Rizanto Episode 10 No Yamato for Young NPCs (2025)

Disclaimer: There is none, you knew what you were in for when you saw who was writing this.


  • 1 A New Semester
  • 2 Operation Alpha + Brainrot Central
  • 3 Rizzler the Hutt + BanBanned from Investigating + Bihness
  • 4 The Good, The Banban, and The Skibidi
  • 5 Next Time

A New Semester[]

The LEGACY base had a collective sigh of relief. After having a week off in compensation for the weird and wacky events that took place with Lecuum, they truly came into their own. Walking in that early misty morning was none other than Soreo, twisting the keys into the building and walking in. There was the Janitor, who saluted Soreo, who in return did the same. After that, he walked out and the Captain of LEGACY had the building to himself. He walked into the main room and sat down, taking in the fresh air and the relief that came with not having any pressing matters.

("No more funding issues....no more problems....") he thought to himself as he kicked back in his chair and let out a sigh of relief. He got up and decided to input some things into the monitor, via one of the terminals. "This should be relaxing."

He then went back into his chair and silently appreciated the music. Ah yes, things were finally taking a turn for the peaceful. Except, he heard a lot of crashing and bashing noises coming from the other room. At first he wrote it off, but then Soreo sprang up, teeth a chattering and a clattering.

"W-What's that noise...? Could it be....THE IRS?! They even go after foreigners it seems..."

Reaching for his holster, Soreo became ready to act, slowly walking towards the room until it burst open. He sprang back and began to scream around like a chicken that was surrounded by foxes, being utterly inconsolable. Meanwhile, the people who burst out were none other than Mendou, Boutaro, Kiriko, and Ichigo, the first blowing a party kazoo, the second holding a birthday cake, the third having a camera that was commonly used in the 1800s properly positioned and everything, and the last one having nothing but a big wrapped present.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" they shouted. But soon, they noticed that he was already disturbed. This led to a domino effect of nonsense. Firstly, Mendou locked in on the birthday cake, no longer being able to resist its seductive charm. Overcome with hunger, he tackled Boutaro and stole the cake for himself. Boutaro chased after him, blowing the party kazoo like a police officer in London would blow a whistle at you. And in this case, it was also just as ineffective. While that nonsense was happening, Ichigo bumped into Kiriko, causing the camera to prematurely go off and snap a few still pictures. Here is the following of what could be recorded during this.

Looking through here, Boutaro was on top of Mendou attempting to pull at his hair in order to control his hands and stop him from eating that cake. In the next one, Soreo rammed into Mendou, causing the cake to fall on top of him. Ichigo, attempting to disarm the situation, tried to dive in the way to save the Captain, but only knocked over what seemed to be the READ machine, a sign that they had arrived in anticipation of their dear Captain. This caused the monitor at full volume to blast this, which can actually be recorded over the other pictures.



The blue haired woman in question pulled out a coonskin hat and continued, saying "Makoto-kun...."

"Hitori, I dunno..."

Alright, back to the photos. What seemed to be the final thing was a cone getting sent straight into Kiriko's face, causing her to stumble and trip, knocking over the camera and slipping onto the cake batter that littered the floor, causing her to fall on her back. When all was said and done, everything was a right mess. Covered in frosting and promptly having the chunks of cake delicately picked off of him by Mendou, Soreo could only look up into the air and shout.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?!!!!!!!!"

One intro later, the team were promptly cleaned up and now all sitting around at the table shamefully while Soreo had a stern look on his face and hands behind his back. Mr. Janitor was there too and after coughing a bit, Soreo had no choice but to offer him a rather thick wad of cash for having him work past his shift. As he mumbled 'thank you' and continued on his merry way, the Captain of LEGACY looked at his subordinates.

"Now, I'm all for silliness, goofiness, and chicanery of all levels- BUT THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! I as a LEGACY Captain cannot allow such....such atrocious behavior to pass!!!!"

He slammed his fist on a desk.

"It's inconceivable what you did today! You're all meant to be professionals! I'd ought to have you all grounded right now!"

Boutaro held his head down in shame.

"We're sorry sir....we wanted to plan in advance so as to not cut into work hours but, there's no doubt that we've wasted more time. And more people could've gotten hurt-"

Pointing his finger at Boutaro and shouting, Soreo barked "YOU DIDN'T FOLLOW PROPER SURPRISE PARTY PROTOCOL!!!!"

"Eh?!" replied the young man as he nervously straightened his posture.

Ichigo folded his arms.

"LEGACY has a standard surprise birthday party procedure, and they're important. Especially when it comes to a Captains."


"What's even more repulsive is-"

Soreo slumped his arms down, the room feeling dark around him.

"It's not even my birthday...."

Kiriko tilted her head.

"HUH?! HOW?!"

"What do you mean how? Come to think of it, this was your first attempt to do so....It's not like you would know."

"We had Ichigo cyberstalk you! We got the information from your YouTube account!"

Soreo looked over at Ichigo who scratched his hair.

"Err, yes...."

"So that's why I kept getting recommended 'sauce reviews' on my account...."

"Well" continued Kiriko. "It says on there you were born in 1895, on June 6th."

Soreo shook his head.

"I'm afraid not, Kiriko. When I was a younger man, I wanted to make sure I didn't get age restricted. You know how soft the world is these days, they might restrict a 25 year old from watching someone. Better safe than sorry."

"But, what about-"

"Furthermore, I was born in October. I'm pretty sure you mixed up the birthday with uh....err, that Brandon fellow I think?'

Mendou happily ate the remains of the cake, causing everyone to look at him. He stopped snacking briefly, confused.

"What? Somethin goin on?"

"No..." sighed Kiriko. "But I can't help but think we'll have to use some of that funding for rations."

"We're not at war though...."

"Well, you eat like you're about to be."

The room went silent, apart from Mendou's snacking. That was until Ichigo looked at Soreo more closely.


He gasped.

"Sir, you don't have your glasses anymore!"

Soreo tilted his head while everyone else began to realize.

"He doesn't..." said Boutaro.

Mendou and Kiriko could only afford to say "Huh..." One out of food and the other out of mild disinterest.

"Oh yeah, after that space monster's attack they started to hurt me."

"Wait a minute...." mumbled Boutaro.

He stood up and began examining Soreo, particularly his muscles(pause), squeezing them to make sure of something. Kiriko began to smirk.

"BL-Taro, I knew you liked older men, but-"

"S-Shut up!" he replied, looking back at her. "If he stopped needing the use of glasses, then that means he should have an increase in muscle too!"

"Wait? Do you think he's like, Spider-Man or something?"

"I don't know, maybe?!"

Hearing all this muscle talk, Mendou stopped eating and stood forward, giving what seemed to be a detailed and doctorly physical that not even Ichigo could compare to. When all was said and done, he turned around to everyone and coughed.

"In my professional opinion, it seems he has."

"Woah..." said Boutaro. "How'd you get the gains, sir?"

Soreo turned away and blushed.

"Ohhh, they aren't really gains....just, something to work on in the free times. You know how it is."

As the team continued to chatter and chatter away, monitor began to ring. Kiriko, being the receptionist sighed as everyone stopped talking and she went over to listen to what the transmission had to say. As they began yapping, the other four members of LEGACY silently approached her and tried to eavesdrop on the conversation. It got the point where they were leaning on each other and holding their ears out, Soreo and Mendou being the two to have tinfoil funnels to see if they could try and hear anything better. Alas, it didn't work out and when Kiriko turned around to see this she shouted at them "Cut the goofy, WE HAVE A JOB!!!!", causing them to all fall down.

On the floor, it was Soreo who asked "What's the mission?"

"Otari High School is reaching out to us with an issue....but they won't say what it is. They're still on the line."

"Ah..." he said, dusting himself off and standing up. "Let me speak with them then."

Getting on the line, Soreo talked with the person on the other end, who...seemed to be a nervous principal.

"Captain Soreo Akira of Team LEGACY speaking."

"Um...hi, so I was wondering if your team could come to....solve some problems..."

"Sure! We can fix your pipes, do a bit of some spring cleaning around the building, one of us can even teach your students English on the house."

"A-Ah, no no, we won't be needing any of that. It's the...monster....kind of problem."

Soreo's brow furrowed.

"I see...go on..."

"We have reason to believe there is a monster among us. And it's targeting one of the students. W-We'll give you the proper information for your mission, just please, come down here and help us...."

Soreo nodded.

"Alright, I'll see what I can do. We'll be there shortly."

With that, the transmission ended and the monitor got new information and details. It showed a student ID, one of a boy that seemed rather short. He had large circular glasses and a bowl cut. He had dark hair, but seemed to be a foreigner. Soreo turned back to his subordinates, who were now all standing up at attention and waiting for his master plan.

"We're going to do two things here. It seems that a monster is disguising itself amongst the school residents and plans to target this boy here."

"He looks like a nerd...." mumbled Boutaro, though he quickly slapped himself in the face and snapped out of it. It was almost like the desire to bully him was there, but he had repressed it.

"The school is reaching out to us to help" continued Soreo. "Therefore, we'll split into two teams. Three of us will be 'professionally' investigating the school, while two others will disguise themselves as students. The youth will obviously have more insight into this kind of stuff."

He put a hand on his chest solemnly.

"I'm not the spring chicken I used to be last summer....so, I'll have to be all professional."

Mendou crossed his arms.

"I ain't young looking either, I'll join you, Cap."

Kiriko nodded in agreement.

"I'm not too interested in the trends they have nowadays. I'll probably stick out like a sore thumb."

The three looked at Ichigo and Boutaro, who seemed to be the only remaining candidates left. Boutaro pouted.

"Really? Do I look that young?!"

"I call you a boy for a reason, Boytaro!"

"Fair enough, grandma! You probably would stick out with those bags under your eyes!"

She had a look of horror on her face.

"They're that noticeable?!!!"

Boutaro didn't answer, his sinister grin was already good enough an answer.

"There's also Ichigo too" said Mendou, going back to the topic at hand. "He's like my age-"

"No, I'm only 22."

"WHAT?!" shouted everyone collectively, causing Ichigo to have a look of irritation on his face.

"I just don't keep up with my appearances the best...."

"Regardless...." said Soreo. "We need Boutaro for his youth and you need to detect the monster should it be amongst the student body- which it most likely will. Of course, thanks to our handy dandy funding, we'll have prepared disguises for you."

He cleared his throat.


Everyone stood up straight and saluted him as he said "Operation Protect and Hope The Youth So The Icky Monster Can Stay Hiself In Space Away From The Children, IS A GOOOOO!!!!!"


Operation Alpha + Brainrot Central[]

Walking through the gates of Otari High School were crowds of students, already going about their day. Of course, with such a flooded building of the next generation of Hakaikano City, their protectors couldn't be seen head-on. That would cause more discussion. So, as they made their way up the winding stairs that led to the building proper or loitered around the courtyard chalk full of trees, a rather old car and a familar one pulled up. Instead of the illustrious STAR-Rusher, it was once again, Mendou's cousin's car. The one driving were none other than Mendou himself, whilst Soreo and Kiriko were buckled up, the former having called shotgun and the latter sitting in the back with the two darling students who would be spending their time at the academy.

And there it was, Boutaro and Ichigo. They sat next to each other in the back, the former rather annoyed while the latter was nervous. Boutaro wore the school's standard uniform for men, though because of the constant spraying they did on his hair, the hat he wore seemed to meld in with it. He couldn't tell if his hair had actually merged with the headwear or if Kiriko just snipped off part of it while he wasn't looking. And that wasn't even getting to the massive chain he had on the side of the uniform as well. Meanwhile, Ichigo had a proper uniform on, it being a light gray suit that he even had a tie on for. The stubbles on his face were shaved, blemishes on his skin cleared up, and there was even some foundation and make-up put on to make him even younger. His signature glasses were also gone, now replaced with contacts that made him have trouble seeing.

