Lancstr Lance LdmkGph Lannet LasrMd LmTch Lasrscp Lattice LawrSB Lawsn LrngCo Ledec Lechters Legent LeoGrpesPol LotyBc LibBco*k LibMdaA LibNBs Lidaetch LfeUSA LinBrd Lincare Lincn LincTI Linear! Liposm LTI LtSwtz Loewen LoneSStk LoneStr LngStk Lotus Lundlnt 12 3 5 15 14 15 14 13 12 13 10 10 8 1201 828 ii 458 01 1660 17 USAICS USAlpf USGP IMa Unimar 127e uurdn USBknt USBios USCell USills UnVolt UnvPal VallyRs Valsprs VKCal VREI Veronex Versar Viacom Viatch Visx Vivigen VovMNn VulCCP NatVsn NtwdCI NatWndr Nalurd NalrBls Nellcor NelsnT Neorx Netframe NwkCmp NlwkG NtwkSy Neurgn Nwlmag NJSH NewLdns NwbNkg Newcor NwldBk NwpkRs NtchRs NbleDr NoeiGp Nordsns Nordsl NrskB NABio NAmVn NeaslBcp NorTst NwNG NovaPh Novells Novlus Noven NuWst Nucrpl LSBInd LSBpf LaBaro Landurs 60a LdmkSv LndsPc Larizz Laser LazKap WangB WRITS Watrhses Wthfrd WelGrd Wesco WstBrC Westcp WIRET Wickepf Worthn Xvtron Ziealer AP NY 06 11 92 1436EST xieYf 20 OtrGrrfg 20 DomBk Jlj Doskcl DreyerG urugt Durlrns Seibel Sequnt Seouoi Seragen SrvTch ShrMed Shrplm Seldi Sholodge Shomst Shorwd 325e snowpiz SierOns SierSm SierTah SierTuc SigmDg SigmAI Silicon SilicnVI Simplnd Simtek Simtkwl Siskon Smth Society SoctySv Soflech 36 1 6 A mo ZW A mosc A 195 A SSC Axrxsc Amoal Amwesl 28 Angeies AngMlg AngPar ArkRst Arhvlh Askolc Atari Atlantis Audvox 16 11 4 22 7 27 ParPfdn ParPf3n Paxar PegGId PenTrn PenRE Penob PeriniC PtHeat PhILD J9e rnnxuas PittwyA PlnRsc PlyGem PlyRA Polrln Polyphn PorlSvs PratHtl PfdHIth PrpdLg PrmBcs Prism PropCT PrvEng PbSI7 PbSt9 PbSllO PbStll PbStl? PbStl4 PbStlSn PbSll6n PbSll7 1171 1111 1157 112? 1174 934 973 1176 1225 1345 1401 10 IQtt 1100 225 234 1178 1227 1097 1143 01 1067 1111 1114 1160 1155 1203 1179 1228 1113 1159 1124 1171 50 84 NOTS Ex distribuftcn Previous ouolaiion Sixk split or dividend Ex dividend NL Noload Oistribufion cosh apply plan Redemption charge may apWvi Bolhp and footnotes apply AP NY 06 10 92 18I9EST ARelian 60 AbCih AmShfd' AmbWM A axpSC A arc I A arcsc A chv A chvsc A itMcC A 157 4 1 1092 17 1040 01 1037 1282 06 1J 34 956 861 1299 09 785 03 1126 10b 20 107) 1127 2082 219? 