International Health Insurance vs Travel Insurance | Allianz Care (2025)

International health insurance is designed for those living or working overseas for a prolonged period of time. It covers treatment for both emergency and routine healthcare, and provides expats with flexibility in terms of choice of doctor and treatment facility, with the ability to receive treatment anywhere within their region of cover.

If you are relocating or if you have a home abroad where you spend a significant amount of time, international health insurancemay be required.

When experiencing a medical emergency, or even routine medical care, in a country where you are not familiar with the health system, and where you do not speak the language, international health insurance cover will ensure you get the medical attention you need.

International health insurance benefits vary byplan, but often include:

  • Hospital stay
  • Routine check-ups
  • Cover for pre-existing conditions
  • Cover for chronic conditions
  • Choice of medical providers

Our standard plans are modular so you can choose the combination of cover that best suits you and your families needs. In addition to the Core plan, options include:

The flexible nature of these plans allow you tailor them to your specific needs, making the right combination of cover for you and your family more financially accessible. Core plan and out-patient plan deductibles offer an opportunity to reduce premiums, as can careful consideration of the region of cover. For example, taking ‘Worldwide excluding USA’ instead of ‘Worldwide’ will alter premium significantly.

As an expat, it can be tempting to try to keep costs down by opting to rely on local healthcare when you are abroad. However, should you fall ill, you may find that the local healthcare options do not meet your needs.

Depending on where you are moving and your individual circumstances, you may not be entitled to free or subsidised healthcare. Without an expatriate health plan, you may incur expensive medical costs.

Before venturing to another country on expat assignment, it is important to weigh your options and ensure that you have ahealth insurance plan you can rely on. Having the correct cover in place, will provide peace of mind as you settle into your new home.

Take a look at our 'differences between international health insurance and travel insurance' plain talking guide.

International Health Insurance vs Travel Insurance | Allianz Care (2025)


International Health Insurance vs Travel Insurance | Allianz Care? ›

International health insurance is designed to provide a comprehensive level of health care to those relocating from their home country for a sustained period of time, whereas travel insurance provides cover for emergency treatment while you are in another country for a shorter space of time.

Can you use travel insurance instead of health insurance? ›

Travel medical insurance is different from your health insurance because travel medical insurance is a supplemental policy that helps protect you while you're traveling. It's only valid for the length of your trip and is meant to supplement your health insurance when you're out of network.

Does my health insurance cover me when I travel internationally? ›

U.S. health insurance plans typically do not cover regular and routine medical care required overseas. This means your health insurance won't pay for care if you need to visit a doctor for a prescription medicine, or if you need treatment for a condition that is not considered an emergency.

Is 100000 medical travel insurance enough? ›

Every plan is different, but the coverage amounts and benefits may vary. Determine how much you really need. For example, SquareMouth recommends international travelers get around $50,000 in Emergency Medical coverage and $100,000 for cruises or travel to remote areas.

What are two disadvantages travel insurance? ›

It can also be expensive, difficult to file claims, and not always cover the things you thought it would — or should.

Is international health insurance the same as travel insurance? ›

International health insurance is designed to provide a comprehensive level of health care to those relocating from their home country for a sustained period of time, whereas travel insurance provides cover for emergency treatment while you are in another country for a shorter space of time.

What travel insurance will not cover? ›

Travelling against medical advice or to get medical treatment. If your doctor says it's not safe for you to travel, then you won't be covered. Similarly, if you go abroad to get planned treatment, sometimes called 'medical tourism', a standard policy will not cover this – you'll need specialist insurance instead.

What is the best medical insurance for international travel? ›

Based on our comprehensive review, the companies offering the best travel medical insurance are Faye, IMG, Travelex, AIG Travel Guard and Allianz. Travel medical insurance is a specialized type of coverage that helps pay for medical bills and emergency evacuations if you're hurt or become sick while traveling.

What happens if you have a medical emergency in a foreign country? ›

Health Care Resources for Travelers

The nearest US embassy or consulate can help travelers locate medical services and notify your friends, family, or employer of an emergency. They are available for emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, overseas and in Washington, DC (888-407-4747 or 202-501-4444).

How much does international health insurance cost? ›

How much does international health insurance cost? The annual cost of an international medical insurance plan will range from as low as $500, with limited benefits, to as much as $8,000 for a comprehensive global medical insurance policy, including coverage in the USA. The average cost is $5,500 per year.

Is $250,000 enough for medical travel insurance? ›

If traveling to a remote location or going on a cruise, Squaremouth recommends $250,000 in coverage. You can buy medical evacuation insurance coverage for up to $1 million, depending on the travel insurance plan you buy.

How much international travel medical insurance do I need? ›

How much travel medical insurance do you need? Squaremouth, a travel insurance comparison site, recommends buying at least $50,000 in emergency medical coverage for international travel. For travelers going on a cruise or to a remote destination, the site recommends at least $100,000 in coverage.

Is Allianz travel insurance good? ›

We at the MarketWatch Guides team awarded Allianz Travel Insurance 4.1 out of 5 stars based on our provider review methodology. Named our pick for concierge services, Allianz offers 24/7 travel assistance through a multilingual team, which can help policyholders with travel and coverage issues while abroad.

Does travel insurance replace health insurance? ›

Travel insurance isn't the same thing as health insurance.

Travel insurance with emergency medical benefits offers just that — benefits for losses due to covered medical and dental emergencies. It doesn't cover preventive, routine or elective medical care.

Is it worth getting travel health insurance? ›

Travel insurance can pay for trip delays, lost personal items and medical emergencies. Plus, it might even reimburse prepaid expenses if you have to cancel altogether.

What is often not covered in travel insurance? ›

According to Allianz Global Assistance, a travel insurance provider, "Trip cancellations and trip interruptions due to known, foreseeable, or expected events, epidemics, or fear of travel are generally not covered."

Does travelers insurance count as health insurance? ›

Travel insurance isn't the same thing as health insurance.

It doesn't cover preventive, routine or elective medical care.

How to use travel insurance for medical? ›

How to file a medical travel insurance claim. If you need to file a claim because you experience an illness or injury on your trip, call the plan provider before receiving treatment or a medical evacuation. If you're unable to contact your insurer immediately, be sure to call as soon as possible.

Do I need health insurance when traveling to Europe? ›

Most people need travel health insurance at a bare minimum when traveling to European destinations like France, Italy or Switzerland, as well as additional countries inside and outside of the Schengen area.

Is travel insurance really worth it? ›

Travel insurance can be useful, but it's not always necessary. The key to knowing if you need travel insurance is figuring out your specific risks for any given vacation, then deciding if you can buy coverage that adequately protects you from any financial losses and pitfalls that might occur.

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