Looking back at them, Soreo could only smile.

"Oh~! Have a splendid time you two!"

Tears began to well up in his eyes.

"It was only yesterday when you were all so young! B-But now....your age...."

He started sobbing into Mendou's arm, to which he consoled him by saying "There, there Cap, time passes. Though....you're gettin my uniform all wet, so cut it out after a few more rounds."

Kiriko looked over at duo and gave them a thumbs up.

"You can do it!"

Boutaro didn't take it well, not saying anything but glaring at her. Conversely, Ichigo nodded.


With that, the duo stepped out of the car and it spluttered away slowly. They tried to take in their new surroundings, hoping to blend in. However, the car seemed to cough and groan, coming to a loud and screeching halt. Black smoke rose into the air as the embarrassed pair watched on, their new classmates looking upon the scene with scrutiny and...just curiosity.

"Darn hunk of junk!!!!" barked Mendou as he slammed his fist on the gear. "WORK! WORK! WORK!!!!!"

"You know...." said Kiriko. "Maybe hitting it won't get it to move faster...."

"Try whipping it, Mendou." advised Soreo.

Pumping himself up, he nodded.

"ALRIGHT! I'm glad I always keep a spare!"

Holding their heads down, Boutaro and Ichigo slinked away in shame as Mendou stepped outside and whipped his car into shape literally. After a few lashes, it coughed and spluttered some more before rolling away. However, there was no driver at the wheel and Mendou was forced to chase after it while Kiriko and Soreo had to deal with the runaway.

Soon, the bell rang and the student body walked inside. Now was the time for Boutaro and Ichigo to wander through the halls, wondering what their homeroom class would be. They had been given notes on what their periods would be, all of them being aligned to where they'd each have the same periods with that boy. His name was Hotato Arlington, originally from the Lone Star State, he had moved to Japan in his early teens. And now, as they walked through the crowded halls, it was time to talk about what to do.

"So..." said Boutaro, with his hands in his pockets and analyzing his surroundings. "My first period is gonna be English."

"Mine too." replied Ichigo, sweat dripping down his face.

Noticing this, Boutaro scratched his hair-hat, hat-hair, hatair.

"Are you okay?"

"Of course I am..! Boutaro, I'm a professional when it comes to this. I'll blend right in and we'll find out who's the monster."

"Okay....It just seemed to me like you were nervous."

"Me? Nervous?"

Ichigo scoffed.

"Get real."

"We are real."

"Don't take it literally you dolt. Be realistic. I've completed school and college, I'm the experienced one here."

Boutaro grinned.

"Okay, talk to those guys over there before we head to first period."

Over there were a couple of boys in a similar uniform to Boutaro. They leaned against the wall and seemed to be chewing on candy. Stomaching up the courage and noticing Boutaro's devious smile, Ichigo walked up to them despite the clear disparity in social skills.

("Shut up, Narrator! Trust in the plan!")

What plan? I bet you didn't even have one you just wanted to seem cool.

("I am cool....now, check this out.")

Slicking back his hair, Ichigo walked up to the boys. They stopped their conversation about the newest Kagurabachi chapter and other random topics to look at him. The ringleader, the largest glared at him, causing the scientist to sweat bullets. However, he quickly smiled at him.

"I've seen you around, you're a new kid, right?"

Taking off guard, Ichigo began to stutter.

"O-Oh, erm, oh, yeah, right I am..."

"I'm Tatsuya, and these are my boys! It's nice to meet you."

The four others introduced themselves.

"Gentaro, it's a pleasure."

"Takumi, happy to get along."

"I'm Haruto, but everyone calls me The Wizard."

"Philip, I'm also kinda new here."

Feeling more comfortable, Ichigo began to smile a bit.

"Uh, Ichigo. I moved here not too long ago."

"Well" said Tatsuya. "I'll be sure to show you around after class is done."

"T-That'd be great..."

Feeling alone in his own corner of things, Boutaro decided to run up and interject himself into the greetings.

"I'm his friend, Boutaro! It's awesome seeing you guys here!"

They didn't really say anything, though there was kind of this awkwardness that came with his presence. Noticing this, Boutaro decided to lighten the mood.

("What do kids like these days....")

He raised his finger.

"Ah! Uh, hey guys have you ever heard of Garten of Banban?"

Slowly but surely, their jovial looks that transitioned to awkward ones, had come full circle to looks of other repulsion. Ichigo began to sweat again as Boutaro was met with Tatsuya getting in his face.

"Are. You. A Banbanner. On MY turf?"


"What episode of Skibidi Toilet featured Ultraman?!"


Lightening up, Tatsuya stepped back.

"Good. But, I'm still not convinced."

Ichigo leaned towards Boutaro.

"Look what you did...!"

"What I did...?! I just wanted to be hip...!"

"You're 19 for Baltan's sake...! You should know how to-'

"It'll be fine....There's no way he'll be able to tell we're not Skibidi...."

Getting in both of their faces this time around, Tatsuya could only laugh.

"Alright, alright. Here's a test for ya!"

Gentaro took out his phone and began playing a certain song.

"Now...how does it go, gentlemen?! Skibidi dop what, what?"

Boutaro was at a loss for words, he didn't know. However, Ichigo saw through this test and countered with one of his own.

"Erm, what the sigma?"

The boys were in shock at how good he was and so, Tatsuya could only clap in response.

"Bravo, you two have proven yourselves. I think we'll take you to our boss now."

"Wait. What?!!!"

"Yeah, I think you can see him. Come on now."

He gestured for the two to follow him and his friends. As they walked away, Ichigo ran his fingers through his hair.


Boutaro simply sighed and followed them, leaving Ichigo fuming behind.

Meanwhile, the trio of Mendou, Kiriko, and their Captain: Soreo, were walking in the halls of the school themselves. However, they were on more official ways of business when it came to their walk. As LEGACY members, they had a certain walk they had to perform. One of class. One of elegance. One to show from the most popular students to the unsung heroes like the janitors, which speaking of Mr. Janitor actually ended up passing by them in the hallway. It seemed like he had a few shifts here as well. Back to the topic at hand, to the unsung heroes like Janitors, they had to show how capable they were. Even if it was as simple as an official walk. With that in mind, the dominance and professionalism asserted with such behavior was noticed when they reached the principal's office.

While the school generally looked like your standard Japanese high school, it seemed that you wouldn't be able to tell with the principal's section. Passing through the main commons and taking a detour right led to an area of the building that seemed innocuous at first. It was a hallway and nothing more, but as they passed through, the group saw various paintings and portraits of what seemed to be famous men. And not just any famous men either. These all seemed to be Captains of prior teams made to protect Earth. Soreo was happy seeing this, while Mendou and Kiriko were unsure of what this meant for how their investigation would go. Regardless, they had made their way in. And when the doors swung open, they found a mini-abode inside.

"Ah- Yes, hello!" hurriedly greeted the principal. He was a man as tall as Soreo, though thinner and seemingly mild mannered. He had his hair slicked back, though that seemed to be in an effort to hide his growing bald spot and receding hairline. But his suit and tie made him look charming. And he looked even more charming with the cozy little office with a personal library, flat screen TV, and even a lifetime replica lego set of the MAC Station.

Soreo shook the man's hand firmly, though he noticed something upon doing so.

("His handshake....it's....limp.")

Realizing this, Soreo's own handshake became limp and now their arms drooped down like noodles. Awkwardly, both men agreed to pull back and pretend that the exchange never happened.

"Well, we're here to conduct our investigation Mr-"

"Yamato." he grinned.

"Yamato?" nodded the Captain of LEGACY. "Seems fitting for a school."

"Quite. Now please don't be a stranger. I arranged chairs for you all."

With that, Kiriko closed the door behind them and they all sat down in chairs while Mr. Yamato sat behind his fancy desk. Though the lego set of the MAC Station was pretty distracting, considering it partially blocked off his face.

"Well, in order to help you I need you to help us...." began Soreo after clearing his throat. "What exactly has been happening at the school? And what led you to believe it was the work of an alien monster?"

"Our school has been getting more and more admissions as of late. A few of them have been discovered to be alien one way or another, but we don't discriminate here at Otari High School. However, they've been getting worse and worse at hiding their identities, and I think this new case takes the cake."

"So you've actually seen this alien monster in action?"

"Yes. If you'll excuse me, I shall now show you the footage. It...may be disturbing."

Mendou punched his palm, declaring "It's fine, sir! That'll be just more motivation for us to solve your issue!"

"Very well then. I see LEGACY members are far from the faint of heart."

And so, that was what Mr. Yamato did. He pulled up the CCTV footage on his computer and flipped it around for the members to see. Though the quality was grainy, the grizzly sight was something that could be horrifying at any range of camera quality. A student was seemingly singing certain song to himself when all of a sudden, another student in a mysterious coat and wearing a shiesty walked up to him. They got into an argument in which the aggressor threw the first punch and they began to wrestle each other to the ground. Violent thumping and pounding was heard as their clash continued, other students gathering around and chanting them on, before also joining in the brawl. Now that they were getting louder, their cries could be heard more clearly. And what they were shouting, was as visceral as their combat.




The student in the shiesty shoved his target against the wall and scored a gut punch on him. This dropped him to the ground; however, it left him perfectly open for a kick to the crotch. That was when the alien finally decided to reveal itself. It had bumpy skin and big buck teeth, not to mention its long and weird neck. This alien student lifted up his opponent and began to shake him down. All the yen inside the poor student's pocket fell out as he screamed for his life. As he did so, his tormentor from space decided to counter with some insults.


With one final swing, he tossed the student aside before running off after cop sirens were heard. He tumbled over a trashcan before hurriedly assuming the shiesty, thinking that even in this form of his, the crowd of other escapees could hide him. And with that, the footage ended. By its end, Kiriko was dumbfounded, Mendou was red in the face and furious, while Soreo had a look of horror on his face.

"I...warned you all it was quite the footage."

"This...." began Soreo. "To think that the youth are like this. Video games are truly the root of all evil."

Kiriko rolled her eyes.

"That must've been the stupid thing you were considering...."


"Nothing, Captain! Now, onto this footage." She raised an eyebrow at Mr. Yamato. "You can recognize his voice, can't you?"

"S-Sure, if the quality were better."

Mendou meanwhile gritted his teeth with fury.

"That. Punk. Thinkin he can shake people down, for what? For that stupid skibidi nonsense?! I'll show that bully!!!!"

Kiriko tilted her head, bewildered at Mendou's sudden change in passion.

"What's your deal?"

"Huh?! Ain't this something to be heated about?!!!"

"I guess....just didn't think you'd care as much."

"I hate. Bullies. Instead of trying to fight fair and square, they muddy the battle with their stupid words and knowledge of basic Algebra. Makes me sick."


"Either way" concluded Soreo, shifting the conversation back on topic. "We clearly can't allow anymore incidents like this to happen. Though, if worse comes to worse, we may have to close down the school."

"WHAT?!!!!!" shouted Mr. Yamato at the top of his lungs, his somewhat of a tupay standing up like he were a Saiyan. "Ahem, sorry. I mean WHAT?!"

"It's standard LEGACY protocol, sir. If there's a monster out and about terrorizing your students, it is of upmost priority they're safe."

Kiriko nodded.

"It might be a bit harder to investigate without a student body to investigate, but it's the safest route."