17 1136 1196 03 2718 2861 26 1155 1216 01 $96 ni ProvidentMutual: btwthp 709 tnvslp 759 PATxp 1280 TotRfp 1199 USGvp 1195 ValSho 1040 Prudential unds: NicnA I0J5 BlckGv 1009 CAlnAp 990 EqufAp 1215 GIU1A 1264 GvPlAo 913 HiYdAp 822 MultAp 1231 birtlAp CalMut EqutBt Eqlnct ISIrt lCnt GNMAI 1497 1497 GIObBt 990 990 GlbGnt 1213 1213 GvPlBI 913 913 GvlScp 996 996 GrthBf 1448 14 48 GtOpBl 1637 1637 07 rtirOBf InlGII InVrBt MullB MuAzt MuLA 1006 1053 MuHil 1079 1079 Mulnl 1109 1109 MuMdt 1093 1093 MuMal 1126 1126 MuMit 1160 1160 MuMTf 1068 1068 MuNLt MuNJt MuNYl MuOht MuPaf NtMuf Structp 1191 1231 TofRetl 834 834 USGvf 9S3 953 UtilBt 1734 1734 Putnam undv AdiUSP 1114 II $1 01 A4 1 1 CalTx Convp CpAT Dvrlnpx 1218 EnRsp 1721 edlnpx 1043 LTx 898 Georgp 1363 GloGvp 1535 GIGrop 773 Grnlfto 17 Hllhp 2693 2857 niirtcD (8 HiYIdp 1282 HYAdP 1006 Incomp 692 invstpx 820 MaTxll 903 MITxilp 881 Munln 874 MnTxllp 874 NJTx 887 NYTx 877 NYToop 873 OTCEp 859 OhTxlip 880 UDtniip PATE String TaxEx THYt TInst 1478 USGvp 1366 Util 900 Vislap 735 Vovaoo 97? Quest or Value: und 1080 II 4J GlEq 1247 1320 USGov 1176 1235 RanGovt 966 9 96 RanGvIl 995 995 Regis und: 1U8 1265 DSIDv 1080 DSILM 1045 SirSEa 1371 RrhTno RevBC 14 Rightime Group: BUCp 2889 3033 RTfo 3390 3390 GvScp 1262 1325 GrthP 2486 2610 RobSEGo 1482 1482 Rochester ds: RoMuD 1716 1788 Dnrinpv Cnttara Gwthp 1465 1526 14 InliEqp 1065 1109 06 Rushmore Group: AGas 1022 1022 01 OTCld 1321 1321 10 SBK Select CareGo CarlCm Jli uarmtx Caseys CeiSci Celgene CeilPro CelCmPR Ceirtn Celtrx Cenlrbk CentxTI Centers Centcrwl CnBsh CidBks ICH ICHd? IK I CP lacniix ImpHls ImpOilg Incslar inefMkt insteel Instron InsSypf InslSy InligSn InClPd IninSv Intrmk JntColno intICorn lOe InlMob IniMovie IntMur 1051 1095 815 849 9M 995 1737 1858 05 1146 1226 13 1341 1434 05 GrnleC GACm GlARc GrtBav GtLkBc GtNYSv SrnwPh Grist Grosmn Grdwlr Guests HBO HMO Hadco HallMrk HalwdCn Handex Hsnvin Harleyss HarmBc HarisHa Hathwy HausCh HawkB HlthCSs Hlllmg HllMetr HllCmp Hlthdyn Hllhinf Hllsrc Hllhwtc HeariTc HchgA Hetian HnlyGb HnlvPr HnryJks HrtBkccs HiberSv HilbRg Hologic HolsnB Hmelnl HmeNlr HORL HmcrMs" Homedc HmBufl HrznB HntJBs HuntEn HuntB Hurco 92 23 7 12 5 114 21 104b 41 8 12 31 10 PopeRes PoughSv Powell E'mAjes PrmrBc PresLf Prestek PrsfnCb PriceCo PrcTR PrmeMd Procvt ProdOp PrgSys ProgBk ProsGps ProtLfe ProtDg Proteon ProiSv PbSNC PgSdBc PulseEn PuritBen PyrmT Inocu InHome Inacom IndusHid InfnBrd InfoRes Infrmx Infrsncs IngIMkt Innovex Inofek input InsitGp InsitMd InsitNA Integn IntgCir IntoDv IfgSysintgWsl intel 2L 15 Ym 30 1 1 MrcBk Mercer MercGn MrdnBc MStlSk Merisel Meritr MesaArs Methanx Meyer 15 8 18 ru 3 'At 1111 1455 1113 1039 07 2634 27 530 01 14 121? 