Related Papers
Lectura şi scările : Culegere de articole : [în vol.]
2021 •
Vlad Ghimpu
Culegerea de articole reprezintă materialele celei de-a 2-a ediții a Conferinței Internaționale "Lectura ca bază pentru cultură, cunoaștere și dezvoltare", organizată de Biblioteca Națională a Republicii Moldova în septembrie 2020. Temele abordate de către autori sunt de ordin teoretic cât și practic. Volumul al II lea reprezintă diferite abordări ale fenomenului lecturii.
Ion Pop, <i>Cărţi La Alegere. Poeţi Şi Poezie</i>, Editura Tracus Arte, Bucureşti, 2020
2020 •
Iulian Boldea
Despre clopotele şi clopotarii din Ţara Moldovei (până la 1859) / About bells and bellmakers in Moldavia (before 1859)
2015 •
Elena Chiaburu
Bells used in Christian churches are documentary sources due to the inscriptions, decorations and coats of arms available on them. Depending on the language in which the inscriptions were made, old bells had different names. The bells used to be donated to the churches by private persons, by the right of the founder, or by communities; the oldest bells of the medieval Moldavian state date back to the reign of Stephen the Great. The alloy used for bell casting contained copper, brass and a minor amount of silver or other elements. Bellfounders were itinerant, traveling from church to church to cast bells, the furnaces were built on sites, and the casting of large bells was carried out only during the warmer months. The most lasting operation was building the furnace and constructing the mold, and the most dangerous process was pouring the melt metal in a mold. This was followed by controlled cooling the bell, removing the mold material after the metal has solidifi ed, and finishing t...
Activitatea tipografică la Chișinău în perioada veche a cărții românești
2020 •
Igor Cereteu
The article highlights the printing activity in Chisinau in the old period and the circ*mstances in which the synodal exarchate was abolished. The idea of creating a new religious administrative unit and framing the annexed territory in a new diocese is analyzed. Important contributions regarding the history of printing in Chisinau are reflected
Letras De Hoje
Metalinguagem na poesia de Oswald de Andrade
2014 •
Proceedings of the International Conference on Onomastics ”Name and Naming”.
A mirror of ethnic and anthroponymic diversity of a Transylvanian town: Condica Haţegului [Book of Haţeg] (1725–1847)
In this study, the author aims to develop the analysis begun on the occasion of ICONN 4. The present article is focused on anthroponyms whose origin is different from Romanian, in view of illustrating the multiculturalism of Haţeg. Therefore, a sequential depiction of old Romanian anthroponymy is proposed, to complete the descriptions made over the years for other parts of the Romanian lands. The multiethnic anthroponymic picture remains evocative of one of the most dynamic towns of the olden days, situated at a crossroads. The interpretation of anthroponyms in Haţeg is carried out from various perspectives, but the predominant approach pertains to onomastics. This can be accounted for through the content or the particularities of the Haţeg registry book, which contains a significant number of personal names (first and last names). Due to the publication of the documents outside Romania, in Latin, Hungarian or German, the description of certain anthroponyms is difficult to achieve
Revista de istorie și teorie literară
O carte manuscrisă pierdută. Geografia lumii copiată de Sava Popovici din Rășinari (1785) (Revista de istorie şi teorie literară, Bucureşti, XVII, nr. 1-4, 2023, pp. 369-375) [= Indo-historico-geographica 1. Addendum 2]
2023 •
Liviu Bordas
A lost manuscript book. The world geography copied by Sava Popovici from Rășinari (1785): The paper discusses a manuscript book – known in a copy made by the priest Sava Popovici (1735-1808) from Rășinari in the year 1785 –, which was described in 1912 and 1915. Its trace was completely lost afterwards and it attracted attention only once, in a marginal way. Our research has led to the identification of the original – a Russian introductory book for the students of the Saint Petersburg academic gymnasium – and to a plausible proposal for its anonymous author: the Prussian astronomer Christian Nicolaus von Winsheim (1694-1751), who was teaching after the famous schoolbook of Johann Hübner. We are also proposing the most probable author of the translation: the schoolmaster Radu Duma (174?-1791) from Brașov. Its final sections discuss the image of India as described in its chapter on Asia and, respectively, its probable use as a textbook in a number of schools from the South-Eastern part of Transylvania: Brașov, Rășinari, and Sibiu.
Revista Română de Sociologie
The Aromanians in Contemporary Romania
2011 •
Emil Tircomnicu
Cercetări Arheologice
Săpături de salvare la hanul Constantin Vodă (1996)
2012 •
Ernest Oberlander-Tarnoveanu
Studii si Cercetari de Istoria Artei : Teatru, Muzică, Cinematografie
Recenzii [Book reviews]
2012 •
Gabriela Rusu-Pasarin