Calming down a bit, Mendou added "Plus, if he can grow giant or summon another monster, the place won't get all torn up."

Rational and surprisingly on top of their game for such a small job, the members of LEGACY failed to factor one thing. Mr. Yamato, while a concerned man, was not a man concerned for the youth. When the sweat dropped from his wrinkled forehead he was considering all the ways as to not close school. He needed the money provided that came because they went to school. If a monster attack happened, surely it would all go to repairs. And, if it were due to something like this, the investigation might take weeks at most! He had to do something. To solve the problem without even alluding to the fact a problem was there to begin with. Not the brightest man, surely not that bright for showing them such a convincing video, Mr. Yamato was forced to think on the spot.

"Erm, what the sigma?"



"I'm sorry, sir, but what?"

"Nothing!" replied, neurotically shaking his head. "I think you can- scope things out!"

Soreo reclined back in his chair, which he requested to be painted with the same colors as Fluttershy from My Little Pony. Though Kiriko only compromised by doodling the character on it instead.

"Scope things out?"

"The campus security we've had implemented since....about the 90s have been retiring due to this. Some of them are only in their 20s. So, why not fill in and....allow me to guide you to where I think the culprit may be."

"Interesting....This requires some in-depth discussion with my team though."

"I-I understand...."

The trio huddled around together, crouched on the floor and to the outside, looking like a troop of chimps discussing on which termite mound to hit next.

"This is suspicious...!" brought up Kiriko. "I think one way or another, he's trying to divert us from the situation. He's been acting weird ever since you mentioned protocol."

"That may be the case, Kiriko. But we have Boutaro and Ichigo."

Mendou nodded.

"That's true, Cap. Plus, we might be able to find the lil punk easier this way...! I know I ain't letting him outta my crosshairs."

"How noble..." remarked Kiriko. "Well, I still don't trust him."

"You won't have to. We're gonna be as diligent as we can, our eyes and ears peeled for every and any attempt to butter us up."

"Speaking of things out!" called Mr. Yamato. "We can take a break for free manicures!"

Soreo and Kiriko both looked at each other, their expressions saying 'we have to take this risk', despite the latter's prior objections. They looked at Mendou, but not only did he simply sigh at their motivation, he remained adamant on how he would serve justice to the alien fiend.

"He's getting his while we're getting our manicures, I swear it!"

"It's settled then" finished Soreo with a nod. They stood up and he waved at Mr. Yamato, causing the man to grin and walk up to them. With that, the four left to continue their 'investigation' wherever possible. As they left, Yamato had a few thoughts.

("I'm not letting those dumb kids ruin years of experience and hard work! I deserve that money....and I've had this school open during Empera's attack even! No skibidi or darn banban is gonna get in the way of my career! And I put that on the Benda!")

Rizzler the Hutt + BanBanned from Investigating + Bihness[]

The mist caused by the left over residue of bubble cigars wafted into the air and gently whisked past the skin of the visitors to this strange place. Tatsuya and his boys walked in first, followed by a shameful Ichigo, and a curious Boutaro. They had wandered a bit off of school grounds to what looked to be an old shack adjacent to the place. Prime for degeneracy that was going on behind its decaying walls. There were some students off in the corner partaking in the foreign act known as vap- v*****g. There were people square in the middle of the room doing a strange dance. Something with a right foot and a left foot creep, something that made even Ichigo wince in embarrassment. Some students were at a custom bar, one that only seemed to serve energy drinks and it was off to the left.

However, what was to be taken note of was the head honcho. At first his appearance was obscured by the students hitting the fabled griddy, but it was soon revealed and made both Boutaro and Ichigo's eyes widen in surprise. It was none other than....

"Hotato..." muttered Boutaro. "It's him...."

"He's the leader of these bots?"

"Seems like...."

He was surrounded by large students of a similar frame to Tatsuya, there was also a strange animal that was next to him cracking jokes. The animal in question would constantly say its name before whisking around and randomly striking someone in the head. The person who was a part of Hotato's court would then drop to the floor while everyone else laughed at them. As they approached this kingpin of comedy, Boutaro could see in the corner of his eyes a student all geared out in Boba Fett's armor. He seemed to be a good cosplayer. There were all sorts of weird youths here, and all gathering around the seeming....practices of brainrot. It was uniting them.

"My sigmas!!!" greeted Hotato warmly with his arms spread. "I was berizzing to think you wouldn't return."

"We wouldn't plan on it boss. We've gyatt to do our job one way or another."


Hotato glanced over to see the two new students. He saw Boutaro and shook his head. He then turned his attention to Ichigo, briefly looking him over again and then returning his attention back to Tatsuya and his boys.

"New kids?"

"New kids."

"Turn the second one around...."

"Got it."

Tatsuya grinned at Ichigo, to which he could only assume a look of confusion. He did just that, but was quickly in for a rude awakening at what he heard.

"No level 10? The newbies are so dissapointing."

"A level 7 is respectable though."

"I guess you've gyatt to give him that."

"What...?!!" growled Ichigo as he spun around. "I'll have you know my gyatt is a level 9 on a good day, punk!"

Everyone in the room laughed. Even Boutaro did in an attempt to fit in. It seemed that Ichigo was once again alone, as always, and as usual.

("Shut up, narrator, let me cook!!!")

The music in the place began to simmer down as everyone turned their attention to him. He could see cliques of girls giggling at his false bravado. The scientist of LEGACY felt so small when he saw the even larger number of boys began to mumble amongst each other, no doubt tearing him to shreds. If it was the time to stand on anything, it would be now.

"Well, it looks like you're feisty, new guy. You must be a gripper."

Boutaro held his chin thoughtfully. When it came to this world, the young man was far out of his depth.

("Gripper? I feel like Mendou's would be tighter though. I've arm wrestled the guy.")

"Spare me the cap, Hotato..."


Tatsuya leaned in towards Ichigo and whispered in his ear. He had a concerned look on his face.

"Everyone here calls him boss...! And sometimes the big blud! You can't just say his government name."

"Well I just did!" said Ichigo, continuing to glare in the boy's eyes while raising his voice. "You're no sigma. You act like you're a rizz god, when you've fallen off! No gyatt to show for, just a chud on the street!"

The small creature whizzed around the area while Hotato laughed in response, squeaking out some words other than its own name 'Sigma'.

"Bro thinks he's the main character..."

Everyone erupted into the laughter while Ichigo balled up his fists. He was losing ground.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know how I can take someone seriously when they have a negative canthal tilt. Your prey eyes are as clear as day to me, nowhere near a gigachad. You should invest in getting some money, because your funny isn't going up anytime soon."

"And you think that you're like baby gronk?"

"All the sigmas in here are my Livy."


"I'd watch your words boy...." threatened the short boy as he nearly leaned out of his cheaply made school chair. "I'll have every D1 glazer pregnant man react you."

"What is even happening...." thought Boutaro aloud. He began to look around the room while shouting "Why can't we all just go back to class, guys?! Isn't it better to get an education?!!"

Hotato laughed in response again, only saying "We're all Hustler's University graduates. The education system means nothing to us."


"And don't think I didn't get your Jojo reference! An education?!! Clearly you're referencing Part 3 and how he was only at school for one episode!!!"

Ichigo having enough, stepped towards Hotato. His guards attempted to intercept him, but the young lad was interested in what this new kid had to say. He intrigued him to say the least.

"You look like the studying type. Why are you here in this den of- weirdos?"

"It's a den I made myself. No one strong armed me into doing it, it was one of my own will."

"Yours? Or an algorithm's?"

"Don't get all high and mighty with me! You understand skibidi enough to be here. You're no better."

"I am the better for knowing it isn't good....But, that's not what I'm here for."

"Then what is your business with me?!"

"I- I just want to....I want to be...."

"What? You come here all kumalala savesta and you don't even know what you want?!! Bro thinks he really is the main-"

"I want to protect you."

Shocked at the brazen words spoken by the new kid, everyone looked on with intrigue. Even Boutaro, hardly ever seeing this side of his friend. Even when the situations seemed dire on some missions. Well, all except for....one.

"I understand you're dealing with some Banbanners, right?"

"Yes...." replied Hotato, stroking his chin. "They occupy the other half of the school. Rumor has it the leader's an alien, but even that aside he's a certified bum."

"So, you know who he is?"

"No. Nobody does."

"Well, me and....my friend here are trained in martial arts. We can defend you if need be. Just, let us be your bodyguards."

"So, you want to play bodyguard, eh? Fine...."

Hotato nodded and stood up from his chair, revealing his dominating height of five feet tall and one inch. But, with his shoes, he was half an inch taller.

"I'll forgive you. As long as you call me pookie."

Ichigo gritted his teeth while Boutaro raised an eyebrow.

"'Pookie?' The heck's a pookie?"

"Your friend has much to learn. Now, out with it stranger."


"That's the spirit. Now, I'll accept. When lunch begins, I'll see what you can do. Until then...."

Hotato whistled, causing Tatsuya and all his boys to line up like soldiers at attention.

"Sigmas! Get our new men up to speed!!"

"ROGER!!!" they said militantly, giving prior defense teams a run for their money in terms of efficiency and promptness. They wasted no time in securing the visitors seats and giving them phones. They scrolled through countless hours of mind-numbing mush that informed them on the complex systems that skibidi had to offer. And it seemed until lunchtime, that's all they would end up consuming. However, they weren't the only ones who were disgraced with wasting time. Their comrades on the other side of things were being completely led astray.

They found themselves walking through a garden that was also adjacent to the school. With the senses of a bloodhound, Soreo could tell that this had to be from some kind of other funding. There was a kindred bond between him and Mr. Yamato in that regard, both men being driven by their interests in obtaining more to do more over all. However, he would soon be distracted. Him and Mendou began to whiff up another sent while Kiriko cautiously watched Mr. Yamato's every move, wondering why he would even bring them there if it seemingly didn't correlate with the investigation. What kind of alien would want a garden? Especially with a dialect like that, they'd only seldom go outside anyway.

"That smell....that smelly smell...." noted Mendou. "It's...."

"I know it too, Menodu. That smell, it's quite....captivating."

"Oh?" replied Mr. Yamato with a coy smile. "I believe the groundskeeper is whipping up some of her famous magnetic pies."

"Magnetic pies?!!!" said the two entranced men together in amazement. To which they only had their astonishment confirmed with a nod.

"She said her family came from a far away land. Over there they used to make pies with such a large magnetic pull."

Mendou had tears in his eyes.

"I-I think I'm feeling it, Cap..."

"M-Me too, Mendou. It's beautiful."

Kiriko rolled her eyes.

"Quit getting distracted you two!"

She tried walking in front of them and began waving her hands in their faces. But the smell was too powerful, far too powerful for her words to reach them.

"Hello? Hellooo? What are you-"

She smelled it too. The gentle smoke rising from the other side of the thick bushes and vibrant and varied flowers began entice them. Slowly, the magnetism began. They began to inexplicably float into the air and one by one. Soreo was like a plane. Kiriko was like a bird. Mendou was like a WW1 Airship. The pie was sitting on the windowsill ever so gently. It looked delectable to say the least. The way the crust was bumpy but not too bumpy, the tenderness was apparent but it wasn't to the levels of mush. Its smell was soft and comforting, it wasn't an overpowering stench. It was just right as they floated towards the empty window and calmly landed in front of it. Though that calm soon ended when Mendou opened his jaws like a snapping turtle and ripped into the pie viciously. The batter and contents of the pie splattered all over Kiriko and Soreo's faces.

"BLEGH!" shouted Kiriko as she swatted some of the gunk off her face. "Aw, Mendou! You could've saved some for the rest of us.....pig."