1101 08 ds: 1061 05 1091 4 1111 01 1129 a Cordis CoreSl CorpSft Casttas Covntry Lrxfuri Cragin CreyCm CftALrn Crilicrfc CropG PECs PacEuro PGEpfD PGEotG PGEpfW PGEptT PGEofP PGEpfO PGEpfM PGEpfK PacWst PWNkpwt PallCos 36 PrkPar 05e 1436 09 1197 866 864 763 1018 982 872 974 Biooen Biomair Bionwts Biofriira 10 BioTcG fr BirdCa 20 14 1334 7 21 32 1 10 1 14 20 37'e 31 14 34 21 1577 18 1317 04 969 1382 07 1264 661 1360 1300 1432 1303 1981 01 1563 07 104? 02 1399 04 35 Cl A "5Sa 11 3 4 13 34 13 'to 12 60 16'4 34 HalEP HallRIy Halsey HangOr HanwtB Harken Hasbros Hasbwts HlthCr HlthCh HltPrfs Httvst Helionet HelmR Hemion Hnfyln HigMdS Hilhav Holco 268e nonao HoodHIs HrnHar HtllwtB HovnEn Howlek 5 19 18 3 7 13 14 10 50 36 24 15 and 621 unchanged The Labor Department report ed that the producer price index of finished goods rose 04 percent in May up from 02 percent in April and slightly above esti mates At the same time other govern ment statistics on retail sales and unemployment claims gave evi dence of less progress than had been hoped toward a recovery NEW YORK (AP) Stock ed issues with 626 up 948 down uiupptu louay ex tending the slide of the past two sessions as traders faced what ana lysts described as some disap pointing economic news The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials down 6091 points over the past two sessions fell 1141 points to 333181 by 3 pm Losers outpaced gainers by about 3 to 2 in nationwide trading of New York Stock Exchange list BB4T BE Aero BEIEI Bllnc BUYS BMCSfl BMJ BTUIrrt BWfP haw SikerJ BldLyB Ballards talvfim BcdnegfCISC 64 BkSeu 11 UKWOTC 17 Banta 6ta BanyM? BsTnA BasAm BasExN Bsefs I4 BayVw 60 BayBkt Bayprf BedBath Beiust' Bettpl i BenJer BetzLb 134 Birrfly 06 5 4 8 20 17 I56 174 64 3 27 133a 1 34 XI 06 17 6 144 12 4 from the recession i igures like that have lately dimmed hopes that the pace of business recovery might be accel erating Amdura Corp tumbled to 3sb reversing a recent dramatic runup apparently based on specu lation that has not been borne out On Wednesday Amdura said it was hiring an investment banker to help it with a possible restruc turing of some of its debt ISH IM 15 144 nvi 34 12 ll'l I UV 24 15 11 20 15 13 2'A 2 34 I 9 39 19 15 1' 13 10 1 17 24 49 13 274 11 113A 28 24 3 17 29'4 4 534 13 19 5 7 32 6 Advolric AfiBin Afymax AgncyR Agnkog Mum Akorn Akzo Albank Aldus AlaxBId AliasR AlianPh AlQCall AfidGo Atoharl AiiaGW Altera Altron AmPf AmerOn AmBinon AClaims AmOnll 1 Ailffl Amunl AGreet AHIISv AmlnPt AMedE AmPac ivs a 12 Afnjn AmSupr ATvCm AUldGlS AmAII 1038 1029 1002 106! 