Heckler&Koch P2000 : Manual (2024)

ManualsBrandsSports and recreationP2000


Heckler&Koch P2000 : Manual (11)



Covers HK P2000, P2000SK, P30, P30L, P30S,

P30LS series pistols (all calibers and variants)

Summary of content (23 pages)

Heckler&Koch P2000 : Manual (2024)


What is the trigger pull on the HK P2000? ›

The trigger pull is 32.5 N (7.3 lbf) (±2.5 N). V3: SA/DA trigger with a deco*cking lever mounted at the posterior of the slide to the left of the spurred hammer. Single-action trigger pull of 20 N (4.5 lbf) (+4/-2 N), double-action trigger pull – 51 N (11.5 lbf) (±5 N).

Does the HK P2000 have a deco*cker? ›

Deco*cking Button - Double action/single action variants of the P2000 Series use a ser- rated deco*cking button (lever) located on the rear, left side of the frame to unco*cked a co*cked pistol. Depressing the deco*cking button (usually using the thumb) safely drops the co*cked hammer rendering the pistol safe and unco*cked.

What size mag is a P2000? ›

+ Other Specifications
CaliberMagazine capacitySights
9 mm x 1910 /13 Rounds - 9mm10 /13 Rounds - 9mm3-dot3-dot
.40 S & W10/12 Rounds10/12 Rounds3-dot3-dot

What caliber is a P2000? ›

+ Other Specifications
CaliberMagazine CapacitySights
9 mm x 1910 Rounds - 9 mm10 Rounds - 9 mm3-dot3-dot
.40 S & W9 Rounds - .40S&W9 Rounds - .40S&W3-dot3-dot

What is a good trigger pull for a handgun? ›

Typical Trigger Pulls
FirearmTrigger Pull Range
Single-action revolvers4 lb to 6 lb
Double-action revolvers10 lb to 15 lb
Semiautomatic pistols4 lb to 5 lb
2 more rows
Jul 11, 2023

What is the best trigger pull for a shotgun? ›

A light shotgun trigger that exhibits very little creep. Many stock shotgun triggers are heavier than the ideal trigger weight of 3½ to 3¾ pounds (break-actions with double triggers should have a 4-pound front trigger weight and 4½-pound rear trigger weight).

Is a safety or deco*cker better? ›

For plinking or casual target shooting, this isn't a big deal, but when under the stress of a defensive situation, remembering to take the safety off is critical. The models equipped with a deco*cking lever are, in most cases, the best choice for most shooters wanting a handgun for defensive purposes.

What is the point of a deco*cker? ›

A deco*cking lever lowers the hammer safely without letting it strike the primer of a round in the chamber. This puts the pistol in double-action mode which usually has a very substantial trigger pull, often 9–12 pounds of force, or more, just like a double-action revolver.

What does the deco*cking lever do? ›

On a double-action/single-action semi-automatic pistol, a deco*cking lever allows the co*cked hammer to be lowered safely until the sear engages a safety intercept notch that prevents the gun from firing. This does not require pressing the trigger and defeating the other mechanical safeties in the pistol.

Where is HK P2000 made? ›

The Heckler & Koch P2000 is a German semi-automatic pistol introduced late in 2001 and intended primarily for law enforcement, paramilitary, and commercial markets.

Will a p30 Mag fit in a P2000? ›

Law enforcement and military personnel can carry the P2000 with a standard magazine when concealment is important, then insert the full size p30 high capacity magazine with the XGRIP P2000 when maximum firepower and capacity become critical.

How much does a HK P2000 weigh? ›

Weight (with empty magazine): 765 g 27 oz.

How much damage does the P2000 do? ›

The P2000 is a highly effective pistol round weapon for two reasons: it costs $0, and it deals 100 damage with a headshot to a helmet-less opponent up to a generous range.

What is the difference between the P2000 and the Glock 18? ›

Compared to the Glock-18, the Terrorists' spawn pistol, the P2000 deals higher damage and is more accurate, but has a lower ammo capacity, higher recoil, and slower rate of fire, giving it a more long-range tapshooting playstyle instead of the Glock's rushing playstyle.

Is HK P2000 California legal? ›


What is the trigger pull on a HK vp9? ›

The average weight of the stock trigger pull is 5.2 lbf (23 N).

What is the standard trigger pull on a Glock? ›

The trigger pull on a Glock is about 5.5 lbs with the standard connector, 4.5 lbs with the “-” connector, and 8 lbs with the “+” connector. There is also the New York 1 and New York 2 trigger springs that when combined with a standard connector increases the trigger pull to 8 lbs and 12 lbs respectively.

What is the trigger pull on a Nagant pistol? ›

The Nagant M1895 has a heavy trigger pull (about 12 lbs for single and 20 lbs for double).

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