He happily munched away while Soreo put a hand on Kiriko's shoulder.

"There are two things I'm certain of, Kiriko. Ultraman saving us. And Mendou getting the first bite."

"You said it..."

"Some of it got in my mouth." he nodded with sorrow. "It would've been delicious."

"I can imagine."

Mr. Yamato called, his voice seeming like mana from heaven. He was their savior.

"Ohhhh Team LEGACY! I think I've found a clue here!"

They swiped some more slop off of them save for Mendou, who continued biting away wholeheartedly until they caught up with the principal. In front of him was none other than....than....

"IS THAT SPARKING ZERO?!!!!" shouted Soreo with joy.

"IT IS!!!!" said Mendou with astonishment.

State of the art gaming chairs, two controllers with separate PS5s, and they were nestled in the grass without so much as a speck of dirt. The state of the art graphics, the massive roster, the wonderful game mechanics, and the impactful and phenomenal combat. It was all so enticing to Soreo and Mendou. They rushed towards the consoles and began playing. The former picking Blue Goku while the latter chose Jiren, his main ever since FighterZ came out. They had a powerful clash on the Tournament of Power stage, mashing their controllers into oblivion while Kiriko lay down on a lawn chair with a magazine provided to her. Despite her need to do something on the mission, she didn't feel like it. Not with the sweet comfort of fabric lulling her to sleep.

"Stop spamming Kamehameha, Cap!!!"

"Pride trooper?! Take some pride in defeat then, scrub!"

"Spamming piece of trash!"

"Get good at the game then!"



Time went on and their vigorous gaming session continued. At the same time, Ichigo and Boutaro were studying all their proper lingo so that the time would be right for them to fit in. Yes, they would become one with the skibidi. They would utilize the powers that it held to solve this mystery once and for all. Their brains turned into soup, stirred by the flow of countless algorithms. The most meaningful form of information that they had gotten throughout their hours and hours of wasting time was quite peculiar. Essentially it was this strange man with piercing eyes. His brown skin was smooth and his jawline firm. He'd begin by saying 'this is not a coincidence' and then proceeded to talk about how self improvement began with going on the Empera grind set. Even after the evil emperor's reign over Earth, there were people brazen enough to use him as a marketing tool.

When the time came for lunch, Ichigo and Boutaro came out like sigmas and the most sigma out of all the skibidi. The lunchroom was wide and as Hotato said before they walked in, it was a hive of scum and skibidi. Only the most brainrotted could go. While the US got a bad rap for inserting Detton skin crust and the remains of Gabora into their food, it seemed Otari High School was taking pointers as well. The two were in a long line, waiting for the slop to get dumped onto their plate so they could go on. The entirety of the gang was behind those two. That was because they were going to show their worth. Show their skibidi. They were going to cut in line and get the gang some food. As bad as it was.

"Alright...." whispered Boutaro. "It's showtime."

"Right" nodded Ichigo. "We've gyatt this."

Ahead of them was a tall man with green underwear on his head. He seemed to be joking around with some girls nearby, though they didn't seem to be laughing. Ichigo decided to start things off by tapping him on the shoulder.


No response.

"Excuse me."

No response.

"Excuse me...!"

Finally, he turned around. The girls next to him let out a sigh of relief as he grinned ear to ear at his new targets friends.

"Well hey hey hey!" he shouted as he took out his phone. "You're the new students I've heard so much about!!!"

The man seemed quite older than most of the people here. Not to mention his tall and lanky frame even rivaled Soreo's. What were they feeding these kids nowadays? Before Ichigo could even finishing thinking, the man teleported behind him and wrapped his arm around his neck. He was locked in place as the man's overwhelming stench made him powerless to do anything when he showed him his phone.

"Hey...." he said with a creepy grin. "Have you seen the new Luke video?"


"Wanna see it?! Wanna see the Luke and Mayumi tape?!!!! Huh?! Huh?!!!!"

"W-What are you on about?!!!"

Boutaro stepped up and shoved the tall man off of Ichigo, glaring at him.

"I don't know what's going on, but get off of him! He's trying to ask you a question- erm, you munch!"


"Huh?" the two LEGACY members in disguise said together.

"I'm gonna whip my thangalang out all oiled up style, boys!!!" laughed the man manically. "The real question is, did you pray today?"

"I'm not....religious."

"I am, but we only give the Cow god offerings."

"Diiid you pray today? Diiid you pray today?"

Everyone in the lunchroom began to watch with baited breath as the strange man stomped towards the duo. Every time he utter those words it felt like a monster was approaching to attack them. To consume them. They were quite literally going to be eaten there.

"Cause if you didn't....I'm gonna have to-"

He couldn't even finish, he was too busy giggling with glee to finish the sentence.

"I'm gonna have tooo, I'm gonna have tooo-"

"Enough!" shouted Ichigo as he put a hand out, halting his advances. "Whether we prayed today or not doesn't matter. What are you even waffling about, blud?!"


The scientist of LEGACY was now reaching the point of despair, unable to discern what to do in the face of such....everything. Just what was this person?

"Well, it's too late for you to apologize now! You're now gonna get my blood."


Boutaro shrugged.

"Maybe he can bend black blood or something."

Ichigo looked at what he was actually doing and gave a disgusted look.

"Or he's just gonna try to give us hepatitis...."

Hotato walked up, moving his goons aside and stepping forth towards the strange man. The two looked at each other, both not daring to say anything just yet. It was a stand off between two titans the likes of which the school had never seen. The aura of a composed and small boy, someone who seemed unassuming. Meanwhile it was pit up against an incarnation of disgusting and unrefined chaos. Who would actually win this bout? That was the ultimate question.

"Reiner, I have something to tell you."

"And what might that be, pookie-sama?! Ready to finally give in?"

He shook his head.

"I've received reports that Temere City High in the state of Colorado has....gained something of interest."

"Please, I'm an agent of chaos, baby! Nothing will ever-"


"D- ....Did you just say freshmen?"



As his manic screaming became nothing more than faint cries, no different than birds chirping far away, Boutaro and Ichigo both looked dumbfounded at their defacto leader.

"Good work." he said to the speechless subordinates. "Withstanding Reiner's stench and his attitude is no easy feat. We can let you cook alongside us now."

It was with great pleasure that they went to the lunch tables and sat down. Well, after waiting eons upon eons to get the slop that they were looking for. Something something about edging on the precipice of good food. The lunchroom had various groups that you had to be warry of. This hive of scum and villainy had rules to it. Rules that were to be strictly followed. You had the Skibidi taking out a large amount of tables, perhaps the largest amount of all the factions. However, they were sat to the far left. There were the band kids, who were all collectively ostracized for.....their particular tastes in humor. You had the hype beasts decked out in full supreme. Which curiously enough was themed around Rizanto. There were other groups too, but it was best to leave Hotato to do the talking.

Ichigo picked around with his food, finding the contents too disgusting even for him. However, he looked at Boutaro wholeheartedly chomping and chewing on the slop like he were a Hippo. Like he were a Mendou.

"Why are you eating that....?!" grumbled the scientist in disguise with a whisper. "That has estrogen, nitrogen, I'm pretty sure it has a pathogen too!"

Boutaro shrugged.

"They're just preparing the next gen to handle all that."

"Next gen?"

"You said it yourself, it wasn't too long ago I was eating this slop."

"Were you watching Skibidi Toilet too?"

Boutaro rolled his eyes.

"If I was, I wouldn't be whining about negative tilts and gripping. And what the heck's a gooner anyway? Since when did kids have a big interest in superhero thugs?"

Ichigo couldn't help but laugh to himself. This prompted his partner to look at him with suspicion. His brow furrowed, but as soon as it did occur he lost interest.

"Nope, don't even wanna know. Not after the 'sauce' situation..."

"Good boy- Boytaro."

"I'll report you to HR if you call me that again..."

They were going to continue bantering when Hotato spoke up. Right now, he words meant more than any petty discussion. They needed to know as much as they could. They had to let him yap.

"If you're wondering how I know Reiner, we went to the same school."

"Oh really?" responded Ichigo. "What school-"

"Don't patronize me. I hear enough that's crazys as it is. Let me cook, young gripper."

"My fault gang....cook on."

Looking off nostalgically, everyone with eager ears listened in on the young man's story.

"We went to Gyatterson High School together....He was weird though, always targeting the freshmen. I had to stand on business, because then, he would take all the Ice Spice level 10 gyatts in my year."

"Ah, so you were the rizzler back then?"

Hotato chuckled.

"You could say that. We gooned for 10 days and 10 nights, on the peak of edging was when the dark times came."

"What the sigma?"

"What the sigma indeed....I got banbanned from school for a little prank."

Boutaro at this point couldn't even fathom what they were saying. Even with all the research he did, the algorithm actually segued him into another subsection of the internet. So, blorbo was about as deep as he'd get into the conversation.

"What the scallops? What kind of prank gets you banbanned?"

Grinning a little bit, Hotato replied "Nothing, just smashing a nerd's legs with a lead pipe."

Boutaro's eyes widened with minor terror. Hotato picked up and chuckled.

"What's wrong, snowflake? It was just for the vine."

"T-That's just...."

Despite his appearance to famous aquatic scientist, Boutaro had the face of a heartbroken Grandmother. The worst kind of sorrow and the worst kind of shame in the boy's choices.

"Who would've guessed you'd be a beta male....soyboys still exist in this generation after all."

"I'm gonna cut to the chase, how are we gonna-"

"All will be rizzealed in due time. Those Banbanners are already planning on having a battle with us anyway."

"Wait what?!"

Ichigo was also shocked as well, opening his mouth and pointing back at Hotato.

"We've sent spies to go and look at their Instagram reels. The memes they've been posting edits of themselves, so we gyatt reason to believe they'll pick a fight with us soon. Our final battle."

"Battle? You mean you'll actually fight over dumb brainrot?!!!" shouted Boutaro. Hotato glared at him, and even Tatsuya and his boys had half a mind to pregnant man react him, to beat him up as if he asked them who the elusive Nathaniel B was. But, it was Ichigo who put a hand in front of him with a calm look in his eyes.

"My brother's still new to this. So, that means later today there will be one?"

"Probably. I'm 1000% sure."

He continued eating peacefully, until he saw that everyone was giving him looks of nervousness. Of fear.

"They're right behind me, aren't they?"

Hotato didn't even seem to care. The small creature always attached to his person dashed and danced around, laughing about how pitiful their aura was in its own way. Everyone else in the gang save for Boutaro and Ichigo stepped up. A crowd forming around what seemed to be the opposing gangs. Those of the Skibidi wore relatively normal clothes, while the Banbanners were more inclined to have flashier appearances. Dying their hair and being somewhat flamboyant in their clothing choices, though...not to the degree that Dr. Hikari could be capable of thankfully. In the middle was a large kid that had his arms down. Even with Tatsuya and his boys barking at him to step back, he ignored them. Wearing a large hoodie with a watch on his wrist, one of diamond at that he was mysterious.

"He's so tall...." noted Boutaro. "You think that's our guy?"

Ichigo nodded.

"Without a doubt."

Hotato sighed and stood up, parting his crowd like the red see and walking up to the imposing figure.

"Well, it looks like you couldn't wait until now, eh?"

"Ya'll've been making mad problems for us...." grumbled the hooded Banbanner. Though his voice attempted to sound deep, it only came out like the strained squeaking of a rubber duck being compressed under mounds of toilet paper.

"I saw your reels. Do you really intend to make a move on us when your motion is-"

"Band for band then."