1198 1035 Warburg Pincus: i 1761 1261 13 I6M 973 13 6 109) 998 T2Meds TBCs TCA TCell TP3 TNTrt TPIEn TSICp TWHId TakeCr Tandon Tanklgy TargetT TchDlas Tech Sal Tecnol Tekeiec Teknkrn Yeico Telvid TKmA Teledta Telmatc Telios Telabs Telxon Tetra Teva ThrTch ThrnAVr 3Com 3DSvs Tocorll TodayM TokosMd loops TrakAu tranln Tricares Yrjconx Trimble Trlmed Trion Tseng TuesMs Tysons UBco UNR USHmcrs USLong USTCp UltPac Unigen Unilab UPlntpfE UldAmHIt UCifGs UndBc UireC UGamg UtdPslI UtRelail USBcs USad USHNh USPaging USRobt USlaln Unilrin Uiiix VLSI VMX VWRs ValYech ValNtl ValHlfh VgrdCl Vans VariCrt VarSpr! Venlrifx Verdix Verifne viin Veslar VertxPh Vicors Vicorp Videcrl VidDsp VideoL yidefic Viewlg Vikings Villinl VaBch VilaiSgn Vmark Volllnf 887 931 822 863 1728 18 33 4190 42 97 12 79 10 1826 1095 07 943 1446 05 1617 820 1363 18 21 '4 5 28 734 1 Id 11 13 4 21 84 3S' i 4 90 26 4 40a 15 4 71 fl 40 24 4 4 14 416 36 10 5834 10 23 35 15 1 17 64 22 Ve 124 4 26 42 5 3734 9 268 30 02e 10 30 21 34 UlilAp 1245 1307 I Columbia unds: 1 med Gov! Grth Muni I Srwl I Common Sense: i bOVt Grlnc Grwth MunB i CwiihBi I Compass Capital: tqinc i xdln Grwth Shlnt Composite Group: I DQJIXP IIZZ i 10? Gwthp 1210 1260 IndP 8 84 921 NWSOp 2679 2805 TxExp 740 771 USGvp 1054 1098 ComPtSl 952 997 1 Conn Mutual: I bOV! Grwlh TofRei Copley CtrvCa I Dean Witter: Amvit 186 i CalT I 1243 I CapGrt 1327 Convt! 895 DevGrl 1228 I DivGlt 2686 tqnnci Euro I Gtblt GPiusI HiYIdt I Inimdl NYTf 1 NtlRst 1096 PacGrl 1279 1 SearTp 1190 i Mngd! 1157 i Slrall 1403 TaxEx 1164 USGvtl 930 Utilf 1268 ValAdt 1641 YAVIn 899 WklWt 1504 Delaware Group: uecin iobv Dectllp 1366 Delawp 1804 iwcpp Deichl Dkhllp Gvtllp Invl Invllo TxPap 816 TxUo 1187 Txlnsp 1109 Trendo 11 Ik Dimensional ds: ussmt Japan UKrng Coni ixd GlBd Govt DodgeACox: Balan 4120 4120 Inco 1153 1153 Slock 4619 4619 Dreyfus: ABOfid CalTx CapVp CvSec Dreyf GNMp GlhOp Index InsMuP 1830 1830 Interm 1395 1395 Levge 1734 1816 MasTx 16 22 1622 MunBd 1290 1290 NJMun 1304 1304 NwLdP 3173 3173 NYlnp 1134 1134 NYTax 1538 1538 NYTEp 1723 1723 1 Peoolnl 1460 14 60 ihlGv ShlnTp SfrAgp Stlncp Stlnvp SfrWp ThrdC USTinl UST Lng 1378 1378 01 Dreyfus General: Aoreea no no GnCA 1310 1310 01 GMBd 14 85 1485 GNYp 1955 1955 Dreyfus Premier: LAMUP 176J UZJ CTMup 1156 1210 LMuP 14 43 1511 Gnmap 1492 1562 MAMo 1150 1204 MDMp 1252 1311 MIMup 1491 1561 MNMp 147? $4I MuBdP 139? 1458 NYMp 1382 144? OHMuP 1245 1304 PAMgp 1584 1659 TXMup 20 12 2107 DupKvtf 717 717 Eaton Vance: bVbtk IJ68 GvtObp 1135 brwinp InBosp Invslfp MunBd STGWt SoEqfo TotRlo Eaton Marafhn: LaiMnt yyb Eqlncl 1091 lTxl 1081 Hilnct 743 NJTI 1046 NYTf 1084 NlMunl 961 PATt 1049 clioo 1 78 EmUem und: ErnEq 1052 1096 IntGv 1085 1130 OHReg 1209 1259 RelEtj 1149 1197 SIxd 1038 1081 Emerald unds: EmrlEq 1070 11 20 EmrIUS 1044 1093 EmoBld 17 39 18 Endow 1753 17 53 04 Enterprise Group: CoPAD ZDX ilVl GvSecp 1236 1298 Gwlhp 760 798 Grlncp 1663 17 46 Equitable unds: STWd 904 93? EqStrat 3242 3242 01 Evergreen unds: Evgrn 1315 1315 14 LldMk 2066 2066 04 ToIRfn 1924 1924 08 vanm uw uw BLGlhl 1233 1233 PA unds: tapif Nwlnc Parmt Pppn ederated unds: txen IGT STIIn GNMA GRO HYT IT IMT SIMT SIGT SB ST ARMI MaxCo idelity Advisor: EqPG 2306 2421 EqPJ 12 46 1308 27 2233 HIMUD ILH HiYIdp 1097 IncGtp 1425 LIB 1055 STip 996 SocSilp 1923 ItM USGI idelity Invest: Agibr AMgr Balanc such CAIn CAT CapAp Cplncr CnaS Contra 2617 2698 CnvSc 1494 1494 DesIl NL Destll 2507 NL DisEor 1669 1669 EmgGr 1431 1475 tome EQH Ealdx Europ Exch idel GNMA GloBd GovfSc GroCo Grolnc HiYId InsMu fntBdf InlGr InvGB MuMDoll17 1173 MuNY 1038 1090 1 MuNC 1146 1203 I MuSC 1173 1231 1 MuTNp 1016 1067 MuVAp 1141 1198 MuWV 1122 1171 I MuHY 914 960 I WklGv 1264 1327 WldTR 9 98 1048 I MS Lifetime: capbt Globlt Sectrl Emgt GvPil GvSect Hilncl Inline! MuBdt 1 TotReff 1038 I MSBdP 1546 1546 Mackenzie Grn: I Amdo 1215 1289 II I LAMuP IUZJ IQ4 ixlnp 1005 1055 I NYMuP 994 1044 NlMup 986 1035 I NATRp 651 691 I Mainstay unds: LdAPI CroBdt Eoldx GovPIt TxBI ToIRlI Valt Mathers MentGt Merrill Lynch: AdiRAo 993 1024 Ba via CaMA CaoA CpHiA CHQA CpIT CoDiv EuroA 1267 1355 06 dScAp 980 1021 LMA 1020 1063 GIAIA 1192 1275 01 GfIRA 1317 1409 10 HeafthA 371 397 04 Insllnp 986 986 InHdA 1173 1255 07 MMTA MnlnA MnLId PacAf PhnxA SoVlA STGAp 969 9 99 02 AdiRBl 993 993 BalBt 1264 1264 14 BaVlB! CaMBt CdBl CoHiBl CHQBt EurBt dSrB LMBI 1020 1020 TBI 1635 1635 13 GIAlBt 1184 1184 01 bludot IC35 1UJ5 GlUlBt 1107 1107 GrIRBI 1282 1282 JO MHYBI 1051 1051 MnlBt 965 965 NtRBl 1414 1414 NJMBI 1063 1063 NYMBI 1148 1148 PacBtf 1698 1698 05 PaMBt 1060 1060 PhxBl 1132 1132 14 STGBI 969 9 69 IB SDvBl 1256 1256 04 TXMB1 1036 1036 Merriman ds: CapApf 1157 1157 MetLife StateSt: taAPP 16t6 Engv 818 Eolncp 936 Eqlnvlp GvScp 722 Gvllnp 1218 Hilncp 600 MgdAfp 804 TxExo 770 Midwest: USGvp 1032 USTrep 911 InlGvP 1057 OHT 1151 Monetta MM Monitor unds: Gwthlp 2465 2568 19 OhTflp 2101 2189 xtni zuya zova GwfhT InEqT 2106 21 06 12 OhTT 2101 2101 02 SlBdT 2084 2084 01 MontSm 1316 