"You heard me, Ban for Ban, Band for Band. I got more ice on me than a Morgudon, and you say I got no motion?!"

"Slow motion is better than no motion I suppose...." yawned Hotato dreadfully. "Why don't we get a diamond tester in here to see if that watch is here?"

"Why don't you just get to bone smashing already! I'll mog you in any picture you take, l-loser!"

"Is that so? Is that why you're obsessed with me? The only motion you have is letting me in rent free. I've been griddying on your grave, smoking your pack, and doing all sorts of other disrespectful things!!!"

"You know what, this ain't over!"

The hooded figured grumbled and stomped away, his crew following him behind.

"We do this after school! The moment the bell rings, it's on!"

With that, the situation had averted itself. While students whispered about the clash happening later on that day, things simmered down. Lunch would end and it would be Boutaro and Ichigo lagging behind the rest of the group in the halls. Though they did skip class, they had to make it look like they were going somewhere. Especially with what happened in the lunchroom. It would the the scientist at LEGACY who'd fold his arms and look off to see all the regular students, or....at least the more normal ones go about their business. Drama, romance, laughter, it couldn't help but make him sigh a bit.

"It's nice, huh?"

Ichigo looked at Boutaro, who was giving him a knowing smile. Though he couldn't exactly admit it right there.

"Tch, yeah right."

"You wanna relive your prime, don't you Ichigo?" teased Boutaro with a wide grin.

"This was hardly my prime. I did my work, gooned a bit, and graduated. Nothing more. Nothing less."

Boutaro cocked an eyebrow.

"There goes that gooning nonsense again..."

Ichigo folded his arms.

"It's for the better you don't know, we're already towing the line with the brainrot as is."

"I guess you're right. Still, I can tell you miss those days....You don't have to hide it from me."

Remembering how Boutaro had seen some of his more personal insecurities, Ichigo just sighed and opted to drop the act.

"Alright, alright, maybe I miss high school a little bit. But..."

He paused for a bit.

"Who doesn't?"


"So, you do too?"

The two passed by an area where there were clear windows in the place of walls. They overlooked some of the beautiful trees in the front of the school, not to mention some of Hakaikano City proper.

"I do." nodded Boutaro. "I only graduated a year or two ago after all."

"I just wish....I just wish I spent more time enjoying it. Here I am, doing what I did back then. Online argument after online argument, while some old classmates of mine are doing something."

"Like what?"

Ichigo shrugged.

"Eh....I think one's a lawyer. Another became an idol. An old bully of mine went to work for LEGACY China, though....he became handicapped after an incident with a Neronga and a fork."

"Well, by doing this....we'll be ensuring these kids won't waste their time here. Caught up in all the skibidi, gyatt, scrimblo or whatever nonsense they have now."

Ichigo nodded, specifically looking at Hotato.



"You can report our findings to the others. I'll...keep an eye on these guys."

"Are you sure?"

Ichigo nodded again.

"If they don't answer they're communicators, it'd be good to contact them."

With that, he walked forward while Boutaro stayed back. He gave Ichigo one last look before smiling and turning around.

("That's Ichigo for you....")

The Good, The Banban, and The Skibidi[]

It had been quite a few hours since the LEGACY members were dispatched to the school. Yet they remained consistent in their efforts to not do anything. While Kiriko remained asleep, the other two had been playing the game like they just got it a few minutes ago. This time the match was one anybody could be anticipated for. Be hyped for. Super Saiyan Blue Goku was standing on top of a rock and pulling his fists back after powering up to the maximum. Meanwhile, a version of Goku in his SSJ4 state let the particles of red flow from his primal appearance. The raging presence of yellow had calmed and now both fighters were ready to battle. And so, it began. Soreo playing the classic SSJ4, whilst Mendou picked the new and sleek SSJ Blue.

Despite how cool their clash would be, the execution was not as enticing to watch. Soreo kept on spamming a No Hard Feelings Punch. He'd power up and knock Mendou back before utilizing a dash to send the tailed Saiyan crashing into a mountain. It seemed that after hours of Soreo's nonsense, Mendou had to counter with some nonsense of his own. So, he responded in kind by teleporting behind the godly saiyan and unleashing a powerful wave of red energy that totally eclipsed everything in that moment.

"X10 KAMEHAMEHA!!!!!!!" he shouted at the top of his lungs.


The battlefield was now tattered and destroyed. The desert wasteland they were battling in was now more like that of a burning planet. A burning planet map that the older of the two was more familar with. Even with Blue Goku being battle damaged from this grevious attack, he still pushed on and powered up yet again, using his Kaioken skill to try and rush his GT counterpart. However, Mendou had already accounted for that.

"HAHA, CAP! You should've known I'd have a Vegeta on my team!"

"This was team battles?!"

"Not so slick, ain't ya old man?!!!"

A bright light shone over the whole battlefield as the images of Goku and Vegeta phased within one another. A swirling aura of an intense orange and yellow knocked back boulders like a sandstorm. When all cleared, a fused warrior decked out in only the finest of metamoran garbs took the stage and folded his arms. Greeting his newer half with a cocky smirk.

"It looks like....you've forced my hand, Mendou. Don't cry to me for what's about to happen."

"Hah! As if!!"

"Don't say I didn't warn you...."

Blue Kaioken dashed back in a colorful blur before safely landing on a nearby platform. Taking a short breath, he quickly returned to his base form and then looked back up at his enemy. It was time to get serious. The ground began to shake and rumble beneath him as a divine pillar of blinding light knocked everything, even the very platform he was standing on away. For only a moment, his calm face was contrasted by the faint roar of an oozaru. Regardless, once everything settled, Goku's silver eyes locked onto his tailed foe. Without saying a word, both members of LEGACY powered their characters up to the maximum. The sky darkened and with that, the game locked in. The graphics locked in. All locked in as the two of them slowly uttered the names of their characters' respective attacks.

"x100....Big Bang....Kamehame-"



The two beams clashed against each other and created a powerful clash. The two men attempted to mash with all of their might; however, just when a conclusion was going to be reached and the apex of their clash was going to settle things, the screen of the TV abruptly shut off. The men were exasperated. They sweat profusely and dropped to the ground. Perhaps....they should've drank some water in-between games. However, they weren't tired enough to the point where they couldn't scream.




Soreo rolled over and looked at Mendou, wiping sweat from his brow before pointing at him. Some of it did get on his subbordinate, though he didn't care.

"Admit you were gonna lose, or you're fired!"

Mendou turned over and glared right back at him.

"Then I was working for the wrong man!"

As they continued arguing in the grass, Kiriko yawned and got up from the lawn chair. Though, she found it quite difficult to move. As a matter of fact, when she tried walking, she fell on the ground next to the arguing men face-first. Her legs had fallen asleep. She looked around while trying her best to filter out all their useless trash talk, when her eyes fixated on a certain LEGACY member who had arrived.

"Boutaro...." she began, seeming calm at first. "Did you turn off their game?"

The man named Boutaro in question looked at the cable in his hand and tossed it off to the side.


"It was just in your hand."


"How long are you gonna keep denying that?"

"How long are you gonna keep asking me?"

Kiriko sighed.

"I'd yell at you right now....but, I can't deny I got some good sleep."

"I hope you- Wait, what?!"

Kiriko smiled, fondly remembering some of the dreams she had about Daedalus as she did so. Ah yes, like the one where he rescued her from those evil dark giants with weird family issues. Or the one where he had solved the mystery of where those pizzazz monsters came from.

"We were doing some investigating, but Mr. Yamato was kind enough to show us....some courtesies."

"I can see that...." he grumbled as he walked over to the group. "You guys weren't answering my calls! Aren't you all LEGACY members?!"

Mendou and Soreo stopped arguing and looked up at him, both smiling having now noticed him.

"Oh, hey Boutaro." greeted Mendou.

"Ah, welcome back Boutaro my boy!" said his superior happily. "How goes the investigation?"

Hands on his hips, Boutaro replied "I could say the same for you all! Do you even know where Mr. Yamato is?"

They all tried to look around, but due to their limited state of movement....it wasn't much. Luckily, Mendou sometimes did push ups with his nose, so he was able to briefly stand up and look around the field, seeing nothing. The shock from the principal's disappearance and the strain of doing such a high level physical activity caused him to drop on his back again. This time, crushing the PS5 controller that Soreo used under his- mass.

"Nothin at all..." he concluded with a dejected tone.

Facepalming, Boutaro came to his own conclusion.

"So, while me and Ichigo were getting indoctrinated into the skibidi game, you slept and played Sparking Zero without me?! I thought two of you were responsible!"

He just then remembered Mendou's eating tendencies.

"Okay, at least one of you!"

"It's not our fault exactly, Boytaro! Anyone would've been enticed by that....we just got done fighting a multiversal imagination alien demon thing."

"I was stuck in limbo with the poor chap..."

"And the freak had it out for me!!!"

Kiriko looked up at Boutaro again.

"In fact, didn't he make you kiss-"

"Don't remind me of that! I came to tell you guys something important."

"What is it...?" said Kiriko, attempting to restrain her snicker from Boutaro's reaction.

Kneeling down, Boutaro had the group gather around together like they were doing the worm.

"Alright. So, there are two gangs here at the school. Skibidi and BanBan. They're gonna have a fight the moment school's over, and I think the alien might be the leader of the BanBan one."

Mendou gritted his teeth.

"So that's the punk we gotta teach a lesson..."

"Ichigo's still with them. But if things escalate, we gotta do something about it."

Kiriko sighed.

"You and him don't have your pistols and- We can't even get ours now...."

Soreo however, was already cooking up a plan.

"It's fine. Is there anyway you can fetch us some water?"

Boutaro shook his head.

"Water here isn't free. I'd have to scoop up water from the fountain and drop it on you two."

"Darn....Well, take our pistols. Be discreet about it....Kiriko when she recovers can help out our situation. If things really escalate then- The military will probably be involved."

"I understand."


Soreo began to violently cough and wheeze, causing both Mendou and Kiriko to roll over to the side while the Captain caught his breath.

"Y-You already know the deal, right? I-"

He coughed again, even harder this time. The spit would've hit Boutaro had he not dodged in time.

"You got this."

Nervously, Boutaro through him a thumbs up before taking the pistols and walking away. Soreo continued to cough again, before noticing that some dew was resting on a blade of grass. However, Mendou also noticed it. The two looked at each other and then the droplet again. With that, the worm race of LEGACY had begun. All the while Kiriko found the grass comforting. She fell asleep hoping that her legs would wake up.

Concurrently, the students were all back in their base of operations. They were getting ready for war. For, that was what it was going to be. Baseball bats, brass knuckles themed around porcelain chairs. Tatsuya's lively expression had dimmed down to that of a soldier preparing for his final battle. Gentaro and Takumi both had stockpiles of old baseballs that they had been hoarding. Meanwhile, Haruto was getting out his baseball gun. This was going to be one heck of a battle, that was for sure. The strange creature whizzed past everyone's heads, shouting 'Sigma!' as a way of rallying the troops. In the center of it all was none other than Hotato, who still had the same nonchalant attitude about everything.

Ichigo during this time had been waiting to get the opportunity to speak with him. But throughout the day's passing, it was neglected with more and more brainrot. More and more preparation for what was to come. He was going to step forward and ask; however, it was Hotato who was once again ahead of him. He silently gestured towards the scientist in disguise with a nod, and together they walked outside. He had notified his people that'd he just have a look. Though they were worried, his courage was what ultimately got them to focus back on the task at hand.