1316 Morgan Stanley: oai EmGr GixIn IntiEq MutBen Mutual of Omaha: Amerp low njy Grwthp 1038 1090 Income 10 06 1056 Txreo 1210 1270 Mutual Series: seacn 2582 Quatfd 2334 Shares 7050 NYl Instit tAf Bond GrEq IdxBd IdxEq MuilA STBd Valo National unds: Bond CaTxE 1329 edSc 960 GlbAlp 1182 InGAp 919 MullAp 1320 Slockp 838 TaxEx 1040 ToiRep 766 WWOpp 726 Nallnd 141? Nations und: IncEdp 1104 1156 Mulncp 1043 1070 VAMup 1040 1067 Nationwide ds: NaiBd Nald NafGf Txrt Neuberger Berm: urns Guard LtMat Manhl Partnr SeiSed UlIrBd NwCnlfp 1197 1197 NewlGl 2370 2370 Nicholas Group: Nitn Nchll 2428 242! Nthln 34? 342 NchLI 1672 1672 Nomurf 1334 13 North Am SK Tr: Ubbvfp 991 1032 weinvbr 11 yi 2vi NefnvTr 930 930 Nuveen unds: CAinsx 1006 1056 CAValx 1022 1073 iflsMunx 1007 1057 973 956 1032 1047 1041 1647 USS CapAp EGlh ixinc IntEqu IntGvt NYMu Weiss Peck Greer: Tudor 2313 2313 35 Gov! 10 38 10 38 01 Gwth 1183511835 201' brine ziua Westcore: Basvi BdPfu InlBd Mitka Westwood unds Eolnst 1406 11s vvmbibf 882 IZ WmBlin 1061 1061 William Penn: PennSp 1052 1104 PAn Wood Neuw Pine WinGI Woodward brval IntBd Intrns Cowl World NwoTig 13 89 1462 06 4 wrigni unas: Lunn GvOb InBCh JrBfCh NearB QulCor SlBKh TofRei YamGlb Zweig ShatA ZSGvAp 9 78 1027 ZSPAo 1183 125? 6 13 3 12 7 31 100 37 3 "65 26 2 800 15 lie 11 13 25 10 10 8 05i 25 12 12 19 49'4 i 3 13 1'4 1 Yr 15 4 HU8CO 40b 12 Halifax 22 'e Ntwk ricTn 34 Exide ExdScoI HP LSpf ailGrp amBc amSlk rmHm aslnls erofl ifthTs 50 Offs ileNet iiBsml indl inLine AIaBk HApar ATn KOmL tConsf tEstn fEsex ldMtc ldSBs tnCps lIBk fHaw sllndis lSvBk SecCs Scn Tenns luid Mstn tWn leer lexsll lowlnt dLioBs dLioAs orestO orinB rthn ramSv rkEPb reds remnl uIrHB uron 1846 710 199? 1384 516 nl a 1340 1116 01 1346 06 1572 03 666 01 1028 01 1404 12 1173 1146 1 6 10 9 8 3 12 13 15 5 8 8 QVC QuadLg Quadrx QuakCh QuaIMd Quaicm Qiood Quantum QuantHlt QuanRst Quarex QudkOf QuestM Quidel Quikslv Quixte Dinina RSnl RadaElc RadCare Radius RainTc Rallys Ramsay gasirQp Ratner 68e KeaoKi RgcvCr Regenrn RegfBc RehabCIn Ribncl RenCo Recap Replgn ReposAu RepAuwl RepBcp RscAm Reslor Reslrwt Rellx ReutHd Ribilm Richfd RigsNt RioHII Rival RoadSv RobMyrs 20 1094 02 1040 15 1001 01 1174 53 4 44 4 29 27 3 18 30 12 9 14 45 1445 01 1487 1482 1264 1324 868 868 1251 1251 1499 1499 1150 1150 1701 1701 2106 29 1230 1536 07 21 15 13 1725 1830 1371 14 41 2210 2345 21 1416 1487 01 1354 1437 Un 1457 01 lJJ 18 IS 2367 2511 1379 1865 1979 11U 1717 4 01 TECAp 1485 1559 01 TEMdP 1468 1541 01 TEVAp 15 07 1582 01 Wshp 1590 168? 10 Abinra bsj yj7 Alnvst $85 613 Amer Nafl unds: Grth 451 493 Inco 2216 2422 APlGrfp 1064 1064 Am Perform: bona Equity IntBd Analyt Aquila AZT COT HIT KYT ORT Arch unds: CapApp 1357 1421 Div 1019 1067 USGov 1072 1123 Atlas unds: CaMum 10 58 1091 GvlSc 1078 Babson Group: Bono Enlerp Gwlh UMBB UMBSl BatfdBlp 1768 1876 BairdCapTO 91 2219 BaronAr 1515 1515 Bartlett unds: BasVI 1413 1413 ixedl 10 09 1009 Benham Group: AdiGov 1007 1007 cail Catfln CaHH (H( EoGro 1064 1064 GNMA 1068 1068 Goldin 789 789 IncGro 1274 1274 NITI 1051 1051 NITL 1129 1129 8345 8345 TflTOOO 5606 5606 Tg2005 3684 36 86 Tg20l0 2576 2576 TgTOlS 1875 1875 127? 1272 TNote 1070 1070 Berger Group: 100 1) 23 1123 Bernstein ds: bvbh ShtDur IntDur CaMu DivMu NYMu Blanchard GlGrnp 983 983 05 STGI 189 189 BdEndw 1849 1849 02 tsosron uo: CaApp 2644 2644 Mgdlp 1142 1142 SpGlhp 1427 1427 Brndyw 1876 1876 BuN Bear Gp: CaGrp 696 696 HiYIdp 851 851 Burnhm 20 79 2188 CGM unds: CaoDv 2441 2441 Mutl 2581 2581 CIGNA unds: bvxo Grfhp HiYIdp Incop MunBp Ulilp Vaiuep CaiTfst Cafvert Group: Anei ArielA Inco Socialp SocBd SocEo TxLt TrCia TxVT 1558 16 19 Canttaw Gvtlnc 473 4 73 01 Trend 1354 1424 10 Cardnl 1252 1368 09 CrdnlGv 895 937 01 Cameg Cappieto: urowp TRetnp Carnegie Govlp GHNalTE 9 93 10 40 tnlShs 2115 2115 Chestnl 173M122M Citibank IRA CIT: Bfllant 271 278 Eouitf 300 300 mcomi 241 241 Clipper 48 62 48 62 Colonial unds: laitt 720 undAp22 14 GvSecp 1071 GwthAp 1323 HiYIdAp 635 IncomeAo 639 746 690 1180 1319 01 12 66 02 2160 21 1017 01 1162 01 14 72 07 8 38 01 84 17 03 10 1410 16 10 04 11 01 64 09 ablndt alcCbl arMtgn ibrhrt lAusI AusPr 108a Ctffltu IU lEmp TiO 125 fioer IRpBc lschP ianlgn luke oodrm rdwin orslLb ounPw fesenn riedm ruitL USlncT 1056 1056 ValEql 1171 1220 ValEqT 1171 1171 SBSCv 1099 1099 SBSGr 14 64 1464 SEI unds: BOT0P IU4J CapGr 1197 GNMAplO06 LtVBdP 1035 DflTbVp IntMnp IntGvp Intlo Eqlncp Eoidio PAMup 1042 Valup 1214 CanAn MAI Safeco unds: uaii Equit Grwth inco Munic USGov Salem xtfiT MnBdT 1050 1050 Valuelp 1681 1751 VaiueT 1681 1681 Salomon Bros: Cao 1860 1958 Inves 1637 1723 ODDOrt 2726 2726 Schrodp 1634 1634 Schwab unds: SchblOOO 1106 1106 ScofWid 1198 1268 Scudder unds: tai ix CaoGt Deva GNMA Globl Gold Grwln Incom Intld InllBd MATx MedT MMB NYTax OHTax PATax OuaIG STBond 1196 STGlbl 1198 TxHi 117? 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The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)