And outside, things were calm and tranquil. Petals of flowers above falling in front of the old shed. It was almost like an omen. An omen of what was to come and what would happen. Hands behind his back, the enigmatic Arlington smiled. The wind began to pick up. And with the breeze passing by, Ichigo gulped.

"Are you really sure about this?" he asked. "You'd escalate the fight to all-out war once school is over?"

Hotato nodded without so much as even looking back at him. His resolve were clear enough.

"The time to sit back and edge has long escaped us. With each Garten of BanBan game releasing....they go stronger. More bolder. After grinding and looksmaxxing for so long, they finally have enough motion to try and delete us."

"And that makes it fine, right? To crush them without so much as considering what happens next?"

As always, Hotato was a mystery. But soon, it began to unravel. And it all began with a chilling laugh.

"What? What's so funny?"

"You and your friend are clearly not our age....certainly not super seniors either. You two don't even look related, especially not with those ridiculous outfits on."

Ichigo grabbed his uniform, a bit annoyed at the comment. He had to wear contacts for this after all.

"You wouldn't understand."

"And why wouldn't I?"

Hotato turned around, shaking his head.

"Because no one would understand skibidi. Not even you. As terminally online as you are."

"I think I do....You're scared, aren't you?"

Hotato shrugged.

"A little. Earlier this year, Takuya's apartment was leveled by the military in a failed attack against a space monster."

The young man began to pace around Ichigo as he listed the events one by one. Each getting more pressing than the last.

"The bakery that Gentaro's family works at was destroyed in an engagement with another. Takumi's girlfriend's mom nearly threw out her back chasing after Pigmon. And, Haruto?"

Hotato grinned.

"He told me his father was in a coma after that big robot attacked."

Ichigo's eyes widened as he took a step back to really process what he had just heard. But, Hotato was relentless. He wouldn't even give him that courtesy.

"Why shouldn't I seize the moment? Why shouldn't I just have fun and throw caution at the wind? Every day, a new monster shows up, and every day, it's more and more likely what I'm trying to do gets clapped."


"Team LEGACY, adults, they can say we can move on and push through the best we can. But, I don't wanna. Skibidi toilet is funny, annoying people on the internet is even funnier. I'd rather have a laugh today and get eaten by a monster, then to have my last days spent studying for some math test!"

"So, that's what this is....You don't want to waste- None of you want to waste....High School...."

"We don't want to waste it on boring nonsense. Even the Banbanners understand better than the normies. Every day, I always see a new video pop up in my feed about some other looser your age lamenting on being a failure. 'I should've been this', 'I should've been that'.....'I wish I knew this when I was that'."

"I guess you're right to feel that way, huh...Monsters battling LEGACY, battling Ultraman-"

"It has nothing to do with us. Just like you have nothing to do with Skibidi. I'm not going to end up like those sad sacks...."

He clenched his fists.

"I'm going to be the sigma I was born to be. The one that my father would appreciate."

"I-If I may ask, who was your father?"

Hotato smiled as the bell rang. The drums of war had now begun.

"A LEGACY member. Just like you."

Astonished that Hotato even knew that aspect of his identity too, Ichigo could only watch on as the base behind him erupted with waves of people flowing out. He was stuck into this trance when a flying object thunked him on the head. And then a second one. And then a third one. A fourth was going to come but he promptly turned around to see....it was just the 'sigma' creature losing its sense of direction. However, he could at least thank it for putting him on the right track of mind. He receded back into the base as everyone marched on, turning on his communicator.

"Hey! It's starting!"

Boutaro was the only one on the line and seemed to be chewing on something.

"B-Boutaro, is that you?"

"Oh- Yeah" he replied with a muffled voice.

"Where are the others?!"

"Captain and Mendou are dehydrated, Kirko's body fell asleep. They're out of commission."

"What?! Also....are you eating-"

"Listen!" he shouted. "They were off playing video games and sleeping while we were doing the heavy lifting!!!! The least I could do is snag some yen and get some chips for me!"

There was a silence.

"Give me some."

"I was already saving some for you."

"Ah...well, you managed to get their guns, right?"

"Yup! One for me and one for you."

"Good....now follow my lead. What happens next is crucial."

"Got it."

And so, the plan was put into motion. They'd have to do it quickly too. The students were already clearing the halls and rushing outside to the courtyard to see the battle taking place. The ultimate duel between the two symbols of brainrot that held such an oppressive grip over their city. On one side was team Skibidi, exiting from the school premises. Not because they were in class, but because they wanted to be seen off by their peers. And in front of them were none other than those of the Banban. The drums of war began to grew louder as a random tumbleweed blew through. Everyone was silent and they all waited patiently for what would happen next. Rumors spread of them having special powers or abilities. Others of mafia and crimminal connections. However, this fight was to put an end to all of that once and for all. And here it was.

Hotato with the wave of his hand let those on his side lower their toilet themed weapons. His foe, now sporting a hooded tracksuit you'd probably see a Russian gangster wear in a movie, did the same. Having his comparatively younger crowd put down their poorly created puddy themed weapons. Another tumbleweed blew in and with that, both leaders stepped forward to talk to each other. Everything sat still, almost as if time had stopped when the two met in the middle and looked at each other. Neither backing down. They were going to accept this with open arms.

"Fancy that you'd stand on business and show up."

"Someone had to turn up and show you skibidis what's what."

"I could say all of this could be avoided. That we can all griddy together in happiness, watch the latest Kai stream, and get down on a grimace shake...."

"But that just ain't the way...."

"Not just of people on Earth."

The hooded Banbanner nodded.

"But space too."

"Are you sure about that?!" boomed a voice. Everyone looked to see Ichigo, wielding two blasters and aiming it at the two of them. However, neither seemed to flinch. Despite the cries, protests, and anger on both sides, the two leaders calmed them down and both gave a live reaction. It indicated nothing. They weren't afraid nor were they intimidated.

"So, you still want to be cringe?" said Hotato with a smile. "As always."

"Ah" replied the scientist in disguise. "My grandma always told me: I'm cringe and that's based. I'll never be based and that's not cringe."

"And doing this is so you...."

"It is. And it's nice of you to say that for someone you haven't even known for a day."

"Like it matters" remarked the hooded suspect. "You being here isn't stopping anything."

"Oh, but it is. These guns aren't what I'll use to stop this."

"Then what will? Skibidi and Ban-Ban can't coexist."

"Only because you won't allow it! You want to succumb to brainrot, then fine. But don't force yourselves to fight a battle just to feel like the adults who do that for you."

Turning around, the hooded suspect grumbled and pointed at him.

"And what would you know?! Huh?! You're just some fraud pointing a Blaster at me!!!"

"Enough that....sitting by sometimes is good. If the moment calls for you to fight, then go for it."

"It calls for me. It calls for the both of us!"

Hotato nodded.

"And if that means you shoot us, then so be it."

"That's what standing on business is? Dying on a hill with nothing but porcelain and sorrow?"

"No." they both said in unison. "It's remaining on a hill that'll be there long after we aren't."

"That's....what I'd figured you'd say."

Looking back at each other, Hotato and the hooded alien knew that now would be their time to begin. It was clear even with Ichigo's words, he wouldn't have the guts to pull the trigger. No- I can't say that- he'll do it. And to that end, they were right. He would even hesitate to shoot the ground near them. And to make matters worse, because of how the plan would go, what happened next muddied things even more.

"Not so fast, children!!!!!"

Everyone turned in shock to see it was none other than Mr. Yamato! He was holding a pistol as well and aiming it steadily at Ichigo. Sweat dripped down the LEGACY member's face as he stared down the barrel of a weapon he had a hand in refining.

"Why are you here?!!!"

"Why indeed, LEGACY! I-I have my reasons!"

He pointed the weapon at Hotato and then the hooded alien.

"THAT brat caused the other one into this stupid gang war! You're all the scum of the Earth and I'm getting sick of it!!!!"

His face became more and more red, going from that of a beet to a full on ripe tomato.

"Otari High School was a place where anyone in Hakaikano could get an education properly! The students were good, the pay was even better! Under my tenure, it remained open during Empera's assault on Earth, the stupid armor of darkness, even the Baltan invasion!!!!"

Chuckling a bit, Yamato took the time to scratch some dandruff appearing on his toupee. He cocked his weapon at Ichigo as he did so.

"Even if....some students accidentally got a l-little crab juice on their text books. That never hurt anyone, right?!!"

"Mr. Yamato....I-"



"'Oh, we're soooo sorry but so and so has to be absent', AND ALL BECAUSE SOME STUPID CREATURE CALLED GAVADON WAS DRAWN WITH THE FEATURES OF A GRAVURE IDOL THE STUDENT GOT FROM THEIR FATHER'S MAGEZINE! And....said creature stomped all about, causing a broken home figuratively and literally!!!"

Ichigo stepped forward, causing Yamato to jerk his arm forward.

"Don't you move another step closer!!!"


"This alien's getting deported, Hotato's getting shipped back off to the yankee capital of the world, AND I'M GOING TO HAVE A LOOOONG VACATION IN BARBADOS!!!"

"That's your problem...." replied Ichigo, shaking his head. "This entire time, we were both blind. We didn't pay attention to either of them. The monsters are one thing, but if we're so caught up on battling the next one..."

He looked around, seeing the students increasingly become more and more afraid.

"We just make new ones instead."

"Oooh, how poetic! Did Aiden Ross teach you that one?!"

"It's monsters like you who don't help. You call yourself a principle, but you have no principals! Your brain is more rotten than theirs are."

"Idiot, you said them the wrong way!"

"How can you tell?!"

"You're the one who's been watching skibidi toilet all day! Your friends are all distracted and I even snagged one of their weapons! Just in case....I needed to pay out the alien freak- or....a monster arrives."

In the blink of an eye, Ichigo tossed one of the blasters to Hotato, who hastily caught it. He jumped back and pointed it at Yamato, who pointed at Ichigo angrily. In his older age, it seemed his reaction speed might've gotten slower. Not that he'd admit that. Before he could say anything else, the hooded figure pulled out a weird bowl and aimed it like a weapon, pointing it at Hotato. They assumed it was just as dangerous and with that, Yamato had long surpassed his boiling point.

"You just supplied a minor a firearm!"

"Like you would've done anything better!"

"H-How did you even do it so fast?!"

"Perhaps I'm hypersonic plus? Massively FTL?"

"Don't cite the scaling feats, boy. I was THERE WHEN THEY WERE WRITTEN!"

"Don't be rizziculous!" interjected Hotato, aiming at Yamato. "You fire on him, and it's joever for you...."

"Like you would?"

"I've done worse for the vine...."

"AND DON'T IGNORE ME!" barked the hooded tracksuit student. "I-I'm still h-"

"We'll get to you when we get to you!" shouted Ichigo. "The balding loser with a mid-life crisis is a more pressing issue!"

"That just makes me more of an alpha! Hair is for the weak!"

"And apparently deodorant too..."

Moments passed but they felt like ages. They'd aim at different people in the quartet, but it was clear to them men. Despite being in Japan. Despite on of the participants potentially being from outer space. Despite the fact they were on the grounds of a school and all participants seemingly used advanced technology. They had gotten themselves wound in a mexican stand-off. And, even with Ichigo's training, it was Yamato's false courage that allowed him to boldly declare to both his students and Ichigo himself.

"Listen LEGACY man, you're not that guy pal. Trust me, you're not that guy."

"But that guy is here!" announced a new contender. Everyone looked, though had more of a tempered reaction since the surprise appearances just kept on coming.

"Boutaro...!" exclaimed Ichigo, relieved. "I'm glad you're here!"

Boutaro nodded, gesturing for a student next to him with his uniform tailored green to play something on a boombox. As dated as it was, the song allowed his presence to be more felt and he menacingly pointed at Yamato.

"Oi oi, you're not gonna do anything here! I'm joining this stand-off now. And on MY own terms."

"R-Really?! Then I'll just shoot you!"

"If you shoot me, then Ichigo will shoot you, then alien dude will shoot him, but he'll already have been shot by Hotato!!!"

"Oh yeah, well what if I shoot the alien first, forcing Ichigo to shoot me and causing Hotato to shoot him?!"

Ichigo shook his head.

"Not if I shoot Hotato first! Then he won't shoot me!"

"Ah, yes, but that's not stopping you from shooting yourself! Go on, do it!"


"You should shoot yourself NOW!"

"Like I would!!"

Boutaro shook his head.

"No matter who shoots who in the end, you're still getting shot...."

"Maybe....But I'm shooting one of you!!!"

Both alien and human student in the stand-off alike tensed up as Mr. Yamato prepared to fire on somebody. However, Boutaro cracked a smile. Similar to how a manga panel functioned, Yamato's shock was juxtaposed by the young man's expression just as the music reached its apex.

"Good grief, haven't you realized by now principal?"


"The thing you shouldn't be worried about losing isn't that money or vacation time...."


"You should be worried about losing your dog...."

"Eh? I'm more of a cat person-"

Yamato's muscles stiffened and he began to sweat. He couldn't tell why, but everyone's expressions told it all. The labored breath, the one that hungered for him was felt on the back of his neck. Glancing back, he knew who was whispering behind him now.

"Heyyyy...." said a voice. "Did you praayyy today? Did you praayyyyy today?"

"I...I just lost my dog, didn't I?"

Boutaro nodded.

"Yes, yes you did."


"COME HERE!!!!" shouted Reiner as he grappled the man from behind. "FROM GYATTERSON TO OTARI, YOU WILL BE THE LOTIONED ONE!!!!!"

As Yamato was being wrestled to the ground, Ichigo was hit in the shoulder and fell down. This forced him to pull the trigger and it struck near Hotato's foot, which caused him to trip and fall, striking the alien in the chest. Smoke rose from all the shot places as students ran away en masse. They had been doing so since the first shot was fired. Whilst they continued to flee, something happened. The revived Reiner was already busy trying to find Yamato's missing dog on the grounds that it had been lost, but the struggle was interrupted by a distinct low growling everyone could hear. Hotato looked up, showing for the first time, a look of minor fear. Meanwhile Boutaro and Ichigo already knew what kind of situation this was going to turn into.


Slowly rising from the ground, the supposed alien burst from his jacket. He had in fact used the weapon he had in hand when he was shot. However, it wasn't meant to shoot the others. It was to transform him. In a cloud of smoke that whisked throughout the school grounds, the massive alien- or rather, monster made itself known. With bumpy skin and a goofy face that made it seem like a space hick, the orange-ish brown creature roared and stomped around in a rage. It swung a bit at the high school; however only barely knocked through some of the roof. He attempted to do so again, all the while everyone ran to opposite ends of the court yard to try and see a way out of this.

Reiner and Yamato jumped over the fence while Boutaro had helped Ichigo and Hotato to safety. He got the two pistols in hand and ran away, though instead of worrying, Ichigo had just given him a nod. He trusted him. So, the young man shot at the feet of the giant monster, causing it to spin around and roar at him. Standing at 53 meters, the weird beast deflected the blasts with ease via its thick, nigh impenetrable skin. With word of LEGACY being out of action for the most part, this gave the Japanese military clearance to act. While Boutaro fired multiple shots from the ground, numerous jets dove in and began to shoot missile after missile at the creature. However, all of them either deflected or bounced into random places. Rivers, lakes, even the home of the acting general. When tanks rolled up outside of Otari High School's gates, they too began to fire. But with minnimal effect.

It was so minimal that the beast simply turned around and went back to the school on his rampage.

"I know you're in there!!!!" he shouted. "I'll destroy every toilet here until there's nothing left!"

The carnage continued as the beast from outer space plunged his fist into the building head on. Causing no end of grief for Yamato, who was now looking on in horror whilst Reiner had pickpocketed him and stole some pictures. It seemed.....Mr. Yamato was quite the vacation man. Going to places such as Thailand frequently and seemingly for the past few months. And now that was all going to waste. Barrages of missiles and artillery were continuing to be unleashed, but even Boutaro at this point knew that none of it worked. The raids ceased, though not without retaliation on the monster's part. He turned around and screamed, lowering his arm and sweeping across the ground in such a way that sent Boutaro airborne and caused him to fall on top of a tank. The ensuing gust also resulted in the wind blowing said tanks and even some aircraft away, them crashing in all sorts of places. None was more humiliating to the Japanese military than that. Even their battle against Bullton in 66 could compare.

With his sweeping victory, the monster shouted, "I AM JUMBO JOSH!!!!!" and then continued on his mission with the school. He would destroy every toilet in the world! No more skibidi for planet Earth. Rummaging through the building, he was like an eager shopper foraging throughout a supermarket. Though it wouldn't be that simple. Ichigo smiled with hope, realizing who was going to come and stop the Banbanner who was running amok. Hotato this time was out of the loop and was confused at that. Though it would seem he'd understand soon enough. A small light expanded and grew and gently dropping down, it was none other than the goat, the one who was Rising to the occasion: Ultraman Rizanto.

The Ultra walked up to the self proclaimed Jumbo Josh who paid him no mind. He didn't even know he was there. Rizanto gently tapped the kaiju on the shoulder.

"Beat it! I'm trying to destroy skibidi in peace...." he grumbled, not even bothering to look back.

Rizanto tapped him on the shoulder again.

"Come on, shoo!"

One final time, Rizanto tapped him on the shoulder. And with this, the monster turned around and shouted.


He saw who was getting his attention. Folding his arms, Rizanto shook his head while the beast gulped.


The scared monster from space instantly ran away. Leaping bounds into the air and crashing near the main city proper. While there was some open space and less buildings near Otari, it of course wasn't too off from the main city. Stumbling a bit, the kaiju slumped behind a large business building and let out a sigh of relief as he looked around to see if Rizanto was there. To the right, no Rizanto. To the left, no sign of him either. With that, he stood up again only to find that....he was right in front of him. And with the same disappointed expression too.


He attempted to run away; however, Rizanto gripped the monster by the arm, forcing him to stay put.

"Now just hold on a second!" began the Ultra. "What's a Taisoh like you doing on a planet like this?"

"Tch...stupid skibidi kid was talking trash! We were going ban for ban in a forum, and he said he was with my mother!"

Rizanto tilted his head.


"Even if he was, there's no way I'd tolerate a brain dead skibidi toilet viewer being with my momma! Maybe if he watched Mr. Beast....I'd allow it but-"

"That's why you're rampaging?!! Over brainrot?!!!"

"W-Well....I thought that was established...."

"What gives you the right?! You're gonna be in very serious trouble-"

Taisoh squinted his big bulbus eyes.

"Wait a minute, you're my age! I don't gotta listen to you!"

He attempted to pull back; however, he found that Rizanto was not letting go. His grip was too tight. He was in fact, Rizanto the gripper.

"You're not going anywhere...."

"That's not my purse! I don't know you!!!!"

"Huh- YAOOWWWWW!!!!!"

Taisoh had used all of his power to kick Rizanto in the crotch and send him to the ground writhing in agony. He then simply ran away, rushing back to the school in order to fulfill his mission. Except, in a different way. With another leap, he closed the distance and crouched down to see Ichigo and Hotato. There was a small platoon of soldiers ready to evacuate them, though they had watched enough Garten of Ban Ban play throughs to know that avoiding Jumbo Josh was a good way to defeat him. So, they ran as Taisoh took hold of the two and put them in a clear jar that he had seemingly got out of nowhere. And with that, the kaiju ran off with them, attempting to find the nearest toilet factory.

Within the strange jar, Ichigo gripped onto his wound as he looked at Hotato. It seemed that during Rizanto's small engagement with the creature, he had informed him of the origin of their beef.

"I guess space is pretty tough, huh?"

Hotato nodded.

"I didn't even think aliens could connect to online forums, alright! It was fun....trolling him in a Roblox battlegrounds game. All of it's better than focusing on the madness that we live in today."

"Please, hiding yourself away from problems doesn't do anything."

"Oh yeah, you'd know a lot about-"

"I know enough that using it for destruction isn't okay! Look at the chaos and carnage you caused! Is that what your dad would want?!"

"I-I guess not..."

"What even happened to him? This is....fatherless behavior to say the least."

Leaning against the jar, Hotato sighed and looked up.

"He's fine....A little banged up from his battle with that Death-whatever thing he got attacked by in the UK. He got home, got the call about my bruh moment, and this little monster got sent to Japan."

He smirked.

"The place where all the monsters go for some reason...."

"Hiding your pain behind irony and self awareness isn't endearing, just be honest."

"I-I know....but it's still funny."

"Is it?"

"Come on, it kind of is..."

"Well, when people like Yamato lose their dog, you could say so."


The two began to laugh. Their shared bond over online arguments and other internet things calming them down from the certain doom that would befall all commodes globally. Taisoh in fact interrupted them, squinting his large eye down on them.

"I wouldn't laugh if I were you. I'm right here in the Hakaikano City toilet factory! And I'm gonna mess it up!"

The two looked through the glass to see that he was in fact right. Scared workers were attempting to run away, but company policy required that they couldn't. So, they just ended up running around in endless circles or hiding inside toilets. But, a testament to what would be the future destruction of all toilet-kind was none other than a hidden toilet. The factory was surprisingly massive and the smoke in sent into the air nearly made Taisoh pass out. However, a comically large building labeled "Monster portapotty" that seemed disheveled to a degree indicated that would be his first stop. Despite the screams and pleas of Hotato and Ichigo, the beast swung the door wide open and set the jar down. He was going to enjoy destroying the sickening toilet once and for all. He knelt down and readied his hands as the workers who labored years and years on building a toilet for monsters screamed in horror. Horror in all their work literally going down the drain. That was when....

"Dop....dop...yes yes...."

Taisoh looked around, confused as to what was going on.

"Who? Who's saying that?!"

"I AM!!!" shouted Rizanto as he sprouted head-first from the toilet and tackled the monster to the ground. Everyone cheered as the Ultra lay into his kaiju peer, delivering numerous blows to his chest and face before lifting him up by the neck and tossing him to the side. He was going to run towards the creature to follow up with a kick, but the titanic Jumbo Josh fan had other plans in mind.

"You may win, but I know something you don't!!!"

Rizanto stopped in his tracks, abruptly skidding like a car who had just had the brakes put on.


"Google your name on my phone!" shouted Taisoh as he handed his large phone to Rizanto. The Ultra tilted his head but complied, turning safesearch off when prompted to.

"Alright....now let's see h- OH MY GOODNESS!!!!"

He dropped the phone abruptly as all the information rushed into his head. With that, Taisoh sprang up and rocked him with a punch. With every strike, he seemed to recall something more and more terrifying. They came one after another like it was an orchestra of madness. There was the image of him in a maid outfit, then there was a version of him with more animal-like features, looking like a dog who was pressed up against a Bugatti and looking up at the rain. In some of these Rizanto was an attractive anime girl, in others he was being pressed up against a school locker by Mebius or Lightning depending on what side of the war you were on and for some reason their musculature had been toned down, they were blushing, and their mouths moved for some reason.

"What the-"

Taisoh picked up Rizanto from behind and dropped him to the floor before hitting him with a haymaker. This made him recall one of the weirder ones.