What caused the decline of Buffalo NY? ›

Suburbanization and decline, 1957–2010

The city's population gradually began to decline in the decades after World War II. A key cause was suburban migration, which was a major national trend at the time.

Is Buffalo NY coming back? ›

For the first time in 70 years, the city of Buffalo has increased its population and has become one of the most livable and affordable cities in America. Buffalo natives expect cliché assumptions about where we're from. It's bitterly cold and snows a lot.

What is the name of the newspaper in Buffalo, New York? ›

Read the latest Buffalo, NY, and Erie County news from the Buffalo News.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Buffalo News? ›

FAQ. How much does an obituary in the Buffalo News Daily cost? Placing an obituary in the Buffalo News Daily starts at $37.96. Package prices can vary depending on the edition of the paper (weekday, weekend, or Sunday editions) and other factors such as the length of the obituary.

Why is buffalo in decline? ›

Yet no matter the impact from drought, horses, or fires, what doomed the buffalo most were (1) the commodities markets for buffalo tongues, skins, meat, and robes; and (2) the railroads, which provided the means of transportation to rapidly expanding European-American populations.

What is the problem in buffalo? ›

Poverty and inequality are the worst problems afflicting Buffalo Niagara, and the primary cause of most of the others. While poverty rates in the region as a whole are roughly average, the city of Buffalo consistently ranks as one of the poorest in the nation.

Are the owners of Buffalo Riverworks fighting over ownership? ›

The two main partners in the venture are fighting over their ownership percentages. The lawsuit, which accuses Ketry of “unjust enrichment” and “breach of contract,” indicates that trouble has been brewing behind the scenes for some time.

What is the black newspaper in Buffalo NY? ›

The Buffalo Criterion is the oldest Black owned weekly newspaper in Western New York. Founded in 1925 by Frank E. Merriweather, Sr. and his wife, Carmelita Merriweather, the newspaper has been a major voice in recording the history of African Americans.

Where is the Buffalo news paper printed? ›

The Buffalo News is now printing its daily newspaper at a facility in Cleveland.

Do people get paid to write obituaries? ›

How much does an Obituary Writer make? The estimated total pay for a Obituary Writer is $129,113 per year, with an average salary of $98,850 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users.

Why do obituaries cost so much? ›

Why does it cost so much to post an obituary? Publishing an obituary in the newspaper is expensive because of the limited space papers have. Newspapers value every inch of each page, so they must charge to use that limited space for an obituary.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in a local paper? ›

An average obituary can easily be $200.00-500.00. Costs vary by publication. Newspapers charge by the line and can average $450 for a complete obituary. The average obituary cost begins at $200.00 and increases due to the amount of content, including a photograph and the length of the obituary.

What caused the buffalo population to decrease? ›

Native Americans tribes, forced off land in the east, bring horses and guns to the Great Plains and increased pressure on bison. Mass destruction of the once great herds of bison began. West of the Rocky Mountains, bison (never in large numbers) disappeared.

What caused the buffalo to disappear? ›

By the 1800s, Native Americans learned to use horses to chase bison, dramatically expanding their hunting range. But then white trappers and traders introduced guns in the West, killing millions more buffalo for their hides. By the middle of the 19th century, even train passengers were shooting bison for sport.

Why is buffalo, New York so run down? ›

The first catalyst for this decline was the national trend of suburbanization. As with many cities, white middle-class workers were growing weary of living in urban environments, many of them plagued with crime, industrial conditions, and increasing racial tensions.

Why did buffalo lose so many people? ›

The appeal of the automobile induced many to leave the older center cities for the suburbs, where property was plentiful and cheaper, or to abandon the area altogether for cities like Los Angeles, built around the car. And Buffalo's dismal weather didn't help.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.