"Why am I built like a Ballonga in that one?!!!"

Attempting to strangle Rizanto, Taisoh said "Haven't you heard of inflation my friend?"

"What does the economy have to do with this?!!!" shouted the young warrior back as he sent the brainrotten beast flying back with a kick to the gut. Getting up and dusting himself off, he crouched to the ground. He was still reeling from the effects of his searches.

"Leave me alone! AGGHHH!!!!"

"How does it feel Ultraman? To know you have W Ohio Rizz!!!"

Rizanto's fists briefly glowed with a fiery aura, him pointing at the alien monster.

"OH SHUT UP ALREADY! I'm gonna scare you straight!!!!"

"Mitten Armor: Install!!!!!!”

"Oooooh Kay: Ultraman Beast!"

Swinging his arms down, Rizanto assumed the Beast armor in a flash of light and prominent red energy. To Taisoh, it seemed that Rizanto had been done phasing out. He had locked in.

"H-Hold on now...." spluttered the kaiju. "It's not that serious!"

"It's going to be. It will now that you've crossed the line!"

Taisoh held out a hand.

"STOOOP RIGHT NOW! I low diff you!"

Rizanto continued walking forward as the monster from space continued yapping.

"My AP is higher! My DC is wayyy above yours! Have I even mentioned how dubious your cosmology is?!!!"

"Nah, you're cooked, Taisoh."

"Oh good heavens.....I am."

Rizanto leaped in front of Taisoh and slapped him in the face. The monster dropped to the ground as the Ultra then continued to spin him around, tossing him like he was a chef and the kaiju was nothing more than a pancake. The two extremities sticking out of the Ultra's back wove an energy bundle that wound up the space kaiju once and for all. And when all was said and done, Taisoh was now being held merely in the warrior's left arm while the right had now transformed into the head of Antlar.


"Any last words for Earth, Taisoh?"

The monster from space sighed.

"Maybe I'll....catch up on Skibidi Toilet when I get home."

Without another word, Rizanto flung the Jumbo Josh fan the hardest he could, already springing him into the atmosphere. Formerly known as Taisoh, he had already broken mach speed by the time he had reached that milestone. Just before he was out of reach, the Ultra used all his strength to power leap into the air and aimed Antlar's head at his target, using the magnetic powers to unleash a powerful wave of colorful magnetism that was sure to send Taisoh back to his home. And so, he was slung off into the reaches of space as the powerful wave of magnetism subsided. There was a twinkle in the sky which indicated that he had probably made it. So, Rizanto flew back down and reverted to his normal state, busting open the jar and setting both student and LEGACY member onto the school grounds. He knelt down and nodded towards Ichigo, who proceeded to give him a thumbs up. Though, he didn't leave without covering him in a soft ray of energy, healing the scientist.

And with that, Rizanto took off into the sky, the two waving him goodbye. Even with the fight over, things were still needed to be done. The school would have to be mended. And while on the bright side, that meant students would get an extended break, those directly involved were going to be punished. Boutaro was able to walk over and see that said punishment was already being enacted. For criminal negligence, embezzlement, armed assault charges, and suspicion of terroristic actions, Mr. Yamato was hauled away into a police car. And following him behind was Reiner, charge with many other things that I can't even list in an episode like this. Yamato complained and moaned about his vacation, but Reiner cheered him up. Thailand and prison both had his type anyway. He was taken care of and there'd be plenty of fish in the sea.

Hobbling over, Boutaro saw Hotato being put in hand cuffs and taken away as well, Ichigo looking on in the afternoon glow. Though instead of a look of sadness, he seemed happy. He waved at the scientist who waved back and the two stood side by side as he was put into the police car. The police Captain from the Pigmon incident had already thanked the both of them and then rallied the rest of the officers away. They'd have their work cut out for them by morning.

"You seem happy."

Ichigo nodded.

"Hotato is gonna turn his life around. He told me he was gonna do more than just some online trolling."

"Oh? Like you are?"

Ichigo chuckled, retorting "At least new inventions come of it. It's good inspiration."

"I guess you're right....but, did we do something wrong?"

The two men could see Hotato look back from the police car as it drove off. Him smiling at them before promptly turning around, accepting his punishment.

"This'll keep happening. Team LEGACY doesn't fight monsters, we help people. And....fighting monsters just happens to be how we help people the most."

"So, does that change?"

"Not exactly. Everyone's probably run ragged. Deathfacer, Lecuum- even in space it makes people dive into the weirdest of things just to escape that pain. And, I can't quite blame them."

Shaking his head, Boutaro concurred.

"Neither can I man, neither can I. But....out of curiosity, say you were in High School again. Which side would you pick?"

Pausing for a moment, Ichigo stroked his chin, taking a moment to see what he would choose.

"Neither I'd think. I'd rather start out in the middle with a group of my own."

"Huh? What kind of group?"

Before he could get a proper answer, they both heard some dry shouting. Turning around, they saw Kiriko dragging Soreo and Mendou by their shirts. The former held a controller in his hand and a copy of Sparking Zero whilst the latter had all the cords, cable, and even the PS5 itself in his possession. It seemed that it had taken them a long time to get there, and they were all quite tired. Boutaro ran up to them with an excited look on his face.

"You guys!" he shouted. "You brought Sparking Zero with you?!"

Soreo gave a thumbs up.

"I-It...counts as evidence we can confiscate. W-We don't know if Yamato is an alien or not, right?"

Boutaro laughed.


Mendou grumbled.

"Ohhh, did you get that alien punk?"

"Ah" assured Soreo weakly. "I'm sure Rizanto sent him to Ten buck two by now...M-Mendou, with a throw like that...."

Looking up at Kiriko, Boutaro asked "Are they still dehydrated?"

She shook her head.

"No, we had to run around like headless chickens while that thing rampaged. Even with the water, t-they exhausted their strength playing that stupid game...."

"They look a little heavy-"

"They are a little heavy! Help me take em to the car! You help me-"

"Yeah yeah" shrugged off Boutaro as he boosted up Mendou. "I remember...."

Smiling at the interaction, Ichigo couldn't help but answer Boutaro's question to himself.

"Digital Circus...."

"AND DON'T LOOK SOOO ENTRANCED ICHIGO!" called out Kiriko. "You're helping Boutaro carry Mendou's carcass into the car too!!! I'm probably gonna drive!"

"A-Ah, alright...." responded Ichigo, a bit meekly. "I'll drive though, alright?"

"Alright....thank you...." she yawned. "I need to catch up on some sleep too...."

Soon they made it to Mendou's cousin's car, which had surprisingly enough survived Taisoh's rampage unharmed. Soreo and Mendou were slid into the backseat as they eagerly clutched onto the goodies, Kiriko being wedged in the middle, though not caring enough to comment. She simply drifted off to sleep as Boutaro sat in shotgun and Ichigo drove off. It reminded the scientist of all his last days of school. They'd start to wind down. Usually after some well awaited events, some nice goodbyes, a few final jokes, and then everyone went their separate ways. With the sun setting behind them, he was really taken back. And Boutaro thinking that the moon was following him wasn't helping in quelling his nostalgia either. He used to do that all the time. But, he really did wonder what would come next. How their adventures, how the world would play out now with new funding, new enemies, and seemingly no shortage in sight for either. He also did have to wonder, would Taisoh turn things around too?

With nothing but those thoughts in mind, they drove off to base. And with the night sky soon settling upon Earth, one would have to wonder. What was happening on Taisoh's end? Well, in his kaiju sized room, you would be certain to find an answer. Taisoh held his head down, hoping that his father Taisoh Sr. wouldn't find out about his troubles. For all he knew, his son was just going on a trip to the other planet to get some milk for his Orochi battle project. Nothing too crazy for someone of his age, heck, he was practically an adult. So, sitting in the kaiju sized living room on a large recliner with the newspaper in hand while smoking on a pipe that blew out bubbles, he was troubled to receive a phone call from his kaiju sized landline telephone.

"Hello? This is Taisoh speaking."

"Ahh yes....I am Ultraman Neos."

"Ultraman...? What business does an Ultraman have with me?"

"Well erm...."

After a short explanation, Taisoh Jr. heard a loud "WHAT?!!!!! TAISOH, GET YOUR BUMPY BUTT DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!!!!" While he hurried down the kaiju sized stairs, he also heard "AND GIVE ME THAT DARN PC, AND YOUR PHONE WHILE I'M AT IT!!!!!"

And so when the PC was set up in the living room and the phone was placed on a charger, Taisoh Sr. sat down in front of Taisoh Jr's computer to see what his search history was. Scolding him all the while. The younger Taisoh could do nothing but hold his head down in shame as he silently hoped his father would quit before he saw something that he'd regret.

"Where do you get off going to Earth of all places to rampage?!!! You're nowhere near the level to be rampaging like that when you haven't even passed your Orochi final at monster school!!! When I was a small lad, I battled against Ultraman Leo! And that was faaaar from pleasant!!!!"

"Y-Yes yes dad, I understand....but can you not-"

"Oh I will! I wanna laugh too, what's so skibidi about this ohio sigma rizz, eh son?"

"Dad....you make me wanna-"


Holding his head down again, Taisoh Jr. remained silent until....something had shocked his father to his very core. The silence was at first good. Maybe he had calmed down. However, instead, he was mortified. His father was staring at art of Rizanto, who had rather large proportions. To make matters worse, there was all sorts of green gas around him that only the most disturbing of the disturbed could decipher where it came from.


"H-Hold on Dad, I can explain!"

"S-Son....w-what is-"

Awkwardly laughing, Taisoh simply replied "Ehhh, it's just ironic you know? New age internet humor, no biggie!"

"S-Son....this is saved in the 'sauce' folder.....what in TARNATION IS SAUCE?!!!!"

"Uhhh....spicy memes?"

Switching to a different photo, it was now Ultraman Leo holding what looked to be Taisoh's mom like she was his wife. Other Ultras were there too, but there actions are again, too inappropriate for this kind of programming. Taisoh Sr slowly turning around with his eyes slowly burning with a silent rage.

"Oh erm....The art's just too good Dad, come on. It's just a drawing, no-"

"Just a drawing, eh?" chuckled his father. "Yeah. It is just a drawing."

Silently, he stood up and turned off the computer. Despite Taisoh Jr calling for him. He just silently grabbed some chalk, drew it on what looked to be a rough stone slab. He then walked outside to where there was a convenient cosmic storm. The terrifying cosmic rays struck down on the slab and after casually throwing the rock away, Taisoh Sr revealed a massive belt that seemed to be based off of Eleking, Maga-Orochi, and Black King hide with the spikes included. Gulping, Taisoh Jr ran away as his father caught up and whipped at him while shouting.


"AHHH! I see what you mean!!!!! I see the vision, Dad!!!!"


And so, Taisoh and Hotato learned their lessons as night persisted and our heroes went to sleep. Ready to fight another day. Ready to protect another day. Though one would hope, brainrot would be thrown to the wayside. And this would be their final battle with the dated, yet persistence pestilence that it was in this adventure. Well, one can only hope after all.

Next Time[]

Hell is overrun with Demaaga for the season as a dark monster crashes from space! The depths of Earth and the farthest reaches of the cosmos spark a love that LEGACY must put a stop to. As two monsters travel across Japan, our heroes will have to do everything they can with their new funding to play heartbreaker! Will Darking be able to rizz up Demonicon? What will their children look like? Why is Rizanto's Armor turning against him?!! Find out next time on Ultraman Rizanto Episode 11 Star Crossed Demons.

Rizanto Episode 10 No Yamato for Young NPCs (2025)
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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.